Chapter 176
He disagreed, and was unwilling to part with her.Holding her, although it is easy to be impulsive, it will be very peaceful and easy to fall asleep.Sleeping in separate beds, he always felt like something was missing, and he felt uncomfortable... He often woke up in the middle of the night, so he disagreed.

In the twenty or so days after waking up, Shi Tan was in the hospital bed and felt the man's careful and considerate care. He put down a lot of work, put the focus of his life on her, and revolved around her every day.

He said, "I am happy when you are healthy and healthy. For my happiness, you have to get well soon..."

In the simple life of getting along day and night, she felt the warmth of a thick home.

By her side, he is just an ordinary man who loves his wife. He will become nagging and ordinary because he wants the woman to get better soon.

On April [-]th, Qi Ji made another scandal. The heroine of the scandal was Mi Fangfei.

In the evening, Shi Tan sat in a wheelchair to read, with Xiao Bai by his side, and the mother and son were silent together under the peaceful sunshine.

The time is quiet, and the light music echoes faintly in the breeze...

For Shi Tan, it has been a long time since he enjoyed the afternoon so quietly.

Let go of everything, and the heart will become very quiet.

Just like a fisherman on a small boat that has gone through wind and waves, after fighting against the bad weather, he is exhausted and sails into the harbor on a sunny day after the rain.On the sand embankment, the fisherman throws himself on the golden sand, feeling the sunshine, warm wind, and safety.

Shi Tan likes this kind of peace and quiet.

There is no conflict of interests, no tasks that must be done, no threat of death, no complicated interpersonal relationships, only a simple home life, the mood is relaxed, happy, and even more peaceful...

I just read a detective story with her Xiaobai. After reading the first part, she gave examples of clues and let Xiaobai judge by himself.Xiaobai's response satisfied her.And the time spent with mother and son is even more intoxicating.

"Mom, if you don't become a police officer, what will you do in the future?"

Xiaobai suddenly asked her such a question.

These days, she is also thinking about this.

Luo Shi will take care of Luo Shi in the future. To avoid suspicion, she will definitely not enter Luo Shi.

It is absolutely impossible to be a full-time wife.

She needs a suitable job to fill her life.

She thinks:
It is not desirable to be a woman who depends on a man for everything. A woman does not have to be raised by a man to be happy.

A woman must have the pride of a woman, and that pride comes from her own independence.

A family is made up of two people.Even if a man's income can fully meet the family's expenses.Women should also have their own jobs.

Independence and self-improvement can make a woman show her unique personality charm.

Human nature is easy to be lazy, and she does not hope that one day, like Luo Ying, she will lose the most basic ability to integrate into society.

"Well, what do you think of the clothes Mommy made?"

"Very good, very comfortable to wear! Does mom want to be a designer?"


Shi Tan smiled.

Yes, she can make clothes. In her spare time as a detective, she occasionally makes clothes for Xiaobai and herself.Xiaobai has sensitive skin. When she was a child, she could only wear cotton clothes.Sometimes, when she couldn't find a suitable one in the market, she would buy some cloth and make it herself.Make your own clothes by the way.The styles are all designed by myself, and I can't find them on the market.

Once, she made an evening dress for a reception in a mission.

That day, she wowed all four at a dinner party because of that dress.

After that, someone asked her where the dress was made, which is really rare.

She smiled and said, "I did it myself."

The man was astonished and felt incredible.

Later, the person introduced her to a famous fashion designer: Su Qi, who thought she could develop well in this field.

By chance, she met Su Qi, and after some exchanges, Su Qi thought she had great potential.

Then, she took a moment of interest and gave Su Qi all the drawings of dozens of clothes that she had designed in her spare time for many years, asking her for guidance.

After reading it, Su Qi felt that the styles of these clothes were very unique and amazing. After obtaining her consent, she contacted the workers to make all the clothes and named them "Golden Era".Later, it was produced in small batches, and once the clothes were put on the shelves, they won the favor of many fashionable people.

When the dividends were distributed, Su Qi said: "You have a talent for design, why don't you come to me to be a designer! Stop being a criminal police officer, how much money can you make?"

Shi Tan didn't want to.She likes the profession of criminal police.

Su Qi tried to persuade her to change careers several times, but failed. In desperation, she set a trick with her:

"The brand of Golden Age has been registered, it belongs to you, and it should be developed by you. You can't be a criminal policeman all your life! When you don't do it one day, then you come to design. In order not to let this brand drown , in the future, you can design a few new styles at will every year, and then I will let them make them and do all kinds of sales for you. When the profit is made, we will split the account [-] to [-] percent."

She agreed with the suggestion.

For this reason, she has distributed a lot of money in the past few years. In this circle, many people know the brand "Time", but no one has ever seen the designer of the "Time" series of clothing.

Maybe, in the future, she can run this profession.

"Tanma, you can do it, come on... oops, I want to pee!"

Xiaobai put down the iPad in his hand and walked out.

Shi Tan looked up at the cheerful appearance of the child when he left, smiled, brought the iPad, went online, went directly to Su Qi's design company, and checked the current fashion trends.After browsing the fashion information on the website for a while, I also left a message with Su Qi.Seeing that there was no reply, she went to the news network and was stunned when she saw the headline on the homepage.

It is a scandal, the hero and heroine are Qi Ji and Mi Fangfei.

The first photo is a juxtaposition of several photos, and the picture is like this: Mi Fangfei tripped over her skirt, looking a little frightened, Qi Ji hurriedly supported her, stared down, and looked down concern.

The second photo: Qi Ji helped Mi Fangfei come out of the hospital, Mi Fangfei leaned on his shoulders, holding his arms firmly with both hands, Qi Ji looked at the road ahead quietly, as if staring at him Their entangled shadows on the ground.

The third photo: Mi Fangfei kisses Qi Ji...

Her heart was stinged by these three photos, the smile on her face gradually condensed, and the happy mood suddenly broke.

(End of this chapter)

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