卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 171 he doesn't care

Chapter 171 he doesn't care
Qi Ji's voice was louder than his, and when he turned around, his eyes were extremely cold:

"Chan Feng is not dead, you know?"

Mo Yaoyi was startled: "What do you want to say?"

"He came to me. He wanted those damn documents."

"What are they threatening you with?"

Mo Yaozhi's eyelids jumped fiercely.

"He said that as long as I hand over the information to Area A, he will come out and expose my identity..."

He stopped word by word, and his words were extremely powerful:

"Mo Yaozhi, let me tell you, I don't care whether I will expose it or not. For me, the big deal is that I will take my wife and children to live in seclusion abroad. Over the years, I have made a lot of money as Jing Xu. , I can live a comfortable life with a different identity and anonymity. You should know that money is never difficult for me if I want it..."

"Then what are you worried about?"

Mo Yaozhi asked suspiciously.

"I don't want Shi Tan to suffer any harm!!"

He said: "This time, because of me, she broke her thigh bone, and she can't be a criminal police officer in the future. She can't bring the Chao family who killed her parents to court. So, I want to help her achieve this wish. I can't come up with those materials without full confidence. Because I'm convinced that those materials alone will not be enough to defeat them. Instead, I will suffer, and Shi Tan will be involved in things she never dreamed of. In the midst of a scandal. I don't allow that, never."

The last four words, he said decisively, his eyes were indestructible.


Mo Yaozhi bit the point of the words: "What do you mean by scandal?"

Qi Ji stopped talking, grabbed his jacket from the sofa, and went out, not wanting to say more about this matter:
"You have to tell the commander that I will support the Mo family as always, but please give me the authority on this matter. What I want is a win-win result."

"Qi Ji, don't let the fuck go, explain it to me before leaving... Qi Ji..."

In Area A, this guy is the only one who treats his orders as nothing.

Mo Yaozhi slapped the table again, angry, angry, and really wondered in his heart: What is he worried about?
What scandal could Shi Tan have to make him so nervous?
Come on, love really can make people mess up... A genius who is in love is even more mischievous...

The car is galloping, and all the prosperity is passing by outside the glass world.

Qi Ji sat in the car, lowered his eyes, pondered, his thoughts drifted far away.

Cheng Hang was driving, looking at his boss through the rearview mirror from time to time. Ever since he was rescued back to Mrs. Qi, the boss has become preoccupied.

Before, he thought that the boss was emotional because Mrs. Qi had not woken up.

Now, when Boss faces Qi Tai, he smiles happily, making people feel that he is enjoying such a kind of happiness of family reunion, but when he is alone, his eyes are deeper and more profound than before. I have measured it, often looking into the distance, the waves in my eyes are turbulent.

He knew that the boss had something on his mind, which was hidden so deeply that no one could touch it.

BOSS has always been such a person, and never let anyone catch his mind.

"Have you encountered any trouble?"

Cheng Hang couldn't stand it any longer and couldn't help but ask.

Qi Ji closed his eyes and leaned against him, not speaking.

Cheng Hang had known him for many years and knew him better than anyone else.Of course, this depth is only relative.


Qi Ji didn't say anything, his lips moved, and he spit out two words, concise and comprehensive.I don't want to show my mind.

He has always believed in one sentence: when you talk to someone, you only have to say three points, and don't give up your whole heart.

Because people are fickle, and because of various interests, it is inevitable that there will be various betrayals.

Sometimes whole-hearted trust can bring disaster.

He had suffered such a disaster many years ago.And paid a heavy price for it.

Eating a cut will make you wiser.

Later, in terms of communication, he pursued the practice of hiding, even in the face of the Mo family of allies, he kept some of it.There are no permanent enemies in the world, and naturally, there are no absolute friends.

Knowing the face, knowing the face, but not the heart, the heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of guarding against others is indispensable.

Therefore, even in the face of the most beloved woman, he did not give all the details.

However, it wasn't that he was guarding her, but that he didn't want those ugly and dirty things to become an obstacle between them and a trouble for her, which would ruin his years of painstaking work - until now, It was only this marriage that fascinated him the most.

Yes, he loved her so much that he couldn't help himself, so much that he was afraid of losing her.

Therefore, he didn't want her to look at his past in a strange way.

"Boss, I want to talk to you!"


He didn't open his eyes and said lowly.

"Where you need me, just speak up!"

Cheng Hang had never seen him in an abnormal mood, which reminded him of the days when Mrs. Qi disappeared eight years ago. Of course, during that time, his reaction was much bigger than it is now.But at that time, Mrs. Qi disappeared, and the situation was very serious, unlike now.

Now, from his point of view, except for the Mi Fangfei incident, it's not a big deal...

Hmm, could it be that Mi Fangfei gave the boss a headache?
That thing was really tricky - that woman has been under house arrest until now, and it will not be the solution in the long run.

Qi Ji's lips curled into a hook, and he smiled slightly, and said "um".In fact, Cheng Hang's understanding of him is only one-sided.

There are only four people who know his truest side.

After the car left for a while, the phone rang, Qi Ji looked at it, it was grandpa's number, and answered it.

Grandpa's loving kindness came into his ears with some depressing voices:

"Where is it? Didn't you say you were going to the company? I called the company office, and your secretary said you weren't there...and the phone didn't answer. What are you busy with? I can't find anyone..."

The tone of voice complained slightly, it should be in a hurry.

In Area A, he forgot to take his mobile phone with him and landed in the car. After getting in the car, he didn't pay attention to the mobile phone on the seat.Cheng Hang's mobile phone fell into the pool just now in Area A. Before leaving, he was blowing it with a hairdryer.Probably scrapped.Although there is another mobile phone on standby, Grandpa has no number.

"In Area A, I'm going to a special hospital!"

Regarding the fact that he and Shi Tan were injured together this time, he and District A agreed that it was caused by Xiao Mu's fight, and also drew up the time, place, and process of the entire incident...

Everyone in the family believed it because there was Xiao Mu's recording, and also because of the proof of Park Fei.

In fact, Park Fei didn't know where he was kidnapped. Anyway, the fact that he was banged up was a fact.

As for Qi Jian and Pu Zhen, when they were rescued, they were given medicine by people in Area A, and they were already in the hospital when they woke up.They probably don't know much about the details of the whole thing.As for Xiao Mu's confrontation with them, Park Zhen confessed.

On the third day after he was rescued, his father Qi Jian came to see him once, and when he saw his head full of injuries, he only said: "Take care of your injuries!"

He did not mention Xiao Mu, nor did he ask the police about Xiao Mu's whereabouts, but silently accepted the statement from the police that "Xiao Mu's disappearance is unknown".

Qi Ji knew that his father loved Xiao Mu very much. He was the son of his favorite woman. Not long after he first came to the Qi family 18 years ago, he deeply felt that kind of preference:
Qi Jian was Xiao Mu, oh, no, at that time, his name was Qi Mu, a treasure, he gave the best in everything, trusted him with all his heart, and loved him. Their family of three was a complete and happy family. Although this family has not been recognized by the family at all, this does not prevent them from being happy.

And Qi Ji is just a superfluous and ridiculous existence. Qi Jian doesn't care, doesn't care, and doesn't take it seriously, even if he is a genius.

And he used this innate ability to keep his due position in the Qi family, and step by step, in a carefully designed plan, let the woman reveal her true colors and force them away , and finally Qi Jian hated his son.

He doesn't care, just hate it!
(End of this chapter)

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