卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 161 Her man is unfathomable

Chapter 161 Her man is unfathomable

Jon glanced sideways, as if it were not unexpected that such a thing would happen.

"I didn't move!"

The shaman shrugged, looking innocent.

The next moment, he saw Shi Tan slowly walk into the line of sight, his eyes condensed, holding the Browning pistol in his hand, the gun was coming out of the muzzle, she fired that shot - he shouldn't have been there. Within the range of the bullet, the woman hit him through the rebound of the bullet.

"You... when did you find out..."

He didn't understand when he showed his flaws, and when he opened his mouth, it was full of shock.

Qi Ji patted the stolen gun on the table, sat down leisurely, and said lightly:
"It was on that paper that I first found out that you had a problem..."


Zhou Hua was stunned.

Qi Ji said:
"That paper wasn't written by you..."

This sentence is completely affirmative.

"How do you know this wasn't written by me?"

After Zhou Hua stayed for a while, he did not give up and asked.

Qi Ji was in a good mood, so he answered kindly:
"Although you have thoroughly grasped the article, and the oral defense is also very good. But there is a small detail in the layout of the article that you did not pay attention to. You can look back when you have a chance. The author of this paper has disclosed This is not what you wrote. However, I have always been cautious. After I found such a loophole, of course I will check your background. Although your background can be mixed with the real. Unfortunately, the more you can mix the fake with the real, the better Let people find the problem.

"Secondly, on the head of Goddess Zhu, you shouldn't be so anxious to spread the news that we have arrived. My wife only received a text message less than 10 minutes before, and 10 minutes later, the people here knew Here we are, there will be such a situation, there are only three possibilities.

"One, Qiu Fulai was their person, but after that, I thought about it again, Qiu Fulai had been with us from the very beginning, if he was tipping off, my father would not have sent the first message, he was When he was caught, Qiu Fulai wouldn't be shot.

"Second, Goddess Zhu is their person, but it's not actually because the soldiers did not treat Goddess Zhu kindly, and the old woman was timid and did not pretend to be.

"Three, you are their person... After having the previous doubts, such an association is an instinct.

"Of course, if you don't come, maybe I won't be so sure, but you came, and they met Jon and the others, and broke into this underground bunker together.

"It doesn't matter if it's a coincidence, you happened to help Jon find this disk...

"Finally, on my side, I managed to get my hands on it so smoothly... I also heard conversations that I shouldn't have heard...

"How can there be so many coincidences in this world?

"If they had to be added together, it would have to be an inevitable one: you were undercover—to lead us to open this sealed laboratory and read the data on the disk.

"In order to achieve this goal, you even used a bitter trick to help Jon get a knife... You want to use this to deceive our trust, just for the counterattack just now...

"Unfortunately, your plan has too many loopholes. It's almost the same as deceiving children. It's too insulting to my IQ..."

After such an analysis, Zhou Hua showed a wry smile: Qi Ji is really not easy to fool.I thought this plan would be seamless, but it turns out...

"Zhou Hua, let's talk about it, what benefits did the Chao family give you, and you want to help them like this?"

Shi Tan came to him and asked in a deep voice.

Blood flowed continuously from Zhou Hua's body. He looked at the lights on the top, and after a long time, he sighed helplessly:
"I'm not helping the Chao family, I'm just helping Dr. Chan. The results of the project back then were the brainchild of Dr. Chan, Dr. Zhan, and Dr. Chai, but after the incident, Zhan Yuhu put all the data from his The ones in the computer were stolen and hidden. Because of Zhan Yuhu's rebellious behavior, the results of Dr. Chan's meticulous research for more than ten years were all turned into ashes, and finally he was trapped in this sealed underground bunker. Stealing life... Dr. Chan is kind to me, I just want to help Dr. Chan fulfill his wish for many years..."

It turned out that this person was a chess piece arranged by Chan Feng.

"What is Zhan Yuhu's rebellion?"

Shi Tan grabbed these words and asked back, feeling that there should be an astonishing inside story.

"I don't know."

Zhou Hua shook his head.

"Then do you know what his so-called research results are?"

Qi Ji asked indifferently.

Zhou Hua was startled, and it seemed that he didn't know.

"It's funny, you don't even know the specific situation, so blindly helping him like this, your brain is flooded, isn't it?"

Shi Tan couldn't help but curse.

Zhou Hua blushed immediately, and after a long while he straightened his throat and retorted: "Yes, I don't know the specific situation, but I know that this is the most trans-generational achievement in human history and DNA genetics. It will make Zhu's medicine take on a position of unparalleled hegemony."


