卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 166 Persistence, Survival

Chapter 166 Persistence, Survival
Eighteen years ago, he almost died because of her, but in the end, because of a mistake, he was separated from him for eighteen years; this time, she can't let him have any accidents because of her.

If it is so naive to see them live a peaceful life, and insists on letting them die, then it doesn't matter, he will die, she will accompany him... Mo Yaozhi has the information, I believe that the Chao family will be able to step down... Then she will also It completes the most important meaning of living in this world...

Deng Deng Deng!
She ran down quickly, but when she reached the 6th floor, she was stopped by a masked man who jumped out suddenly, and the man rushed towards her very quickly.

She was startled, thinking it was the other person who was about to shoot.

"Don't shoot, Shi Tan, I am Yu Chun..."

These two words are very light, but they exploded in her heart.

At the same time, this person wiped off the black mask on his face, revealing Mu Yichun's face that once made her think about it.

"No! Yichun is dead! You are Li Che! No, if you were Li Che, why would you be in this place at this time? Who are you?"

Shi Tan jumped up quickly, his eyes full of hostility.

"I'm Li Che, and I'm also Mu Yichun... Shi Tan, I don't have time to explain this to you now, if you want to save Qi Ji, just follow me... over there, if you go this way , you can only walk two floors at most, and someone will detain you immediately. At that time, you will be the meat on the chopping board, you can only let them slaughter, and there is no way to save people..."

Shi Tan narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in front of him who was both unfamiliar and familiar, trying to judge from his eyes whether he was a friend or an enemy.

When he was young, Xiao Yichun always had a cool look when facing others, and when he smiled at her alone, he could bend his eyebrows, and his eyes were as clear as spring water.But after so many years, the feeling has changed early.For a while, she couldn't make a correct judgment.

"Believe me, okay, I don't want anything to happen to him... 18 years ago, he died for us once, this time, I won't let him die... Soon... time is too late..."

Shi Tan trembled because of these words. He mentioned that 18 years ago, he was Yichun, really Yichun...

He really isn't dead!

She called out in a hoarse voice.

"Go! This way... there is a shortcut!"

Li Che, no, it should be that Mu Yichun pulled Shi Tan and rushed forward, but in the end it was a dead end.

She saw Mu Yichun press a series of data on an electronic digital input device, and then an elevator-like tunnel appeared in front of them.

"Tell me about your plan?"

Shi Tan looked down for a while, and had recovered from the shock. Now is not a good time to reminisce about the past. Saving people is the most important thing.

"This is the abandoned freight elevator room, and the freight elevator is necrotic on the ground floor. If we go down here, we can just land on the top of the freight elevator, where there is an air-conditioning duct. We can touch the self-destruct timing area of ​​room 906 all the way along there. The time to destroy should be 15 minutes. I guess, if they can't wait for you, they will put Qi Jibang there. Once the timer starts, they will evacuate, and those 15 minutes are our only chance to rescue Qi Ji... ...If one minute is wasted, the three of us will die here together. This is not a child's play..."

Mu Yichun's expression was extremely solemn.

"How did you know there was an abandoned warehouse here, and how did you know that there was an air-conditioning duct underneath?"

Shi Tan asked back.His tone of absolute certainty surprised her.

"I'll tell you the reason for this later! Trust me, okay? Trust me like you did eight years ago... We have to be united to go out."

"OK! I'll fix the ropes. Go down together."

She didn't ask any further questions, took off the special operations rope from behind, banged it to a sturdy iron fence, and slid down.

The matter is just as Mu Yichun said. They quietly came to the freight elevator on the bottom floor. Above the freight elevator was an air-conditioning opening, which seemed to have been smashed many years ago. Mu Yichun climbed in front and Shi Tan behind. , The two entered one by one, and gradually, a voice came over:
"Damn, that bitch didn't come up!"

"It's really cruel. You don't even want your own man! Qi Ji, you've been cultivating her for so many years in vain."

Shi Tan held his breath and listened, the first sentence was that Chan Feng was cursing, and the second sentence was that Xiao Mu was sarcastic.

"Second brother, stop! No matter what, he is our half-brother..."

This is Park Fei begging.

"To shut up!"

Xiao Mu shouted viciously: "With such a character, neither you nor I will be recognized by the two old men of the Qi family. Only when he is dead will we have a chance."

"I only know that he is the eldest brother... He didn't hurt us, and he was willing to risk his life to save me... That's enough, I didn't think about it too much. A family like the Qi family should have someone like the eldest brother. Talent comes in charge. I…”

"That's your idea, not mine! What I want is the entire Qi family. His mother is a third party. If it wasn't for that woman working in secret, my mother could have been the daughter-in-law of Qi's family, but it was all him, which made my mother rebel He became a mistress and was cast aside until his death; it was also he who killed my mother, and used the means to lure my mother into a dead end, forcing us, mother and son, to leave Qi's house. Don't share the sky... let him go? No way!"

