卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 172 Young

Chapter 172 Young
He had no feelings for this person, and the reason why he came to Qi's house was mainly because he was entrusted by others.

If you get a little bit of grace from someone, you should be rewarded by a spring.

He came to repay his kindness.

Yes, he is not Qi Ji at all.

Who is he?
When he was young, he thought he was Zhanyuhu's son. At that time, he called Zhanyuhu his mother, and everything he taught was taught by Zhanyuhu.She was his enlightenment teacher.

Zhan Yuhu said that he is a genius, and he can learn anything as soon as he learns it. That kind of talent makes her, who is a genius, amazed by it.

At that time, he didn't know what a genius was, and only later did he know that genius means high IQ: his learning ability was several times, or even ten times, higher than that of the average person.He's the smartest of those kids, and can always read what other people are thinking.

Yes, at that time, they lived on a small isolated island. The area of ​​the island was not very large. There were flowers, grass, sunshine, rain and dew, a group of children, childcare workers, teachers, doctors... ...It was a peaceful and peaceful paradise, where he and his friends played happily, studied, and grew carefree...

And he, the most different, is what Zhan Yuhu told him.

Therefore, she liked him very much and kept him in her own small villa: every day, someone would send him to the "school", and when she came back, if she was there, she would personally guide him for in-depth study.If not, there will be specialists who regularly and quantitatively teach him things that he cannot learn in class...

At that time, he liked to laugh very much, and his smile was very sunny... so he had a name: Asahi.

This kind of life has lasted for ten years. After he got used to such a living environment, the trajectory of his life has undergone earth-shaking changes...

It was an early morning in the summer when he was ten years old. Two strange men broke into the island, and after disrupting their peaceful life, they were locked up by the staff who "guarded" them.

Out of curiosity, he managed to find them who were being imprisoned. In the process of secretly talking with them, he realized that this group of children was not a normal existence.They are not viviparous, but artificial species under genetic duplication. They are called "products" outside, and they are parts of some people. The purpose of being manufactured is to provide various organ replacements for the original host...

He couldn't be shocked when he heard it, and ran to ask Zhan Yuhu: "Is this true..."

Zhanyuhu was silent, and his heart ached.

Before long, the foreign intruder named Mo Changshan escaped.

Two days later, he went to the classroom as usual, but heard an emergency rallying sound.

Originally, he wanted to find out what happened. Xiaoqi, the staff member who had been taking care of him, covered his mouth, dragged him to a place where no one was there to hide, and said to him with a look of fear: "I can't go. You can't go there!"

"why not?"

He doesn't understand.

"They have all been dealt with. If you go there, there is only one dead end."

He couldn't understand more and more:
"What is being dealt with?"

"Because you are not a legitimate existence. There is an order from above to get rid of you all! It is to kill you all...Follow me, Dr. Zhan will take you away...You can survive..."

An iron cage and a big fire, they were really dealt with collectively...

He witnessed that scene with his own eyes.

It was the first time he took a vehicle called a "helicopter".

When the helicopter was leaving, he saw in midair the home he once knew was lit in the bottom of his eyes. In the raging fire, countless innocent people screamed in despair and struggled in pain, and he, leaning against the glass window, Looking at the former friends, they died miserably one by one, and the whole island was destroyed, but they could only cry and do nothing.

He begged Zhanyuhu to save them:
"They are human, why do you burn them to death? Do you know how painful it is for them? Mom, find a way to save them, save them... Don't be so cruel, don't be so cruel..."

Zhan Yuhu hugged him tightly, tears streaming down: "I can't save so much. I can only save you. You are different, you are different from them. I can only save you one."

That was the first time he couldn't stop crying, and he shouted: "You so-called adults are really terrible, how can you destroy us in such a cruel way after creating us... "

Zhan Yuhu just gritted his teeth and spit out: "Politics has always been terrible. I am also a pawn in their hands. Xu, if you want to survive, you have to endure it and escape..."

Because he was young, and because he had never experienced such an inhumane thing, his heart couldn't stand it, so he roared at Zhan Yuhu on the spot:
"I would like to die with them..."

Zhan Yuhu, who was irritated by these words, stunned him with a ruthless heart.

When he woke up, he was in another strange place, which was the research base that was destroyed this time.

When he woke up he found his face, ruined and horribly ugly.

Zhan Yuhu reassured him and said, "It's okay, just a deformed injection. This is the result of the reorganization of some cells in the face. In the future, as long as two more antidotes are administered, your appearance will be restored!"

He asked puzzled, "Why?"

Zhan Yuhu said: "In order not to let them recognize who he is. If you want to live outside, you have to hide your identity, at least in recent years, you have to hide it deeply."

They didn't stay at the research base for long, because Zhanyuhu was plotted against the wind.She got a biochemical shot by that bastard.The reason is that Chan Feng wanted to snatch some information from Zhan Yuhu's hand, but she refused to hand it over, so she escaped with him, and finally fell in Baiwan Bay.

At that time, without ID cards, they could only settle in poor shanty towns. Zhan Yuhu bought a dilapidated house with the little cash he had, and after a little tidying up, they began to make a living by picking up rubbish , picks up trash during the day, and Zhan Yuhu teaches him various courses at night until the end of her life.

After Zhanyuhu passed away, he buried her by the lake.Every day, he would run to accompany her, for him, she was his mother.

In the first year of living alone, he recognized the second noble person in his life: the sixth Chen.This person saw that his skeleton was beautiful, different from ordinary people, and his appearance was strange, but he was wise, and he liked him very much, and wanted to accept him as his apprentice.Because he wanted to keep filial piety to Zhanyuhu, he did not want to follow him immediately, and the two made an appointment to see each other in three years.Before the sixth Chen left, he taught him a set of boxing techniques.

In the third year of living alone, when he was 13 years old, a little girl named Xiao Tan broke into his life, bringing some bright colors to his sad life and making him feel the warmth of home.

At the age of 14, he encountered a catastrophe. First, he was nearly burned to death in a junk house by those who were following him from the research base. Fortunately, he saved his life, but accidentally collided with a gang killer named the Buck family. , and was taken by the killer to a place called "Purgatory", which is a dark place for training young killers.

He boiled in it for three months and lived through nine deaths.

After that, the two families: the Buck family and the Parter family fought against each other.The Parter family won, and he took the opportunity to escape with Pete.Pete followed the Partt family, and he, after wandering the streets for a few days, met Sixth Chen and was brought back to China.

After following the sixth Chen back to his retreat in the country of Zhu, he recognized a woman named Lanfang.

(End of this chapter)

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