Qi Ji spit out two words in an extremely contemptuous tone.

"What happened to the lunatic? All researchers who can achieve success have the spirit of a lunatic... Qi Ji, you can't go out. There is only one exit here. Even if you come and steal other people's results, it's useless. Besides, don't forget, they still have hostages in their hands..."

Zhou Hua made a firm assertion.

Damn, what kind of major is Zhou Hua studying?Why are you so pushy?

"I don't need you to worry about whether we can get out or not, boy, you have eaten the guts of a bear and leopard. You dare to come to us to be an undercover... I fucking beat you all over looking for teeth..."

Jon stepped forward and punched him in the face, but stopped when he was only 0.1cm away from his flesh.

That gust of wind completely captured Zhou Huazhen.

"Flying Fish, Flying Fish, I am the Warrior Wolf and I am the Warrior Wolf. How is the hostage rescue operation going?"

Qi Ji ignored Zhou Hua on the ground, came to Shi Tan, suddenly thought of something, and used the communicator to contact Mike.

This time, the operation is divided into four groups.

He and Shi Tan were the first group, and the two of them ventured deeper, the main purpose was to determine the exact location of the base.

Jon and Shaman are the second lady, ready to meet him and Shi Tan at any time.

Mike and Jesse are the third group, responsible for rescuing the hostages.

Jamie and his wife are in charge of communications.

The fourth team is the Cheetah team in Area A. They are responsible for receiving the hostages and capturing the entire base to ensure that everyone gets all the stolen goods in the end.

Flying Fish is Mike's code name.

After a while, Mike came back with a reply:

"Wolf Warrior, I'm Feiyu, Qi Jian and Pu Zhen have already found him, Qi Fei has not found his whereabouts yet... He is searching with all his strength..."

"OK, as soon as you find out, report it immediately!"


At the end of the call, Qi Ji turned his attention to Shi Tan and handed over the USB flash drive in his hand:

"This thing is now under your custody... Keep it close to your body!"

"Why isn't it up to you?"

Shi Tan stared at the small USB flash drive and asked.

"Didn't you always want to bring the Chao family to justice? The information in it may not be able to bring them down right away, but it will definitely make their political career obscured. I think you must want to do it yourself..."

That's how he understood her.

At this moment, an indescribable emotion filled her heart. She didn't say any other polite words, she just reached out and took the USB flash drive into her hand, pinched it, and hid it in her underwear pocket.

At this moment, Jon suddenly pointed to the screen at the door and called out:
"Head, look, Qi Fei is outside the door..."

Qi Ji looked in that direction, and sure enough, he saw two of Chao Wen's subordinates, grabbing the little boy, the boy's eyes were full of fear, struggling, and being pulled and dragged to the front of the video... Chao Wen turned her head, walked up, pointed a gun at his forehead, and screamed fiercely:

"Qi Ji, get out of here, otherwise, I'll kill this kid immediately!"

Shi Tan also saw it, silent, now completely in a dilemma:

If you open it, everyone will die together; if you don't open it, you can only watch Park Fei die.
"There is still an exit from this research room. Let's leave now and go back to save Pu Fei... Don't worry, Chao Wen can't kill him... There is another character who hides behind his back and doesn't show his face..."

Not being threatened, Qi Ji turned around and walked into the office again, pressing the buttons back and forth, as if he were the master here.

A few seconds later, the closed wall opened a door on both sides, and the mechanical female voice sounded:
"Welcome to the clinical research room. Please go to the disinfection room for aseptic processing before entering..."

"Which character do you think hasn't shown his face?"

Following closely, Shi Tan glanced at the new unknown realm presented in front of him, and asked back what he said just now.

Qi Ji pulled the corners of his lips and stepped in. This is a sterile disinfection room with disinfection tools:

"Look back, we should be able to meet. Then you will know!"

Is he cheating?

Shi Tan thought for a while, then glanced at the room again, and asked again:
"Qi Ji, how do you know there is another exit here?"

"The hand tie says...you need to scan your eyeballs! Come here!"

Seeing that she was walking slowly, he simply turned back and held her, raised his chin, and gestured to the two strong men behind him: "Jon, shaman, take that kid."

"Rebels are dead! I prefer to feed him bullets."

The shaman gave him a vicious look in his eyes, and even aimed his gun at him, as if "as long as you give an order, I will blow him right away".

Zhou Hua's face suddenly became ugly.

"This is Dr. Zhan's place. I don't want him to get dirty here... take it, follow, right away..."

Qi Ji pulled Shi Tan and left, with a tone of respect for Zhanyu Lake.

(End of this chapter)

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