Chapter 160
"Practiced in the army! The properties of this anesthetic can last up to 1 minute on my body..."

Qi Ji wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Wow, this guy is so good?
She stared, and after a while said:

"But in front of the enemy, one minute is enough for you to die dozens of times! Today's action, in my opinion, is really a bit risky..."

"Without [-]-[-]% certainty, I won't take this risk... Among the people who brought us back, one of them was an insider. However, he had never entered this base before. After coming to Baiyan Town, I It's because I got this news temporarily, I knew they were on standby nearby, and I felt that the opportunity was rare, so I decided to take a gamble..."

It turned out to be the case.

"Later, was the inner servant who saved you?"


"Chao Wen said you were injured, did you have it?"

She looked at him with concern.


That is, the internal should be falsely reporting the military situation.

Shi Tan sighed.

"What time is it now?"

"Eleven o'clock at night!"

"I actually slept that long?"

"The anaesthetic they used was a bit high."

"Can you find it here, did you find something, or how would you know there is such a place here?"

"Yes, I got the hand tie, otherwise how would I know that this thing on your feet can be unlocked... Well, now, we are temporarily safe. This is Dr. Zhan Yuhu's private office. It's outside. People can't open this door at all. We can collect the evidence properly."

Qi Ji took out the hand from his arms and handed it over.
Shi Tan recognized it at a glance, it was really the book her father gave her back then.

Turning to the first page, the name on it, which I did not recognize before, because it was too scribbled, is now recognizable. It is the three characters "Zhan Yuhu".

It turned out that this manuscript was written by Zhan Yuhu, a well-known expert in genetics 20 years ago.

She glanced at it casually again, and it was filled with data, non-professionals, I am afraid no one can see it.

"Do you understand these data?"

"This is not what I learned, how can I understand?"

"What about the disk? Did it fall into their hands too?"

"Is it this one?"

Qi Ji took out the disk from his underwear pocket like a conjuring trick again, and pointed to Zhou Hua:
"Thanks to Zhou Hua, he found this disk... There is a computer here, and there should be corresponding interpretation software that can read it... Well, I'll look for it. You sit down and have a good rest."

"Well. You go to work, I can take care of myself!"

Shi Tan nodded.

"Wait a minute, put this equipment on for you first! When you are on the ground of the enemy, self-protection is the most important..."

He picked up the bulletproof vest and put it on her, buckled it, loaded the pistol and inserted the bullet into the leg cover...

After finishing, he smiled, and his little woman suddenly became heroic... so cool...

"Sit down!"

He helped her sit down:
"It will take a while to fully recover. After the drug is removed, the body may be very weak. But now is an extraordinary period, and that's the only way. Go back and take good care of your body, the drug will stimulate the body a lot."

Shi Tan nodded and looked up to see that Jon and Shaman were guarding the door. There was a display screen on which you could clearly see the situation outside the door. Chao Wen was angrily scolding her subordinates: "Only two people came in. , and beat us to the ground. How do you usually train? There are also elites! I think they are all scum..."

Following her line of sight, Qi Ji also saw this scene, and a faint color immediately appeared on the corner of his mouth:
"Few of the elites in District C are genuine. Those people are self-confident and unwilling to invest money in military industry. It's no wonder they can cultivate elites..."

In a country, the army is the foundation of the country. If you still want to cut corners and pay little attention to this matter, how can the army train decent soldiers?

Downfall is inevitable.

"I'm going to look for information!"

Qi Ji stroked her shoulder, lowered his head and kissed her cheek.

Shi Tan didn't expect that he would kiss her in public, so he couldn't help being stunned, and there was a sweet shyness in his eyes:

"Don't make trouble!"

Although Jon and Shaman didn't pay attention to the situation here, Zhou Hua saw it, but he just smiled and turned his head.

Qi Ji smiled lowly, a light flashed in his eyes, leaned over and kissed his hair again, whispered a word, and then turned around.

He stroked his hot face, Shi Tan leaned there, stroked the black leather hand with his fingers, and followed Qi Ji's gaze, chomping on the words he just said in his mind.

Qi Ji had already walked over to the medical instrument, facing the boxy screen. After searching for a while, he finally pressed a button, followed by a mechanical female voice:
"Sorry, you do not have access to the system. Please request access from the administrator."

Qi Ji pressed another key, and the mechanical female voice replied again:

"Sorry, your fingerprint was entered incorrectly. To enter the system, please insert the disk!"

He searched for a while, and finally found a disk slot. After the disk was inserted, the mechanical female voice replied:
"The disk has been inserted, welcome to use this system. What do you want to inquire about, please follow the prompts on the page to choose..."

Qi Ji clicked, and a lot of data jumped out. He checked it carefully...

After a long while, Qi Ji exclaimed with joy:

"With this information, the Chao family will not even think about winning re-election in this election..."

Zhou Hua turned his head and glanced at the door, the two men didn't pay attention to it at all, while Luo Shitan was closing his eyes and resting, he walked over and asked curiously:

"What kind of information?"

"'s nothing, you don't need to worry about's a military secret!"

Numbers and words kept jumping on the screen. Qi Ji took out an old-fashioned cable from his pocket, connected it to a USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer, intending to copy all the data on it.

Five minutes later, the shellfish was baked successfully, and he was about to unplug the data cable when something hit the back of his head: "Mr. Qi, if you want to save your life, you'd better copy your Give me the things... Otherwise, at this moment, I can make your head bloom."

An unexpected scene happened, Zhou Hua actually aimed a gun at him.

Qi Ji immediately froze there.

"Zhou Hua, don't fucking mess around..."

The guns in Jon and Shaman's hands were originally aimed at the outside. When they heard the words, they turned around and aimed at Zhou Hua, and their faces showed anger.

"I won't mess around, but you must not move around, bullets have no eyes, even if you can't hurt your boss, and damage the instruments in the research room, it's not good... As for you, Qi Ji, I advise you to be smart, hurry up Put things on the table! Then, raise your hands, turn around slowly, don't try to resist, seriously, I don't really want to punch a hole in your forehead... ah..."

Before the threat was over, the person behind him screamed and fell to the ground. The next moment, Qi Ji took the gun from his hand with a thunderous momentum.

Zhou Hua, who was still complacent a moment ago, fell into a pool of blood the next moment.

He looked out the door in disbelief.

"I didn't shoot the gun!"

(End of this chapter)

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