Shi Tan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, could this be the two things that Qi Ji said he had done that his father hated deeply?
Qi Ji let out a low, cold sneer, as if he had heard a big joke:
"Xiao Mu, if your mother didn't do such a heartless thing and killed my mother first, do you think I would target her like this?
"If she hadn't been guilty of greedy for that huge sum of money later, do you think I could have cleaned her up easily?
"Everyone has to pay for their actions, all of this is the result of her own fault, who can blame her?

"Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps? Is it possible?"

"As for you, I originally wanted to tolerate you, but you are also a descendant of the Qi family, but you didn't know what to do and wanted to put me to death...

"If you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous. This is the principle... The foundation was created by the ancestors of the Qi family. I really don't need to leave a person like you who only repays virtue with resentment as a hidden danger to the Qi family?"

Slap, a slap seemed to hit him in the face.

Qi Ji didn't shut up knowingly because of the beating, he just laughed in a low voice, that laughter revealed a taste of contempt, and after laughing, he made a firm assertion:

"Do you think you can rewrite your destiny by climbing into the Chao family? No way! It won't be long before the Chao family will collapse... You have only ambition but no strength. You want to take advantage of the dispute between the two families to win the Qi family." family property, that is impossible..."

Xiao Mu also sneered:
"The Chao family will not fall, you have no chance to see it. I only know one thing, everything you have spent 12 years painstakingly working on will eventually become my possession. As long as you die, I can go back ...Dad has always felt that he owes me, and I will step by step sit where you used to sit and enjoy everything about you...including your woman. Eight years ago, you took her away from me. Eight years later, I will make her my plaything... What, do you think I can't do it? It's a pity you can't see it..."

Quietly, Shi Tan lay there motionless, but his brows furrowed deeply: This Xiao Mu actually wants to take her in as well, who does he think he is?

In the darkness, fire could not help but burst out from her eyes.

Qi Ji replied with a burst of low ridicule:

"Xiao Mu, you really know how to dream. Why do you want to sit in my seat?
"First of all, grandparents, you won't be able to pass the test.

"Even if Dad will support you, it's useless. Besides, Dad is not an idiot. How could he let a scumbag who unites with foreign races, kills people with all his heart, framed his eldest son, and tortured his youngest son to destroy the Qi family?

"Even if he feels indebted to you, but in official affairs, he will definitely separate his personal interests.

"Otherwise, eight years ago, when you showed favor to him, he should have dragged you into the board of directors. As long as he authorized half of the equity under his name to you, you would have the opportunity to come in and cause trouble for me. But he didn't do that, which shows that Dad is not confused about major matters. You want to take advantage of Dad's feelings of guilt towards you, so as to take advantage of the Qi family, that is wishful thinking!
"As for Shi Tan..."

When mentioning her, Qi Ji threw out a sentence with great confidence:

"Eight years ago, you couldn't marry her. Eight years later, it's even more impossible for you to have that chance again."

"As long as you die, I have a chance. Believe it or not, I can strangle you to death right here..."

Xiao Mu's cold words came up from below with a vicious taste, and went straight into Shi Tan's ears.He seemed to be really pinching Qi Ji's throat, because Qi Ji suddenly lost his voice.

"Second brother, don't be like this, please, please let eldest brother go..."

Pu Fei was crying there.

Shi Tan's heart trembled when he heard it, hot sweat dripped down his back, he wished he could jump down immediately to stop this man's beastly behavior.

At this moment, she finally heard Qi Ji's gasping voice, obviously Xiao Mu let him go.

"I won't just kill you like this, it's too cheap for you...Well, it seems that Luo Shitan won't come to rescue you, so I have no choice but to leave you here and slowly be steamed , was slowly scorched, and finally burned to ashes... I believe this will be much more interesting than me strangling you to death at this time..."

After Xiao Mu uttered these words, someone beside him yelled in a cold voice: "The self-destruct device here has been activated. In 15 minutes, there will be medium-range missiles bombing here. Go to the helicopter and order it! Immediately! I hope this I can blow them all to death here at once... don't let me go back alive..."

It's Chao Wen!
They are leaving.

It turned out that they controlled Qi Ji here, and whether or not they could get the information was secondary. Their biggest goal was to bring in all members of the Flame Alliance and the Cheetah Team to rescue Qi Ji, trap them inside, and then blow them all up. die here.

That's right, as long as this place is blown up, even if they have information in their hands, the supporting power of the information will be greatly reduced.

"You can't get out!"

Qi Ji said with a low smile:
"The Flame Alliance and the Cheetah Team are waiting for you... It's impossible for you to get out..."

"Of course we can go out! This underground bunker has another secret passage that can bypass here, and then leave directly through another exit. You must not know about this... Also, that is the escape project we built later , how would you understand..."

Chao Wen smiled lightly: "Goodbye, take your Flame League and Cheetah team to hell..."

A burst of messy footsteps gradually went away!
They withdrew!

Inside the air-conditioning duct, Mu Yichun, who was crawling in front, speeded up, and Shi Tan followed closely.

(End of this chapter)

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