卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 169 Unraveling the Cocoon and Restoring the Truth

Chapter 169 Unraveling the Cocoon and Restoring the Truth

This guy doesn't know how to control...

Unfortunately, she was unable to push him away, so she could only wait for him to finish the kiss, and then panted and looked up and down: "What about you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Qi Ji hugged her.

"Tan Ma, Tan Ma, I want to hug, I want to hug... Tan Ma, this time, you really scared me to death..."

Xiaobai climbed up to the other side, carefully lay down beside his mother, hooked his mother with his small arms, and kissed and kissed.

Tan's heart softened when her soft little body rubbed against her. She thought that she was doomed, but she never imagined that she could survive in a desperate situation.

The doctor at the door just came in and saw the picture of a family of three hugging each other. It was very warm, and he couldn't help but smile.

After that, the doctor carefully examined Shi Tan.

After finishing, he said, "Congratulations, everything will be fine when you wake up. Then just take care of it..."

She hadn't eaten for a few days, and Shi Tan had been hanging on the nutrient solution. She was hungry now, so Qi Ji asked someone to boil light rice porridge, scraped a small half bowl and fed it to her.

After Shi Tan ate it, he felt much better and asked about the situation that day.

Qi Ji talked about what happened that day.

"Jamie found us just in time to get us out of the missile's attack area that day.

"Chao Wen and the others didn't escape, the helicopter they promised didn't arrive on time, and everyone at the base became abandoned soldiers. The ultimate goal of the missiles thrown at Area C was to wipe out both forces in that inaccessible person. Xiaozhou Island in Baiyan Lake.

"Fortunately, the anti-missile interception was carried out in Area A, and the two helicopters driven by Jamie and the others had to leave smoothly.

"In this operation, a total of two teams of the Flame Alliance and the Cheetah Group were dispatched. When we returned, five people were injured and two people were damaged. As for those in Area C, they were basically dead there before we left."

The more Shi Tan listened, the colder his heart became, and his tone was incredible:

"I didn't expect the Chao family to give up Chao Wen in order to protect themselves?"

"Well, as a matter of fact, it does!"

Their behavior is truly appalling...

"What about after the incident? How did the Chao family explain to the outside world the reason for launching the missiles in Area C? Area C has damaged so many people. They must have an explanation for the families of the deceased..."

Shi Tan is very concerned about the follow-up development of the situation.

Qi Ji put two soft pads on Shi Tan's back to make her lean on more comfortable, and then replied:
"What they said was that there were terrorist organizations near Xiaozhou Island in Baiyan River, so the Seahawks were dispatched in Area C and the Cheetahs were dispatched in Area A. As a result, because the impact of the opponent was too strong, the Seahawks were annihilated, and the Cheetahs were attacked. Heavy damage, five wounded and two dead, in order to prevent the outlaws from escaping, Zone C must not bomb this place..."

"What? How could the Chao family announce it to the public?"

Shi Tan exclaimed in disbelief:
"Didn't you get evidence in Area A? Those evidences are enough to prove the Chao family..."

"No evidence!"

Qi Ji suddenly uttered a sentence.

Shi Tan was dumbfounded:

"No evidence?"

After realizing the meaning of this sentence, she was completely suspicious:

"How come there is no evidence? Didn't you copy the information from Zhanyuhu's computer that day?"

"no information!"

"What about those data?"

"Dr. Zhan's computer is equipped with a virus, and any intrusion that wants to make a copy will bring the virus into the USB flash drive, so..."

"All those data were destroyed?"


"That is to say, I and we have been busy for nothing?"

And also damaged two special forces.

"Yes, we have been busy for nothing!"

Qi Ji squeezed his brows, and his words were extremely heavy: "Now both bases are ruined, even if we have my hand stick, it's useless! In order not to cause the people's worries about the current situation, when the C area is After releasing such a statement, District A has no way to expose their lies. So..."

Only compromise for now...

Such a result is really unacceptable.

Shi Tan was silent for a long time, uncomfortable: "Yichun...isn't it?"

This time, Qi Ji was silent: "If Mu Yichun went to close the valve and delayed the time of the explosion, we would never have a chance to come out..."

And he didn't escape...

A layer of water vapor appeared in Shi Tan's eyes, and she couldn't help wiping her eyes: It was too sad to know that Li Che was Yichun, and the next moment, he died again.

He leaned over and hugged her tightly.

She leaned back, endured her grief, and choked her sobbing: "Qi Ji, I still have a few questions that I can't figure out..."

Qi Ji stroked her hair gently: "You ask!"

"One, what happened to Qiu Fulai?"

She looked up and asked, "How did he save you that day?"

"He said that on the surface he obeyed the Chao family, but in fact, he obeyed another person. He had no intention of hurting us... That day, he was imprisoned, and Yichun rescued him... After that, he came to save me... ...Unfortunately, Xiao Mu brought a few mercenaries out and beat him to death, Yichun saw that the situation was not right, so he had to dodge first..."

Qi Ji recalled the situation at that time and replied.

After Shi Tan heard this, he was silent for a while before asking again:
"Second, is Yichun part of your plan this time?"

