卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 165 Survival of life and death, surprise encounter with Yichun

Chapter 165 Survival of life and death, surprise encounter with Yichun

He took out a bottle of hemostatic medicine from his bulletproof vest and raised it:

"Do you do it yourself, or do I help you?"

The shaman blinked his big round eyes, and after asking, he thought of something, and immediately changed his words and said:
"Uh, to be honest, I think it's better for you to do it yourself... The boss is very possessive... Once, I didn't get his order, and I shot and killed a berserker who he wanted to kill himself. After returning For a week, he has been 'abusing' me in a targeted way... beat me to the bum... I think, when it comes to women, I'm afraid, he will be more possessive... maybe he It will directly explode my head... Your injured part is really a bit sensitive... Yes, very sensitive..."

Shi Tan's heart was originally very heavy, but because of this guy's words, he couldn't help laughing:

"Okay, give me the hemostatic... I'll make it myself!"

She put down the gun, took the hemostatic medicine thrown by the shaman, found a place that could not be seen by the monitor, tore off her clothes, sprinkled a piece of hemostatic medicine on the bloody wound, and then tore out a strip of cloth, It banged on, re-dressed, and threw the bottle back to him:


The shaman behind him whistled again:
"The speed at which you apply medicine is faster than the speed at which you kill the enemy!"

"Thanks for the compliment!"

"I'm serious!"

The shaman has a smile on his face, and his eyes are full of admiration. This woman is not squeamish, and her actions are crisp, neat, and decisive, which is really good...

The communicator in the ear also heard Jamie's low smile at this time:
"That's right, within 3 minutes, the record of 7-5 was created by the boss. Skylark, you opened our eyes..."

"Yes, it was a pleasure working with you!"

Here, the shaman responded.

"I'm not very happy!"

Shi Tan couldn't laugh, looked at the corpses all over the place and said:
"All the sergeants of Zhu country died. They all came from every ordinary civilian family, and were cultivated by their parents for more than ten years or even twenty years. However, because of some people's selfish desires, They became accomplices. Today, we hunted and killed them for self-protection. The more we killed, the heavier my heart became... This kind of killing could have been avoided... As a result..."

Everyone was silent because of this sentence.

In a battle between the two factions, there will always be casualties.The so-called one will succeed.Political struggle is so cruel.As chess pawns, in order to survive, it seems that they can only fight against each other.But what the final outcome will be, none of them can predict.

At this moment, they are fighting for justice. For these warriors in Area C, the belief in their hearts must be the same - the winner is the king and the loser is the loser. The so-called justice, in a sense, is determined by This sentence is decided.

Shi Tan quickly recovered from his sadness and forced himself to return to a fighting state:
"Golden fox, please provide us with the exact location of the wolf warrior right away..."

"Uh, it's a little troublesome!"

Jamie said: "I can't find their exact location for the time being. They went to the fifth underground floor before, but all the surveillance on the fifth floor has been vandalized...I can't see any images here... "

"Destroyed artificially?"

Shi Tan's eyes narrowed, feeling that something was wrong.

"That's right! Someone found out that we hijacked their surveillance footage."

"See who is sabotaging?"

"I can't see clearly! The man covered his face..."

"Only one person?"


"How many more lethal enemies can you determine now? How many people chased Qi Ji and the others just now?"

Shi Tan asked.

"At least six people!"

After Jamie replied, he hurriedly stopped:
"Wait a minute, the monitoring facilities are starting to be damaged in the eastern area of ​​the fourth floor. The latest situation from the Cheetah group just came. Shanying and the others were attacked when they retreated to the gathering place of the Cheetah group, and two special soldiers were killed in action. , the two were seriously injured.

"According to the survivors, a powerful commando suddenly appeared in the underground bunker. The guns and weapons held by the opponent were more elite than those of the Seahawk special group.

"Shanying thinks that it is likely to be another international mercenary.

"Attention all members, the danger of this operation has escalated: Chanfeng and the others have been rescued, and your enemies have increased to at least ten people. I will immediately send reinforcements here, but all members must arrive within 10 minutes. Internal evacuation...Because the monitoring facilities were damaged in many places, I can't read useful video information...In the next period of time, you can only deal with it by yourself...Everyone must be careful..."


Shi Tan looked at her watch, it was 37:[-], and before twelve o'clock, she had to find Qi Ji and get out of the bunker.

She breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the shaman, and then turned her head to look at the two strange members of the Cheetah team, while Mike was lowering his head to treat his injuries:
"Do you understand? You must evacuate within 10 minutes... Now, everyone check the time and act immediately... Flying Fish..."

She walked to Mike: "How did the wound handle..."

The last word "like" was not spit out because she was shocked by that face...

