Chapter 164

Five minutes later, Qi Ji came to Room 5. The door was tightly closed. On the opposite side of Room 415, there were two soldiers guarding the door. Chao Wen paced back and forth inside, her tone extremely shocking:
"How is this possible?

"We've invested so much money here... just blowing up with no results?

"You're crazy aren't you?
"No, I object, we must get those materials.

"Those are decades of research results. If we can get them, we can discard the dross and take the essence. The medical association of Zhu country will shine internationally...

"Wait for me... There is no food or drink in the research room. They will break through after a long time..."

Qi Ji listened to his heart: it seems that the boss of the Chao family can't hold back anymore, and he doesn't even want any information.I actually wanted to blow up this place directly.No, they have to get ahead of them and save people and evacuate...

He knocked on the half-closed door and asked:

"What happened?"

Chao Wen glanced at him, because she was arguing with the person on the other end of the phone, so she didn't have time to talk to him. In the end, she had an unhappy breakup. When she looked back at him, her face was somber and she slapped the table with anger:

"My brother ordered me to find someone to activate the self-destruct device on the ninth floor. After half an hour, a helicopter will come and let us evacuate quickly. At that time, he will directly launch missiles to move this place to the ground... But I Not reconciled, we have spent so much material and energy, is it just to lure them over and kill them like this?"

Qi Ji nodded in agreement: "It's really not worth it. We should fight again."

"But the problem is that we don't have time. It's 11:30 pm. After twelve o'clock, the straightening machine that picks us up will arrive and we have to leave. Chanfeng, what do you think we should do to get those values Liancheng's data?"

Chao Wen asked solemnly, placing great trust in Chan Feng.

Qi Ji thought about it seriously: "I have a way, what do you think?"

He leaned over, Chao Wen had a posture of wanting to listen, but when he approached, she backed away sharply, pulled out her gun, and shot it without hesitation.

"You're not Chan Feng at all! Say, who are you?"

Chao Wen snorted, this woman is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Fortunately, Qi Ji reacted to the inspiration and got out of the way.

But the loud gunshot shattered a porcelain bottle and alarmed everyone outside.

The fake identities were exposed, and a burst of gunfire broke out. Qi Ji and Mike immediately fell into the danger of being attacked from both sides...

This made Shi Tan, who had just run out of the bunker, so anxious that she stood still and called out a few times:
"Wolf Warrior, how is the situation?"

Nothing could be heard over there except gunshots and crackles.

Her heart was chaotic, she was about to go to Jamie's hiding place, when Jon and Shaman were not paying attention, she turned around and turned back...

When the shaman looked back and saw that she was gone, he could not help but curse in a low voice:
"Damn it! Women are trouble!"

After speaking, he turned around and glanced at Jon, who was talking to a member of the Cheetah team in Area A, and shouted:
"Well, the boss's woman ran back... You are on guard here, I'll bring people back... The others are ready to withdraw at any time!"

They also heard what Chao Wen said over there just now, it was definitely not a joke.

"it is good!"

Jon nods:

"Be careful!"

On the other side, Shi Tan went inside and identified the paths. She was familiar with the paths in front of her, because she had just walked through it, and when she came to the training room, she had no direction. The aisle here is a At the crossroads, in addition to the way to go, there are three passages. She was not sure which direction Qi Ji was going...

"Call the golden fox, which way should I go?"

Shi Tan had to ask Jamie for help.

Golden Fox is his code name.

At this moment, he is out at a makeshift communications base, working with his wife to operate the electronic tracking facility they brought.

Previously, through satellite thermal induction scanning, they not only had a clear structural understanding of the underground bunker, but also clearly saw where Qi Ji was now—all the surveillance equipment in the bunker had been taken over by him.It is said that this guy has superior skills in this area.

"Skylark, turn around and come back, this is what you should do!"

Jamie refused to speak.

"No one can do anything that Zhanlang can't do. You will only drag him down if you go!"

That tone was full of affirmation of Qi Ji's ability.

"Golden fox, he is not a god. No matter how talented he is, he is also in crisis. When he is in a desperate situation, I must go, whether he needs my help or not. He and I are husband and wife... Tell me his current specific location. …”

Shi Tan urged in a deep voice, but there was a death-like silence over the radio wave.

"Golden Fox, if something happened to Zhanlang because of this, do you think you can take the responsibility?"

"Okay okay...I'm afraid of you..."

"Show me the nearest way out!"

"OK, follow my instructions, you can turn left and walk into the passage closest to you...then go straight forward for 100 meters, then turn right, go down the stairs, turn right, there are a few soldiers guarding over there...iron horses , you follow up, cooperate with this woman to fuck them all..."

Jamie reluctantly found a rescue route.

"Understood, none of us want the boss to have an accident!"

Shaman responded.

