Chapter 162
The shaman had no choice but to carry the gun on his back, pick up the kid, and treat his wound first, while babbling:

"Okay okay, you are the boss, you have the final say..."

With a tone of resignation, Shi Tan, who was walking in front, almost laughed—

Interesting, this group of mercenaries who are not afraid of the sky and the earth, if they are placed outside, I am afraid that no one will sell their accounts, but they are obedient to this man alone, how much prestige does it take to bring them in their hands?

Dr. Zhan Yuhu's laboratory is very large. The outermost room is the reception room and the office. Adjacent to the office is a sterile room. The sterile room passes through. It is a real experiment in four rooms separated by glass into small rooms. room.

Walking all the way, Shi Tan saw that medical instruments were placed in each laboratory, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfection.

There are several glass containers in the last room, shaped like a uterus, full of liquids... Infusion tubes are connected to the vitreous body, and there are countless red lights on...

At the end of the passage, a square scanning area appeared again on the wall made of steel plates. Shi Tan went up and swept it. The door opened, but it was a fully functional lounge with beds, furniture and sofas. Hanging a photo of a beautiful woman with short hair and a handsome tall man...  

"Who are these two?"

Jon whistled and asked.

"Zhan Yuhu and Chai Peng..."

Qi Ji suddenly stood still, staring at the man on the wall with burning eyes.
"It turns out that they are husband and wife!"

She found that Qi Ji let go of herself and walked to the photo step by step, the eyes she couldn't read, and she didn't know what he was thinking.


He suddenly jumped on the bed and took the photo down.

"What are you doing?"

He took the picture out of the frame, rolled it into a roll, found a string to tie it up, and stuffed it into Jon's backpack.

The man was troubled by the strange behavior of their heads, and asked in a grunt.

"Take it out, I'm useful!"

Qi Ji did not explain anything.

Shi Tan didn't understand what his intention was, of course, now is not the time to discuss this.After looking around, she asked another very real question:
"This room is a dead end. Qi Ji, why did you bring us here?"

"Turn your hands to the last tenth page. It says that there is an exit here. However, I don't know if you can understand it. It is in Sanskrit."


Shi Tan hastily turned the hand tie out of his vest pocket to see that it was really Sanskrit.

"You actually know Sanskrit?"

She was surprised again.

"Learn a little bit!"

Qi Ji replied, pressing a button behind the bedside table, the bed automatically moved away to the other side, and a scanning board appeared under it again: "It's ready to scan!"

Shi Tan kneeled on the ground and asked, "Where does this passage lead to?"

"Cultivation room!"

"What the hell is that place?"

Jon also followed.

Qi Ji didn't say anything, and pressed the ankle bracelet in his hand into the key slot. The next moment, the [-]-meter square first bulged upwards, and then pulled it outwards. The thickness was a foot thick.After a while, a square groove appeared in front of them.

"All standing here. It will take us out of this closed lab."

Qi Ji pulled Shi Tan to his side, stood in the groove, and motioned the other three to come up.

"Please wait a moment, it is being arranged! Please grab the handrail that is about to rise before starting, it may be a little bumpy when sinking..."

A hint sounded from the mechanical female voice.

After a while, a solid iron pole with a height of more than two meters, a light that can be seen, and as thick as an arm, rose from the bottom, and the place really began to sink.

At first, it was dark all around, and after a while, the eyes suddenly opened up. One huge square lamp body turned back and forth in mid-air, illuminating everything below clearly: it was a large room full of machines. The water solution chamber is full of uterine-shaped glass containers. The most shocking thing is that some uterine containers seem to have some peristaltic foreign bodies floating in them.

"what is that?"

Jon's eyes widened. "Is it... a baby?"

"I rely on... these are all deformed children?"

The shaman was stunned, and then he sucked in a cold breath:
"Oh, Mygod, this place is raising deformed babies..."

Qi Ji took a look around, looked at Shi Tanshi who was horrified, and answered lightly:

"Wrong, they want to cultivate test-tube babies, but because of lack of technical support, they created these defective products. And these defective products, the final destination is to throw them into the furnace and burn them to ashes... This is the The most important reason why they are reluctant to kill you. Because all the technology is in Dr. Zhan Yuhu's computer. Chan Feng, who is still alive in this world, was only a supporting role in that incident. It is the couple Zhan Yuqing and Chai Peng who have really researched this technology."

When Shi Tan heard this, her whole body trembled inexplicably, because she saw a monster with four hands - that face, no eyes, no nose, only an extremely ugly mouth...

At this moment, she suddenly felt nauseous.

The "elevator" began to push forward steadily, suspending above the solution...until it came to a flat ground, and after they walked out, it automatically floated up and went back step by step.

The place where they stood just now was actually a chandelier.Its purpose is to maintain the temperature here.