Shi Tan was really confused about this matter. How could Li Che regain his memory? Not only did he remember the past, but he also happened to go to that mysterious research base?
Qi Ji shook his head: "No! Yichun was just an accident. I suspected that Yichun was Li Che before, but so far, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that they are the same person. I was also saved by him. After saying a few words, I realized that he had recovered his memory. As for how he recovered his memory, I don't know..."

He is not an omnipotent God, and of course it is impossible to understand everything.

Life is like chess, and there will always be unexpected changes in the chess path.

"Since he wasn't part of the plan, how did he find it there? And, oddly enough, he seems to be very familiar with the base's internals..."

This is what surprised her the most: "It's as if, as if, he once lived in this place."

She licked her lips and couldn't figure it out: "The problem is that Chun wandered with us when he was young, and later lived with me in the Luo family. Eight years ago, although he died mysteriously, according to what we have now Judging from the data, he should have lived in France before. In the past eight years, he has never been to the country of Zhu, and he should be unfamiliar with the country. How could he find this without anyone's help? The base..."

Qi Ji thought for a while, his eyes flickered, and he said:

"There is only one possibility!"

In fact, Tan also thought of it at the time, and layers of shock appeared on his face:

"You mean to say..."

She couldn't go on.

"As far as I can tell, in that process of destroying the product, it seems that a few products escaped. But that was in the cultivation base. Not in the research base. If he was one of the products they cultivated, then yes It's a good explanation for why he was chased and killed again and again. As for why he knows the internal structure of the research base, I'm afraid no one can give us a clear explanation except himself..."

This remark made Shi Tan suspicious again: "How do you know how many products have escaped?"

"There is a record on the hand tie!"

"Wait, wait, I have to think..."

Shi Tan wiped his face, forcing himself to think deeply.

The first time they met, Yichun was chased and killed; a few months later, Yichun was chased and killed again, and he hid with incomparable fear, saying that once they were taken back, he would surely die; later, in the Luo family , once, after watching the movie, she and Yichun were chased and blocked, and Yichun was injured; then, they ran into trouble from time to time... Uncle Luo was afraid that something would happen to him, so he hired a bodyguard and took Yichun Hiding it... and then, Uncle Luo died, and died strangely at the hands of Yichun... Yichun was arrested and murdered several times in prison. He had a car accident the day after he was released from prison, and he never saw anyone in this life. , no dead body...

"That is to say, if this assumption is true, then it can be proved that Uncle Luo's death is also related to the Chao family. It is a trick played by the Chao family in secret..."

When she said this hypothesis, her tone was horrified.

"Now it looks like there are eight to nine out of ten!"

Qi Ji nodded.

"But why would they do it?"

"One, they want to capture him alive, once Yichun commits a crime and enters the government-controlled zone, they can easily take people away, and control their life and death without attracting anyone's attention.

"Second, Uncle Luo may have known something he shouldn't have known and must die.

"Three, they want to get rid of your backers and get what they want from you. Xiao Mu's approach to you should have such a purpose. After all, that information is very important to them... "

After being explained by Qi Ji in this way, it seemed that everything made sense.

"Tan, are you alright! Your face is not right..."

Qi Ji caressed her face, this face was extremely pale, and completely lost the ruddy before: "You just woke up, you need more rest, let's stop here today, don't talk about it any more... wait... You have fully recovered your strength, let's talk about these things... You can't work too hard, taking care of your body now is what you have to do..."

"No, I want to know, otherwise I won't be able to rest well... Don't worry, I'm fine, but I can't digest so much shocking information for a while..."

Shi Tan took a breath, calmed himself down, put aside all the things he had just thought of, and asked another question:
"Third, how do you know there is an emergency exit over the left turn?"

"Hands are tied!"

"What about the hand tie?"

"When you were carrying me out, you lost it. I searched for you, but couldn't find it..."

So the key thing was lost like this?

Shi Tan stayed for a while, and then spread his hands for a long time, saying:

"Sorry! I should have handed the hand tie to the shaman, but I forgot..."

The annoyance on her face made Qi Ji feel pity:

"Fool, you don't need to say sorry to me, don't forget, you saved my life..."

He stroked her thin face.

She took a look, yes, at that time, the situation was really dangerous, it was fucking lucky to survive, she panted, and leaned her head on his shoulder: "I didn't save it, I did it Chun rescued...if it wasn't for Yichun...we wouldn't be able to survive..."

indeed so!

Qi Ji circled her, stroked her short hair, and said nothing.He owes Mu Yichun a favor.

"Where are Xiao Mu and Park Fei? Are they both dead?"

Shi Tan's thoughts jumped quickly, thinking of this.

"Piao Fei didn't die, he was rescued, Xiao Mu couldn't be found, he was probably killed... However, I have recorded the conversation between Xiao Mu and me. The communicator in my hand was damaged, but its The recording function is still there. I handed the information to the police, and the case of Ruan Yingyu can be closed. The person behind the scenes is Xiao Mu... Park Zhen was caught by Xiao Mu because of a personal problem, so he introduced him to my father. After Cai Hong, Cai Hong contacted Wang Jian, and then the whole case happened... When you were in a coma, the people of the criminal police team had already figured out the matter..."

(End of this chapter)

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