卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 170 The Brothers Fight Like This

Chapter 170 The Brothers Fight Like This

It's sad that the two brothers fight like this...

"You disappeared as a child because..."

"Xiao Mu's mother's masterpiece. She wants her son to take my place, and she is not willing to be the outer chamber all the time!"

"Is it also because of her that my mother died?"

"Yeah! So after I came back, I found an opportunity to confuse the woman. After that, she felt guilty, ran away with the money, and took her son with me... A few months later, because I found out Whereabouts, she was killed during the escape. Xiao Mu and I tied a dead end. Later, Xiao Mu started to make a fortune with the money left by his mother... This person is the same as his mother, He wants to go back to the Qi family and take my place in the Qi family. He is unwilling that his mother was a junior until she died and cannot be recognized by the Qi family. He wants to move his mother's ashes to the Qi family's cemetery. "

Shi Tan was silent for a moment: "My mother is so pitiful, I don't understand, how could she agree to marry your father in the first place?"

She felt that Qi Jian could be regarded as the culprit of this series of incidents. A man who spends his days and nights, often brings fatal harm to the next generation...

She thought he would talk to her about his mother, but he didn't say anything...

On the first day when Shi Tan woke up, he talked a lot with Qi Ji, and then he was tired and fell into a deep sleep, probably because Qi Ji kept holding her, so he slept soundly.She used to hate the smell on his body, but now, she has gradually become obsessed with it and it has become a smell of home.

The development and changes of the world are often not controlled by manpower, because the future is unpredictable, the deceased is sad, but no matter what, she and he are still alive, which is a blessing, if this time, neither of them is alive. When he came back, Xiaobai became an orphan.

After the calamity, their family of three is still complete, which is a great gift.

On the third day when Shi Tan woke up, Fang Hua came to the hospital to visit her, sat on the bedside and asked, "What happened to you and Qi Ji? Why did the two of them go to the hospital...I can't believe it? The previous joint statement from Area C and Area A... How could there possibly be a terrorist organization there? It just so happened that you and Qi Ji had a fight again. Although there is that recording, I still don't believe it... I think, Baiyan Lake The thing over there should be the same thing as your so-called banging this time, right... It's just that you deliberately split it into two things... I asked Qi Ji, and he threw me a sentence: military Confidential, don't come to the bottom..."

After speaking, she pouted.Those people like to gag with secrets.

"Since he said it was confidential, then don't ask!"

Shi Tan did not explain further.

"Tsk tsk, are you planning to wear a pair of trousers with your man? You really care about sex over your friends... I've known you for so many years..."

Fang Hua sighed with a look of resentment, but no longer asked.The process is not important. Since it is not her responsibility, of course she will not ask more questions.The important thing is that good friends are safe and sound...

"That's not the point. The point is: Ruan Yingyu's case is considered closed, Fang, what's your plan next? Are you going to report back to the British headquarters?"

Shi Tan knew that she was just asking casually, and immediately changed the subject.

In the past, after each case was closed, the two of them would go out for a vacation and relax for a few days, but this time the situation was a bit special.She has to stay in Zhu Kingdom, thinking of the upcoming separation, she will inevitably be reluctant to part!

"Maybe! What about you? What are your plans?"

Fang Hua sighed: "Are you really going to be raised in captivity to be your wife?"

"Your madam?"

Shi Tan unconsciously smiled helplessly, lowered his head and stroked his leg.The shot in the leg caused a bone fracture. The doctor said: This leg will no longer be able to perform strenuous exercises such as climbing and jumping, and it is lucky to be able to keep it.If you hope that the quality of life will not be affected in the future, the doctor's suggestion: After recovery, you must change careers and you can no longer be a criminal policeman.

Before she could think of what to say, Fang Hua asked again:
"By the way, has your resignation report been approved?"

"Not yet! But it will definitely be approved. My legs can't be used for fighting in the future..."

She sighed. She knew that she would not be able to do a job as a criminal police officer, but she didn't expect that in the end, she would leave this position in such a way, and she was quite reluctant to give up.

"This will be a big loss for the police. However, your man must be happy..."

No, although he didn't object to her being a criminal police officer, it was just a kind of respect derived from love, after all, his identity was there.

"Let me be raised by a man every day, I can't stand it... I haven't thought about what to do in depth... Let's see when..."

For now, taking good care of her body is the most important thing. She can take this opportunity to recuperate and re-plan her future.If you don't become a criminal police officer, you have to do some meaningful things. If the Chao family does not fall, and the revenge of her parents is not reported for a day, it is impossible for her to live a truly stable life.The Chao family will definitely make trouble for them...

"A beautiful girl like you should be hurt and protected by a man... Running to be a policeman, I'm so sorry for your face... In other words, it's not easy to think about Qi Ji, who pampers you with everything. In order for you to become a qualified female criminal policeman who can withstand beatings, he puts down so much effort every year to personally urge you to practice the exercises. For several years, his love for you is really good... Now that you have retired Now, let's take care of his body first, then give him a child and a half-daughter, and manage his own marriage well, that is also a rare wealth in life... uh, you... What's the matter... "

Fang Hua thought she was right, but why did Shi Tan narrow her eyes and stop:
"Wait a minute, what do you mean, he puts down so much effort every year to personally urge me to practice the exercises, and it's still like a day for several years? What do you mean by that?"


Fang Hua finally realized that she seemed to have missed something.

"Is that so? Did I say that?"

She immediately showed an innocent look on her face and asked back.

What is this guy trying to hide from her?host
Shi Tan examined it for a while, and said with certainty:
"That's what you said, Fang Hua, I'm just wondering here..."

"You...what are you wondering?"

"That time, why did you suddenly turn against each other and ask Qi Ji to take Xiaobai to Yayuan?"

At the beginning, she thought it was strange, but now she thinks there is a reason for it.

"Uh...this is..."

The tone showed that she was guilty.

"What did you hide from me?"

She straightened her face and asked seriously.

"Uh... nothing?"

"Fang Hua, are we good sisters? If you don't explain this matter clearly and clearly today, we will end our friendship..."


Break up?

"Hey, do you need to be so cruel?"

Fang Hua had a headache.

"I haven't asked you to settle the matter that you sold me before..."

Shi Tan narrowed his eyes and pointed at her nose with slender fingers: "Anyway, if you hide this from me again, we will never communicate with each other..."

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything..."

Fang Hua thought, based on the current relationship between this girl and Qi Ji, even if this matter is broken, it is not a very serious matter...

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she decided: sell it...

Area A.

Mo Yaozhi slapped the table fiercely, his eyes seemed to be on fire:

"You'd better give me a reasonable explanation for this matter. The Cheetah team has lost two elite members this time, and the other three are now in the hospital. One of them may have to leave the special camp he loves forever. What about you, But you hide the information and refuse to hand it over. Don't you fucking tell me that the information contains a virus, I don't believe a word of the fuck, with your little IQ, you won't find that the information has a virus in advance, so just download it like that Come down... Who are you lying to, Qi Ji..."

"Don't worry, I won't let them die in vain. I have more affection for the Cheetahs than anyone."

Qi Jishen interrupted Mo Yaozhi's accusation, and looked out the window at the training ground, where columns of soldiers were undergoing high-intensity training:
"Especially Qi Rong was brought out by me. He would be killed. I feel more heartache than anyone else..."

"Then you should hand over the information..."

Mo Yaozhi shouted loudly, really wanting to beat him up.

"Don't give me any more information."

(End of this chapter)

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