Although she was stained with blood, she still recognized it: half a year ago, she had seen this guy, and on that mission, she thought she would die. On the way, he ran into Pete.During the melee, the third brother took a knife for her... Before she fell into a coma, she had seen a man tear off the disguise on her face and supported the third brother... That man was Mike.

"We've met before!"

She changed her words immediately.

Mike grinned: "Yes, I've seen it!"

This is a man with a beard on his face.

"So, the third brother is also a member of your Flame Alliance?"

She suddenly had such an association.

Mike was startled: "What? You still don't know..."

"Flying fish, shut up!"

In the communicator, Jamie suddenly gave a deep drink.

Mike shuddered and closed his mouth immediately.

Shi Tan's heart trembled violently, and he turned his head to look at the shaman. This guy looked like "I didn't hear anything. I was checking the weapon." They seemed to be hiding something from her collectively.

"Stop talking, what should I know?"

She cried out in a deep voice, her eyes sharp.

"Skylark, you can ask the boss yourself about this matter later, you don't have much time to use, you must count every second, gather your scattered energy immediately, and act immediately.

Jamie quietly reminded online.

Only then did Shi Tan calm down, and without further questioning, he checked his equipment, and the shaman took the lead to go to the fifth floor.

After walking to the fifth floor, it was suddenly pitch black in front of my eyes, because the power supply was cut off.Yes, the other party is doing everything possible to prevent their search process... Fortunately, they all have night vision equipment.

Shi Tan suppressed his impetuous heart, shuttled in the dark, not sure how much probability he had of finding someone in such a search...

"Found a corpse! It's just been dead for a while!"

Suddenly, someone called out in front.

"who is it?"

Shi Tan stepped forward and asked.

"It's Qiu Fulai!"

Shaman replied.

It was indeed Qiu Fulai, who had been shot three times in the chest, was in a state of blood and blood, and had already died of anger... It seems that he is not the eyeliner of the Chao family... So what is his origin?

No, no, the key now is, where did Qi Ji go?

"There are words here!"

Shi Tan caught two words with his flashlight, which were written by Qiu Fulin in blood before he died:

"Xiao Mu!"

Xiao Mu?

Did Xiao Mu kill him?

But how did Xiao Mu know about this place?

Could it be that the mysterious man who destroyed all the monitors was Xiao Mu?
Or was it Xiao Mu who rescued Qi Ji and Pu Fei?

It's chaotic!
Her brain is completely messed up!
It was also at this time that the power supply of the whole area was connected again, and the voice of a cold man rang clearly in every corner of this underground bunker:
"Luo Shitan, do you want Qi Ji to live?

"At this moment, he is in my hands. If you still want him to live, then come to the 906 area on the ground floor alone immediately. Don't forget to bring me the information on you. Within 5 minutes Inside, if you don't show up, the self-destruct furnace device will be activated, and we will lock Qi Ji on it.

"Luo Shitan, if you don't come, although you can take away the information about Zhanyu Lake, you will lose Qi Ji forever. He will be burned to ashes and buried in the ground for a long time..."

This voice was extremely cold, and it was accompanied by Qi Ji's muffled voice of enduring pain.

The two voices were intertwined and diffused down every aisle.

While her heart was being pulled hard, she recognized that the owner of that voice was Xiao Mu, the man who had forced her into marriage, Qi Ji's half-brother...

Unexpectedly, he would be in trouble with the people in the C area!
Shi Tan touched the USB flash drive in his pocket, gritted his teeth, feeling confused for a moment.

"Don't come here... Luo Shitan, take the information and withdraw immediately, this is an order..."

Suddenly, Qi Ji shouted in a hoarse voice.

Just half a sentence!

Yes, only half a sentence, after which the voice was cut off.

But the word "order" was powerfully hitting Tan's heart... This shows that his situation is quite dangerous.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Mu's voice sounded again, but it was persuading:

"Luo Shitan, information is dead, but people are alive. You'd better think about it carefully, and don't do anything that will make you regret it. I'm here waiting for you..."

Her heart trembled, her breathing became rapid, and her palms were sweating.

How to do?
On the side, the shaman squinted at her, waiting for her reaction. The pale face was almost transparent under the light.Everyone knows how difficult this decision is.

The next moment, she handed the USB flash drive to the shaman:

"Take everyone and leave immediately!"

The shaman's eyelids twitched fiercely, and he glanced at this little thing in his hand:

"how about you?"

"I want to go!"

"Going alone is tantamount to seeking death!"

"But I can't leave him alone!"

Shi Tan let out a deep sigh: "The responsibility of protecting the USB flash drive is left to you, and I will trouble you to hand it over to Mo Yaozhi."

She sorted out the equipment on her body and looked at the others:

"Everyone get out!"

With a salute, she turned around and ran away. Along the stone steps, she stepped into the depths of the bunker step by step.

She doesn't know what the future holds, she only knows that this time, she can't let him have another accident.

(End of this chapter)

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