卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 177 Photos

Chapter 177 Photos
At the back of the photo is the following text:
"The annual District A Charity Fund-raising Gala kicked off tonight. Everyone in the country knows that the District A Charity Fund is mainly used to support medical assistance for young children in various places. The initiator is a legendary figure in the military from the Mo family: Mo Yao The presidents of Qi family, Qi Ji and Mo Yaozhi, who have not shown their faces in the media for three weeks, are both cousins ​​and comrades-in-arms. Today, Mr. Qi arrived on time to save face, but unexpectedly met his former love, Mi Fangfei.

"Mi Fangfei was wearing a little purple dress with light make-up, and she was charming with her frowns and smiles, and was known as the goddess of this dinner.

"At the dinner party, she was ruthless and stepped on the air from the high-level. President Qi just followed her and supported her. He personally drove her to the hospital, probably because of a sprained foot. When she came out, Mi Fangfei I can't help but kiss Mr. Qi...

"Speaking of this, the editor really wants to ask these two: Are you planning to rekindle your old relationship? Excuse me, have you considered other people's feelings...

"Boss Qi, are you worthy of your wife?"

Shi Tan pursed his lips and carefully looked at the third photo... The distance was a bit far, so I couldn't see what Qi Ji's expression was like at the time, but what was certain was that this photo was not from P.

In fact, last night, Qi Ji did go to a party initiated by Mo Yaozhi, and he did come back later than usual.When he got home, he didn't come to see her right away, but went to take a bath first.Thinking about it, he didn't just want to wash off the alcohol smell from his body, but also wanted to wash off the smell of a woman on his body.The important thing is that last night, he was very worried.

Thinking of this, Shi Tan's heart suddenly became tangled.

Qi Ji is 32. At such an age, she can't ask him. She has never been in a relationship, and it is even more impossible to ask him. Before getting married, he had no sex.Because it is unrealistic.

She knew that he had a first love, that woman, named Mi Fangfei, they had a lot of pasts, whether it was the photos when they were children or the photos when they were adults, they couldn't show such a fact.Mi Fangfei and Qi Ji were once recognized as a couple.

Mi Fangfei also committed suicide for Qi Ji.

Qi Ji must have feelings for her, otherwise, how could he help her, hold her, and let her kiss like this...

She pinched between her brows and grabbed her cell phone. She wanted to call and ask about the matter, but she stopped when she pressed the last number.

Husbands and wives should trust each other.

She has to trust him.

Maybe before, he may have loved her, that was before, and now, he only needs to love her.As if she had loved someone else.

Excessive fussing is boring.When two people get along, they must learn to tolerate.Love each other's worries, but also love each other's shortcomings.

She didn't read the news again, closed the page, and slowly rolled the wheel to the study.

She wanted to find a book of poems to read.

Regarding this scandal, she thought, he would give her an explanation.


Two hours ago, the office of the president of Qi's Building.

Qi Ji just came out of the conference room and stepped into the office when the chief secretary Ou Ye immediately followed him. He glanced at her, she had two documents in her hand, and she didn't look like she was working.

After he explained a few things about a certain high-level person, he sat down, leaned back, and examined her:

"what's up?"

"Here are two documents for you to review. If there is no problem, please sign them. They will come and get them later."

Ouye put the documents in front of him and stood respectfully.

"Hold on, talk about your other things first? Private matters?"

Qi Ji took a sip of the boiled water from the teacup.

Ou Ye was startled, the boss is such a sharp eye, and after following this man for so long, she is still not used to this kind of situation that is often seen through, and finally couldn't help but ask:
"I'm curious, how did you see it?"

"If it's official business, you won't be so hesitant and hesitant. Besides, it's still about my private affairs... My chief secretary, I know better than anyone how capable I am..."

His judgment is so damn accurate.

"Yes, there is your latest scandal on the news network. That's all I want to say..."

Ouye is very happy to be recognized by the boss.

When Cheng Hang heard it, his eyes moved, and he immediately clicked on the news website for him. The headlines in the big picture are really eye-catching...

"This news was exposed 10 minutes ago. In just a few minutes, it has millions of hits and countless hot comments. I know you don't usually pay attention to these things, but this time, it should be different My wife is in China, I think you should know about it as soon as possible..."

Working together for many years, although Ouye can't say that she has a complete understanding of the boss's temper, she still understands some aspects, for example: Mr. Qi's attitude towards Mrs. Qi is different from other people's attitude. After half a month, Mr. Qi put down Everything stays in the hospital, and only a small amount of time is set aside for company affairs, which can almost be called an "anomaly".

And in this anomaly, she really felt Mrs. Qi's different status in Mr. Qi's mind.

"Thank you, this matter should really let me know as soon as possible..."

Qi Ji said thank you, but his brows wrinkled unconsciously.

He sat upright, clicked on the pictures, and looked at them carefully one by one, feeling suspicious in his heart.

Yesterday at the dinner party, when he was helping Mi Fangfei, he didn't notice anyone taking pictures nearby. One was that the place was relatively remote and few people were hiding there, and the other was that he and her only stopped there for a minute. When the time arrived, after he confirmed that Mi Fangfei had sprained her ankle, he immediately asked Cheng Hang to drive over, and he took her to leave directly through the side door.

In his judgment, someone should have seen them leave, but due to the short time, it was not so clearly photographed.

When he went to the hospital later, he didn't even notice anyone was following him.

But these photos appeared today, just like they were planned in advance.

If this kind of scandalous photos were put in the past, he would have laughed at it, but today is different from the past, and he has to take care of Shi Tan's feelings.

"Looks like it was well designed..."

This is Cheng Hang's view.

Indeed, this is a scandal that Mi Fangfei deliberately created!

She was deliberately provoking Shi Tan.

His eyes sank and sank, and he waved for Ou Ye to leave.

When the door closed, Cheng Hang sat across from him and asked, "Would you like to remind Mi Fangfei? She did this to make his wife look bad!"

Yesterday's encounter was definitely not a chance encounter.

"No! Terminate the contract over the bay with the Mi family directly!"

He calmly picked up the pen in his hand, took a few reports and began to review it. Except for Cheng Hang, almost no one knew how much economic loss his decision would bring to the Mi family.

"Is it the contract between the Qi family and the Mi family, or the contract between Jinxiu and the Mi family?"

"The contract between Jinxiu and the Mi family!"

"Suddenly inspect the goods they send and raise it to the national inspection standard. As long as one batch of products is found to be unqualified, all of them will be returned, and the contract will be terminated?"

Cheng Hangdao came out with the abacus in the boss's heart.

Qi Ji hooked his lips: "Hmm!"

(End of this chapter)

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