This design is ingenious.

The shaman whistled again.

"Let's go! Meet Mike and the others first!"

Qi Ji said that when he saw Shi Tan was taking pictures with his mobile phone for evidence, when she was almost done, he took her out and went out.

Just after walking out the door, a low, hoarse, extremely old voice rang out on the empty corridor outside:
"I've always wondered how Zhanyuhu escaped from it. I've been studying the structure of the base, but I just can't figure it out, that stinky bitch, what kind of skills do you have? She escaped under her nose, and for this reason, we also killed several people unjustly. It turned out that we were really wrong, and the main reason for such a result was that her laboratory was really unique..."

A white-haired old man wearing a white long hexagram suddenly appeared in front of them, followed by two men with rifles.

This person is none other than the Chan Feng that Shi Tan had seen before.

Chen Feng's eyes swept past them, and halfway through, he paused on Zhou Hua, and sighed:
"Xiaohua is really too tender, it's hard to become your opponent! Fortunately, I put a tracker in his body. Otherwise, you will really be slipped away..."

Having said this, he stopped for a while, and then said:
"Qi Ji, you can't escape. I've locked all the nearby doors. I forgive you for not being able to fly... Why don't we sit down and have a good talk, mutual benefit, that is the most fundamental development channel..."

Qi Ji looked at him very calmly, with a mysterious smile on his lips:

"Chan Feng, if I don't do this, do you think I can see you so soon? I know that you are more eager to get information than the Chao family... I expected you to make a big deal about Zhou Hua... So, I Saying that I actually brought you here on purpose, I don't know if you believe it or not?"

Chan Feng frowned, turned his head to look at the subordinate on the left, the next moment, the one on the right easily detained him with a thunderous momentum, followed by a loud voice:

"How could you be able to hide from my boss with your little ability? Also, what's so hard to fly, go to hell, those doors have been unlocked by us long ago, if we didn't have the ability, would we dare to come in and walk through it? Chan Feng, you are really old, you are out..."

This man is Mike pretending to be,

While speaking, the gun was pointed at another of Chan Feng's men who was completely dumbfounded, and the gun in his hand was knocked down with a bang, and the danger was eliminated.

Oh, by the way, this gun is silenced.

Shi Tan wanted to sigh. Along the way, Qi Ji brought her too many surprises——

The more you know him, the more you admire him.

How could this man's scheming be so unfathomable!
It's no wonder that the Flame Alliance has built such a reputation outside these years. With such a head who is good at taking everything into account, of course it will prosper.

Qi Ji didn't show joy because he caught Chan Feng, he walked slowly to the man whose hair was gradually graying, looked at him coldly, and said to the men behind him, "Well, Aman, take your wife away first. Here, I now have to take this person to exchange Park Fei!"

"No, I have to go with you!"

Hearing that he wanted to leave her alone and act alone, Shi Tan immediately disagreed.

In the previous missions, she had always been the vanguard, and she never changed her face, but today, this man has been protecting her, treating her as a crystal doll.It made her not used to it.

Qi Ji turned his eyes, and his icy eyes became warm when they met her: "If you stay by my side, it will distract me. Be obedient and wait for me outside."

Such iron-blooded tenderness is definitely rare for the members of the Flame Alliance. In their eyes, their heads can be more ruthless, tougher, more ruthless, and more affectionate than anyone, such as To this woman in front of me...

Be good, this is the first time they heard such a tone of address.

The shaman shook his head, Jon sighed softly, and Mike pursed his lips: He turned into an ordinary man for a woman, this Luo Shitan is so powerful.

At the same time, they also know that using too much affection is sometimes not a good thing.

"Qi Ji, I'm a police officer!"

Shi Tan naturally did not ignore the warmth on the man's face. She knew that he was out of concern, but what she needed was not to be protected like this, but to fight side by side.

"Then I am the deputy chief executive of Area A and order you to leave here immediately. Obedience is your only choice!"

He suddenly lowered his face and changed to the appearance of an iron boss.

Shi Tan opened his mouth and turned his head sadly!

Damn, how could he be eaten so dead by him!

Shaman and Jon grinned, and it was interesting to see the little woman deflated.


Jon waved his hand and said, "Jamie, we're out..."

The shaman threw Zhou Hua away, and patted Mike on the shoulder: "I'll leave it to you, boss. We'll wait for you outside. Boss, be careful."

Qi Ji watched silently, and after they left, he turned to look at Chan Feng: "We need to have a good talk!"

While he took off the communicator in his ear and threw it to Mike, he stepped forward and grabbed Chan Feng's jacket and pulled it into a data monitoring room closest to the training room. Then he let out a low laugh:
"In such a hurry to drive Luo Shitan away, are you not willing to let others know that shocking secret about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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