卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 174 How Can I Be Sure It's True?

Chapter 174 How Can I Be Sure It's True?
"How can I be sure it's real, not a trick you set?"

"You can choose not to believe it. That's your freedom. If you are so confident that your own judgment is absolutely correct, as long as you don't regret giving up such an opportunity. It doesn't matter on our side..."

Luo Houyu thought about it for a while, and finally bit his head and nodded:
"Okay! I promise..."

Because he really can't give up such a possibility, although this possibility is a bit unrealistic.

Zhang Neng was not surprised at all, and patted his face with a smile:
"Remember, within a month, if you can't complete it, you will be responsible for the consequences..."

When Qi Ji arrived at the hospital, it was already six o'clock in the evening, and the traffic jam on the road was particularly severe.

He went straight to Luo Houyu's room, with grandpa's assistant guarding the door.As soon as I entered the door, I heard Qi Wanzhong talking to Luo Houyu, one sitting and the other lying down. The expressions of the two were not very good, and the atmosphere was a little low.

He observed for a while. Grandpa is getting older and older. Under normal circumstances, he will not get angry. Today, his expression is so ugly. It must be that Grandpa Luo said something ugly. Before he provoked him, he understood it. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two old people talked on the phone, and then grandpa hurried to the hospital, and after that, grandpa contacted him...

Obviously the conversation between the two was not very pleasant.

After thinking about it, Qi Ji approached and approached Mr. Luo, and asked in a warm voice:
"Grandpa, it's good to see you awake, how are you feeling now?"

"Qi Ji, you came just in time!"

Luo Houyu shuddered and grabbed his hand slightly, with hope in his eyes.

"What do you want to see me do?"

Qi Ji sat on the edge of the bed and asked,

Luo Houyu raised his head slightly and stared at him for a long time before he said, "I want you to divorce immediately and marry my granddaughter Luo Shi... I won't live long, I want to see you get married before I die..."

The smile on Qi Ji's face was involuntarily put away. No wonder his grandfather summoned him in such a hurry and his face was still so bad. It turned out that Luo Houyu made such an unreasonable request.

"Grandpa, have you forgotten? I'm already married to your other granddaughter: Luo Shitan..."

He hastily emphasized this fact.

"No, she is not the daughter of our Luo family at all, she is not surnamed Luo."

Luo Houyu did not hesitate to deny Shi Tan's position in the Luo family, with such a resolute tone: "Because of this girl of unknown origin, my son is gone, our Luo family is destroyed, and the family is not a family, and now my granddaughter is back, so good A girl deserves the best. Immediately, I want you to marry her immediately... If you don't marry Qi Ji, I will expose what your grandfather did back then... I can tell you can do it..."

Qi Ji frowned. In his eyes, Luo Houyu has always been a kind old man. Why has he become so unreasonable now?What is the reason?
"Grandpa...you are trying to be difficult..."

He didn't lose his temper, his voice remained calm, and he began to reason with the old man.

Shi Tan felt that in his life, meeting Qi Ji was the most unexpected surprise given by God after he had fooled her life.

It is undeniable that he has always been an excellent man, but in the past, she was unwilling to appreciate him, and had an indelible prejudice against him, so that she could not see through his essence. Now, she is full of affection for him. Attachment, whether it is his domineering side, autocratic side, or warm and considerate side, she likes it all.

She felt that she was really captured by love this time... She fell in love with this man completely.

Yes, her eyes began to chase him uncontrollably, and her heart would become happy with him by her side, and she would become more and more greedy for his smile and all kinds of kisses...

Shi Tan is 27 years old this year, and she has seen many men of all kinds, the fair-faced ones, the sanctimonious ones, the evil ones, the wooden ones, the cunning ones, the straight-faced ones, the chicken-bellied ones, the preoccupied ones Type, bold and unrestrained, cautious... In the profession of criminal police, she has come into contact with more men than ordinary people, and their personalities are more complicated.

In the process of handling the case, it was almost a natural thing for her to attract men's favor because of her beauty.

In order to solve the case, she would date them, chat, dance...

It is also limited to such ambiguity!
She never kisses those stinky men.

But men are strange animals. The more they can't get them, the more they want to conquer, and they will regard her "want to welcome and refuse" as a way for women to attract men.I will become more and more madly infatuated with her pure and clean temperament...

This kind of psychology has provided her with great help in finding all kinds of evidence.

In the Interpol, there are also many foreign colleagues who are fascinated by her. Several have handed her an olive branch of courtship. Among them, there are many men with good family background, ability to work, and great personality. Some people even proposed to him. .

She declined all.

In her opinion, in this life, it is impossible for her to remarry or love again.

Because she has lost the ability to love.

The experience from childhood to adulthood was too tortuous and ups and downs. Most of the people she was willing to make friends with did not end well.

Sometimes, she will think that she is a evil star, whoever she encounters will be evil.

Her attitude towards life is not pessimistic, but in her life, the passion has already been extinguished, and only responsibility remains.

She knew very well in her heart that it was the responsibility that supported her to carry everything, and that it was the responsibility that forced her to face the setbacks in life bravely and try not to be defeated.

Over the years, she has been freezing her heart for another important reason: the fear of being hurt.

If you don't love you don't get hurt.

Love is a double-edged sword, it can give you warmth or a fatal sword.

Therefore, she does not love.

Now, she understands that nothing can be concluded when a person has not reached the end of his life.

In March 2011, she realized that she fell in love with Qi Ji. This time, she did not escape, but accepted it frankly, and was happy to let go of it, rekindle her passion, and then trust someone wholeheartedly , that requires courage, especially for a person like her who is already very cautious.

But she was willing to take the risk.

Without giving, there is no gain.

Marriage needs to be watered together by the parties involved in the marriage.He has paid a lot on this road, and she has always been ignorant of it. Now that she understands it, she will naturally take care of it.

It is said that men are unreliable. Many times, they will be driven by the hormones in their bodies, will be confused by beauty, will be infidelity in love, and be unfaithful in marriage.

Today's society is like this, and there are a few people who can truly love only one person in their entire life.

It's more like a fairy tale.

The same goes for rich men.

(End of this chapter)

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