卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 168 No Evidence, Only Compromise

Chapter 168 No Evidence, Only Compromise

She didn't have the strength to answer, she turned her head and looked up at the sky, there was indeed a plane flying towards them in the bright moonlight...

She laughed and cried again!
Because after standing up unsteadily, she saw that the front of them had completely collapsed...

Yichun didn't come out, he didn't come out, he was buried inside!
"Qi Ji, I really didn't expect you to be so lucky to be able to escape, but it's a pity that you met me...you are destined to die here..."

Chao Wen's voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Shi Tan was shocked, turned around and saw Chao Wen standing not far behind them in a mess, as if she had just experienced a fierce battle, holding a pistol in her hand, when the words fell, there was a bang bang sound She shot at them.

Terrified, she dodged back and dodged the shot in the chest, but because she jumped too slowly, she couldn't escape completely. The third bullet burrowed into her thigh with fire-like heat. ... Immediately afterwards, a heart-piercing pain hit the sky, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The moment she fell to the ground, a missile exploded on the small rocky hill behind Chao Wen. In the flames, she seemed to see that woman was blown up into the sky, her body was dismembered in mid-air, a good person, It's gone in one go...

At that moment, Shi Tan realized that the medium-range missile attack in Area C had begun...

And the next moment, a flying stone flew towards her with the force generated by the explosion, and when she wanted to avoid it, she heard a "bang" near her temple, followed by a red liquid dripping down quickly, and her consciousness Gradually moving away from her body... It seemed that someone was still calling her name, but she couldn't hear clearly, and felt so tired that she couldn't open her eyes anymore, and lost consciousness...

After a few days.

Area A special hospital.

This hospital is not very big, and it is different from other hospitals in Yao City. It not only has departments that are common in general hospitals, but also has special outpatient clinics that they do not have.This special outpatient clinic is dedicated to some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.For example, Qi Ji was injected with LES, so he could only get effective treatment here.Its medical resources are by no means inferior to the First Hospital.The difference is that most of the resources in this hospital are for the military.If civilians want to seek medical treatment here, most of them have to make an appointment online for more than half a month.

In the early morning of this day, Du Ting brought two lunch boxes here to deliver breakfast as usual. From a distance, she saw that her big boss came out of the inpatient building in the special area, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, without a tie, looking very relaxed. Putting his hands in his trouser pockets, he watched Xiaobai running in front of him with a faint smile, with a faint smile on his face, very gentle and amiable.

From time to time, he would greet the sentries nearby, and it could be seen that he was loved by those special forces.Every sentinel who spoke to him would stand upright and speak loudly.

This man, outside, is always a radiant focus, the object that countless men and women look up to or worship.But in front of his family, he is just an ordinary man, an ordinary father, who will do the most ordinary life things for them.

For example: go to the flower shop next to the special hospital, pick a bunch of flowers and put them in a vase in his wife's ward. This is what he must do every day.

A few days ago, two major events happened in Yao City.One of them is: Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi were banged up, and they escaped after suffering a near-death experience.Mrs. Qi was also shot twice, one in the thigh and one in the shoulder.After being rescued, surgery was performed in the hospital to remove shrapnel, but Mrs. Qi was still in a coma because she was hit by a flying stone in the head.

Mr. Qi was also injured by bullets, but he was lighter than Mrs. Qi. After lying on the bed for two days, he was able to walk down the ground.

In the past few days, Mr. Qi didn't go to the company. First, he was injured and needed to rest. Second, he couldn't worry about Mrs. Qi.

It is obvious to all that Mr. Qi is sincere to Mrs. Qi.

"Mr. Qi, you are so kind to your wife... If my husband treats Mrs. Qi as good as you are, that would be great!" A nurse once sighed.

Mr. Qi wipes Mrs. Qi's face and applies medicine every day. Even professional nurses are so careful.

Mr. Qi's answer was: "It is necessary. If my wife hadn't given up on me, but had just gritted her teeth and carried me out, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you now. It's good for the two to be one. Caring, being considerate to each other, loving each other.”

Later, the hospital spread about Mrs. Qi's deeds saving Mr. Qi's life... For Mrs. Qi, they were in awe.

Dutin stood there for a while, and went straight to the VIP room on the 16th floor. After pushing the door, there was a living room. One of Jon and Shaman was reading the newspaper, and the other was leaning against the door, wiping the gun in his hand.That gun is a real guy.She touched.Very heavy, bright and bright.They all have gun licenses.

Dutin handed over one of the lunch boxes: "This is yours... Jamie said that he will come to change your class this afternoon..."

"Thank you... I can finally eat. I didn't have enough to eat last night. I was so hungry that my belly was sticking to my back..."

Jon took the lunch box and his eyes lit up.

The shaman shook his head and scolded: "Food!"

Du Ting smiled and put another mention on the table, it was the breakfast of the big boss and the little boss - these guys are picky eaters, they are not used to the food in the hospital, so, these days, her task is to keep the family at home The chef cooked the dishes and delivered them three times in the morning, noon and evening.

Jon and the shaman start eating, while praising the chef's good cooking skills.