When Shi Tan looked back, he happened to see him running out of the passageway where they came. He shook his head and gestured, saying:
"go together!"


The two turned left and entered the channel named 341. The light above their heads suddenly turned on and off. Seeing that the voltage was very unstable, the two looked at the light panel and thought of what Chao Wen had just said. If this underground bunker is bombed, they will definitely be buried underneath, so they must be found immediately and evacuated to the ground quickly.

They quickened their pace and ran down the stairs. After a while, they saw shadows walking in the corridor. There were four people in total.

Jamie reported their exact positions, and Shi Tan and Shaman went up together, one by two, and they attacked decisively and decisively.

"Very good, there are four more in the past... There is a fierce battle over there. Hey, someone suddenly jumped out and rescued the wolf... By the way, the wolf seems to be injured... The surveillance over there has been broken. , I can no longer see the specific situation, and then, you have to rely on your own adaptability..."

The two ran in the direction he instructed, and they dealt with four more people, and then they saw that the ground was full of corpses, all of them here, but Qi Ji and Mike were not seen.

"war Wolf……"

"flying fish……"

Shi Tan kept calling, but there was no sound coming from Qi Ji, but Mike said after a while:

"I'm Feiyu, I'm Feiyu, and the wolf warrior has been rescued by Qiu Fulai and another masked man... As for me, I was slightly injured and was with a member of the Cheetah team, but the crisis has not been resolved. , At present, there are Seahawks surrounding us, and there are at least eight people. We have run out of bullets. Request for support, request for support..."

Shi Tan didn't answer because he was stunned—

Qiu Fulai rescued Qi Ji?

This is how the same thing?

The shaman agreed: "Received! Golden Fox, find out the exact location of the flying fish for us right away!"

"Near 450."

"How many enemies are around?"

"About ten!"

"Roger that!"

"Skylark, go... go and save the flying fish first!"

Shi Tan returned to his senses and responded, "Okay!"

While listening to Jamie's instructions, the two rushed to the other side, and after a while, they entered the firefight area.

This was a melee, surrounded by the sharp sound of bullets breaking through the air, and the air was filled with a thick smell of gunpowder smoke, which was choking.

Shi Tan had no other thoughts. At this moment, the only thing she knew was: this is a desperate struggle for you to die or mine to die.

Her marksmanship is extremely precise. In the process of dodging the swept bullets, any bullet that can be aimed at time can kill the opponent with one shot... The bloody killing is inevitable, but this is Nothing can be done.

When she was a criminal police officer for the first time, Shi Tan killed the first person in her life during the roundup: for Fang Hua, she had to shoot that shot——

That day, when she watched the blood burst from other people's bodies, she was horrified.

Afterwards, she vomited and tried to wash her hands, feeling that her hands were covered with blood.

Seeing this, Fang Hua comforted her and said, "We kill to maintain justice, and they kill to commit crimes. You have to define these two concepts clearly. Since you have entered this industry, you have to adapt to such a rule. In the face of legal norms, We have to do our duty, we have to defend ourselves in the face of life and is inevitable..."

Shi Tan naturally understood this principle, but it was difficult to adapt for a while.

Later, after a lot of experience, she slowly adjusted her mentality.

She has experienced fierce battles like today's many times. Only by maintaining a calm judgment can she survive the difficult confrontation.

It's a pity that when the Nth shot was shot, a bullet was shot obliquely in a spark and got into her left shoulder. She grunted, gritted her teeth, and shot the man at the source of the bullet. Lose……

When the gunfire stopped, the shaman whistled to her:
"The marksmanship is good, and I lost seven at once. Hey, are you injured?"

When his eyes fell on her shoulders, the smile in his eyes subsided.

"I'm fine! No one can die! What about Feiyu and the others?"

"We are here!"

A closed room was opened from the inside, and someone seemed to be coming out of it.

The gunpowder smoke in the passage was too heavy, she couldn't see the man's face clearly, or it might be because she had used too much force just now, and her body was a little weak after stopping, so she had to lean there, breathing out secretly, and being able to walk out by herself was enough to prove that he didn't suffered fatal injuries.

"Is Park Fei not with you?"

Shi Tan asked.

"He was taken away by the boss!"

"Are you seriously injured?"

"Not a big deal.

"OK, since it's not serious, then replenish the ammunition on the spot, and then set off, you must find the wolf as soon as possible!"

She caressed the wound and grabbed the blood on her hands, but she was sure that this was not the result of a whole bullet digging into her body, it was just shrapnel, otherwise, her shoulder would have been useless...

And the tone of the speech has already brought a command color.

This made the shaman take a deep look. At this moment, he suddenly realized that this woman, like their boss, had the demeanor of a sub-leader in her bones-before, he really underestimated her...

"You need to stop the bleeding! Otherwise, the boss will definitely beat me up when he sees your bleeding appearance..."

(End of this chapter)

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