卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 175 The temptation they face is even greater

Chapter 175 The temptation they face is even greater

Because they face greater temptation, it is easy to be fascinated by drunken fans and feasts outside the home, destroying love, and fulfilling more one-night stands.

There are many such cases around her.

But she was still willing to try, just once.

Do everything to love a...

Shi Tan stayed in the hospital for nearly half a month. When the stitches were removed, she began to urge Qi Ji to take her home. She really didn't like the smell of the hospital.

Qi Ji didn't like it either, but he wouldn't blindly follow Shi Tan's own opinions, and all treatments had to follow the doctor's orders.

In his eyes, her health is the most important thing, and if the doctor says it's okay, then it's okay.

He only listens to the doctor.

During this time, he became a stern elder, trying every means to forbid her not to do this or that.

For example, when it comes to diet, they have to follow the recipes he arranged, and the taste is mainly light.

Because the doctor said to eat less sugar and salt and avoid all kinds of spicy food, he wanted the kitchen to find ways to make all kinds of foods that are conducive to bone growth.

Since he ate the same kind of food with him, there was no chance for her to complain.

She has no autonomy when it comes to food.

It gave her a headache.

One day, when he was away, she felt that her mouth was light and her hands were itchy, so she ordered a hot and sour noodle on her mobile phone. When placing the order, she even told them to send them directly to the ward, for fear of being detained halfway. Lose.

Half an hour after the order was placed, the takeaway was delivered to the door.

The delivery staff was quite conscientious, and under the guidance of the bodyguards, they decisively sent the box of hot and sour noodles into the ward.

Don't think that she can eat this delicious bowl as she wishes.

Although it was indeed eaten, it was not her who ate the bowl of sour powder, but Qi Ji, who was good or bad, came back at this time, saw the hot and sour powder, and smiled without blame:

"My wife is getting more and more considerate. Knowing that I haven't had dinner yet, she even called me for takeout."

In front of her, this guy happily ate all of it, and she only swallowed.

"Qi Ji, can you give me a bite? Just one bite, it won't get in the way!"

Smelling that smell made her really hungry.

"Smell it, eat it, don't talk about it!"

Is there such a thing as abuse?

Just let it smell.

This is the price for her disobedience. She pays for ordering takeaway.

The point is not here, the point is that after eating, he had a stomachache and had a long night of trouble.

It wasn't until the doctor came and gave him a drip that she knew that he couldn't eat very spicy food, and his stomach was not very good, but he ate the bowl of hot and sour noodles.

"You idiot, since you can't eat it, why do you eat like a reincarnation of a greedy ghost? Are you dying?"

She screamed in anger.

"I can only want to warn you, if you dare to call this kind of nutritious food outside, you call it once, and I will eat it once. If you want to kill me, you can place another order."

This abominable man is deliberately threatening her with his health...

In this regard, she obediently did not sing against him again, she understood that under his self-abuse threat, there was a lot of love and protection hidden.Although she really wants to eat, but for him, she will wait and endure this period of time, she will definitely leave him and go eat to her heart's content, let's see how he still controls her!
Another example is the issue of personal hygiene, which makes her feel embarrassed.

Due to a fractured thigh, she was kept in a plaster cast, and she couldn't move. On the first day she woke up, she encountered a problem and wanted to defecate. She asked the nurse what to do.

The nurse said it was okay to pee on the bed.

But she couldn't do it, she held it for a whole day, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Later, when Qi Ji saw that her expression was not right, he asked, "What's wrong?"

She couldn't bear it anymore and said it embarrassingly.

After listening, he went to ask the doctor's opinion, and when he came back, he said to her: "Your fracture is not very serious. As long as you don't exert force, you can go to the toilet under the care of your family. But you must remember that you can't use force. It's not good for your bones. heal……"

That day, he taught her to use crutches, and he supervised her to go to the toilet.

As an adult, this was the first time she defecated in front of a man. She asked him to go out, but he refused, fearing that she would accidentally fall.

He said to her solemnly: "I am your husband, why are you so shy? Besides, I have never seen or touched your small body? Now that you have limited mobility, you must put your safety first. bit..."


She is embarrassed!
"You mean, if I can't move one day, you will dislike me and leave me alone?"

He squinted to question her.

She hurriedly said:

"of course not!"

"That's it, between husband and wife, you should take care of me, and I will take care of you... What the hell are you thinking in your head?"

He reluctantly knocked on her forehead.

After that, she got used to the fact that the two of them went to the toilet together.

But soon, she encountered an even more embarrassing thing.

On the fourth day of waking up, the menstrual period arrived.Because of the sudden arrival, she was not mentally prepared and soiled the bedding.

He found out, called Aunt Laiwen to change the bedding, and he cleaned her up.

When he took her out of the bathroom, she got under the quilt, covered her face, and felt ashamed.

And he chuckled beside him.

In those days, he not only bought her sanitary pads himself, but also helped her replace them and clean them up.Time and time again, he took the trouble to stay by her side, doing these little things that would make people outside stunned.

Six days later, when her period was over, she felt itchy, and she hadn't showered for several days. She always felt uncomfortable.

In the evening, Qi Ji took her into the bathroom: "I asked the doctor, as long as you pay attention to hygiene, bathing is not completely forbidden. After bathing, you can treat the wound well. However, you have limited mobility and cannot do it yourself. Don't exert any force on your left foot, just stand obediently and balance yourself well, and leave the matter of washing your body to me..."

On this day, she blushed and accepted his personal service.

After washing, he took her back to bed and disinfected her wound with medicine.

Afterwards, he smiled and kissed her, whispered something in her ear, and asked her to pinch him... Hmph, her husband is abominable... He is cheap and good at being good.

Qi Ji did not hide the fact that Luo Houyu was awake. He told her that day after he returned to the hospital.

She said that she was very happy and could not wait to see grandpa right away.

He vaccinated her and said:

"Grandpa's mood is not very good, and it's hard to let go of this matter. Now that you are in the hospital bed yourself, don't run so far to see grandpa for the time being. Let grandpa cool down before going to see him. If you honor him, don't stay there. At this time, I ran to stimulate him. Emotions always come in waves. Let Luo Shi enlighten him first. Grandpa is an open-minded person. After committing some sins, Grandpa's emotions will not intensify."

Shi Tan didn't mind her suffering, what she was afraid of was that her appearance would irritate her grandfather.

After careful consideration, he agreed with Qi Ji's approach.It is also good not to meet for a while.

After three weeks in bed, Shi Tan was allowed to use a wheelchair.

For her convenience, Qi Ji prepared a bedroom on the ground floor so that she could come and go freely.

The biggest advantage of staying at home is that you can sleep together. The hospital bed is so small. Qi Ji is afraid that she will be weighed down by sleeping at night. He has never shared a bed with her. A guest bed, sometimes working until midnight.

After this incident of sharing weal and woe, the relationship between Shi Tan and Qi Ji has heated up rapidly.

In front of people, he expresses his love for her without hesitation. After people, he often kisses her and kisses her, but it's just a kiss.No way, now, she can't do strenuous exercise.There were two times when he kissed, and the end was in the middle of the night, when he had to take a cold shower.

"Otherwise, let's sleep in separate rooms! No matter how bad it is, we can sleep in separate beds in the room..."

Seeing him endure so hard, she felt distressed.But now she is like a fragile crystal doll, she can only see, not touch.

This man has a strong desire in this area.She could feel it, she felt that sharing the bed was a kind of torture for each other.

"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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