Dutin listened with a slight smile.

After a while, the door opened, and the big boss came in with the little boss, holding a bunch of beautiful flowers in his hands.

"BOSS, breakfast is ready!"

Dutin stood respectfully.

"Well! Please! Xiaobai, go wash your hands with Aunt Du Ting and eat something... I'll go and put flowers on your mother..."

Qi Ji patted his son's head and went straight in.

Qi Ji put the flowers on, came to the hospital bed, quietly glanced at Shi Tan, who was sleeping peacefully, with a smile in his eyes, leaned down, and kissed her on the lips: "Good morning, Tan. I walked away and went to buy a bunch of flowers, I just put them on, do you smell the flowers?"

Shi Tan slept soundly.

He sat on the side of the bed, stroked her forehead, brought ointment and gauze, and peeled off the gauze wrapped around her hair bit by bit. The wound on Shi Tan's forehead was a bit big. Fortunately, the dressing was changed every day, and new flesh was growing. stand up.

Qi Ji skillfully applied the medicine, then wrapped the white gauze around it, then went to pick up a basin of water, twisted it, wiped her face, and wiped her hands - there were also injuries on her hands, so I wiped them off. After finishing, he applied the medicine carefully... The movements were very gentle, for fear of hurting her.

For the wounds on his shoulders and legs, it was a little troublesome to apply the medicine and change the gauze, and it took him a little time.

After all this was done, Xiaobai walked in:

"Dad, I'm done!"

"Well, read a novel to mom for a while!"

"it is good!"

Xiaobai picked up a copy of "Black and White" that his mother liked and read it.

Qi Ji sat quietly beside her, holding her hand gently, unwilling to let go, and occasionally put a kiss on his lips, and read a sentence in his mouth: "Tan, you have slept for several days, you should be full... ...it's time to wake up..."

Many days have passed since the incident, and now recalling the dangerous situation at that time, he can't help but be terrified, and that fear is far stronger than when he was in it at that time.This was probably because he had taken everything lightly at that time, the worst would be death, and he would have no regrets if he could die with the one he loves. Now, because he is still alive, his desires have become infinite, so he has a kind of creepy fear.

After all, death is something no one wants to face, and he longs to live a good life. With her, day and night, and enjoy the years in peace, instead of wasting his life in a hurry.Over the years, there are too few memories worth recalling.He didn't want to die like this!

"BOSS, there is a document for you to review!"

Cheng Hang knocked on the door and stood at the door to report.He didn't go to the company these few days, but any particularly important matter would be sent here for instructions.

"Wait outside!"

Qi Ji didn't look back, just sat there quietly, and stared at his wife for a while, thinking about her not giving up on him, that's why he lives peacefully in the world now, she is his lucky star.He would do anything to protect her.

"Xiao Bai, take good care of mom, dad go out!"


Xiaobai stopped reading and nodded.

Qi Ji didn't leave immediately, but pecked on Shi Tan's lips:
"Tan, I'll go to work first, and I'll accompany you later!"

Shi Tan is naturally impossible to answer him.

He silently turned and left the room.

After half an hour.

"Dad, mom is awake, mom is awake...!"

After signing, Qi Ji was talking to Cheng Hang, and Xiao Bai rushed out with great excitement, screaming in excitement, his whole face glowing.

Qi Ji was stunned for a moment, then showed ecstasy, and called Cheng Hang, "Call the doctor, call the doctor..."

And he flew in.

Cheng Hang looked at the excited look of the BOSS, smiled without realizing it, and hurriedly turned around to ask for a doctor.

Shi Tan did wake up, but the memory still remained in the terrifying picture of that day. He woke up because of a strange sting, but what he saw was the whiteness of the room.

There are some medical equipment around. Is it still in that research base, or is it in the hospital?
Her feeling was a little confused, and she couldn't help reaching out and tapping her forehead, feeling as if her head was wrapped by something. After she moved, her thighs also started to hurt, and she couldn't help frowning, her eyes followed. One off.

At this moment, she seemed to hear someone screaming: "Mom is awake, Mom is awake?"

Is it Xiaobai?

She opened her eyes and turned to look, and saw Xiao Bai staring blankly at her, holding a book in her hand, and when she blinked her eyes, the little guy jumped over in ecstasy, and jumped out like a fly.

Oh, it looks like this is a hospital.

After a while, a man ran into the door, but it wasn't her man.

When he met her gaze, his eyes were happy.

She saw that he had some scars on his face, but it didn't hinder his appearance. This guy still looks so handsome.

"How? How do you feel?"

Approaching, he asked, his voice a little nervous and eager, and he grabbed her hand.

That hand is very hot.


The voice in her throat was so hoarse that she could hardly recognize who it was.

"How could it not hurt? You were shot twice, did you know that your head was hit by a flying stone, and there was a little bleeding, but you'll be fine when you wake up..."

He smiled like a child eating candy, put his hand on her neck, lowered his tall body and kissed her on the lips.

This is uncontrollable...

She wanted to push him away, and Xiaobai watched from the side...

(End of this chapter)

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