卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 178 Calm down

Chapter 178 Calm down
Cheng Hang nodded: "Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Jinxiu Industry is a company founded by Qi Ji separated from the Qi family. In the past few years, it has stood out as a dark horse in the business world and has occupied a place in Yao City. In just a few years, its performance has turned dozens of. times.

Previously, Jinxiu Industrial acquired a piece of land in Baiwan and decided to invest in the construction of the highest e-commerce city in Baiwan.Mijia is one of the suppliers.The result of suspending this contract will deal a heavy blow to the economic crisis that Mijia is barely recovering.

Qi Ji didn't want to do it so badly, but since she was so disobedient and liked to make trouble for him, she couldn't blame him for giving him a small lesson.

Watching Cheng Hang leave, Qi Ji closed a plan he had just signed, grabbed the phone, rubbed the phone screen with his thumb, and wondered if he should call her. At this time, she might be with Xiao White reading.This girl rarely surfs the Internet and doesn't like shopping very much. When she is free, her favorite is to take a book and sit in the sun to pass the time quietly.

Just like when they were children, she has maintained the habit of reading books at that time, and only likes to read physical books.

After thinking for a full minute, he put the phone back where it was, and took out the other urgent reports.

Whether she knows it or not, now he doesn't have to rush to explain anything...

The more eager he is, the more he will appear to have a ghost in his heart...

calm down!

He breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his mentality, and put all his energy into his work.

Regarding the matter of Mi Fangfei, it does not mean that it can be solved immediately...

Pull back the time to two weeks ago.

Since he came back from the research base, Qi Ji has been staying in the special hospital, all his thoughts are on Shi Tan, and he has no mind to take care of Mi Fangfei.

As for Mi Fangfei, she was locked in the villa every day. Unless she got their permission, she could hardly get in touch with the outside world at other times.

That day, she saw the incident about Qi Ji being beaten on TV, and she was shocked. She rushed out immediately and asked her guard what was going on, but the man didn't give any answer.For this reason, she made a fuss for several days, and finally saw Jamie on the third day.

After that, Jamie called and reported, "Boss, Mi Fangfei wants to see you. It's been a lot of trouble..."

Qi Ji, who was standing in front of Shitan's bed, remembered that his people were still watching over the girl.

It was indeed time to see her.

It was that afternoon that Qi Ji went to the villa and met Mi Feifang.

When he walked into the room, he saw her staring blankly at the sky outside the window with a dull expression. When she heard the sound of footsteps, she came back to her senses. The smile she pulled out when she saw him was also pale. Smart and energetic, she is like a flower bud that is gradually withering, and it has begun to wither before it is in full bloom.And he was the main cause of her withering.

The two stared at each other silently for a long time, neither of them said a word.

In the end, it was Mi Fangfei who spoke first:

"I read the news and heard that you were banged!"

She wanted to express her concern, but with her relationship with him, she had to care.In any case, he was the father of her child, the man she loved dearly.

As for Qi Ji, his expression was very dull. He sat on the sofa without any enthusiasm. He just replied quietly: "It's all right! It's all over! What's the matter in such a hurry to see me?"

Mi Fangfei was heartbroken by his indifference, bit her lip, and explained:

"One is to know if you are okay, and the other is to ask if the DNA results have come out?"

Qi Ji did not speak, it was a default.

The result is definitely out.

Mi Fangfei read the meaning in his eyes, and then deepened the smile on her face, but that smile was not happy, and gradually, there was a hint of hurt and heartache.

"It turns out I didn't lie!"

The tone was extremely aggrieved.

In this matter, what he did really hurt her.

But he didn't come to comfort her.

Qi Ji still didn't speak. In front of this girl, he always adhered to the style of silence is gold.

Mi Fangfei couldn't wait for his answer, and tears gradually gathered in her eyes. She bit her lip and reiterated again, with a strange excitement in her voice:
"You are my first man. Although after breaking up with you, I tried to socialize with other people, but it was useless. They couldn't get into my heart. I've never been the kind of person who can fool around."

However, Qi Ji's reaction was still silent.

"Why don't you speak?"

Mi Fangfei came to him with resentment in her heart, clenched her fists fiercely, and couldn't help but let out a low cry of sorrow and resentment.

This time, Qi Ji finally spoke:

"Fangfei, I know, you've always been a good girl!"

Mi Fangfei stayed for a while.

She understands that this is an affirmation.

He affirmed her goodness, this was the first time he had affirmed her so much in so many years.Her heart was surging, and complex emotions rose and fell in her heart. After a while, she continued in a hoarse voice:
"But you don't believe me!"

Another moment of silence.

She was stung again by his silence:

"Qi Ji, you can talk like a river with others, why do you become quiet when you face me..."

Qi Ji's eyes were too deep, it was a world she couldn't see through.

She grew up with him, and she should have known him very well, but he has always been mysterious to her.

He is like a mirage in the desert, and she is the traveler who can't find water. When she sees the mysterious oasis in the distance, she will desperately want to chase it...

But no matter how she chased him, he was always out of reach, and she couldn't catch it at all...

People are so wonderful, the more you can't grasp it, the more you want to conquer it.

Of course, if it is not attacked for a long time, people will become impetuous.

Because she is so infatuated with him and so afraid of losing him, although she has a chip in her stomach, but she can't be sure whether this chip will work for him.

She has waited too long, and now, she just wants to know his answer:

"What you said, you will give me an explanation. Now you are here, but you don't say anything, Qi Ji, are you trying to drive me crazy? You can explain it to me clearly, what do you want? What are you going to do with me and the child? Today, you must make it clear to me."

Qi Jida fixed a look at her, lit a cigarette and walked slowly to the window, opened the window, and let the smoke drift outside.

He stood there for a long time, so long that Mi Fangfei thought he wanted to avoid this question again, but he asked this sentence in return:

"Do you want this child?"

Mi Fangfei stayed for a while, and then she asked with a look of alertness: "Why do I want this child? This child is yours... Its fate, now you are in control..."

"Listen to what I have to say!"

He pressed the cigarette butt and turned to look at her, his eyes were deep, like two bottomless abyss, which could suck people in and devour them whole.

He expressed his thoughts in a very calm voice:

"Listen, I thought so...

"If you want this child, I can arrange for you to go abroad to give birth, and after the birth, you have two options.

"The first choice is that you stay abroad with your children and never come back. I will give you a sum of money that will make your mother and son feel safe from now on. If one day you meet a man you like, I don't object to you taking it with you. Form another family with the child. The child can follow your last name.

"The second option is that you can give the child to me, and I will find a way to let him be named Qi and become a child under the name of me and Shi Tan, but from now on, you can no longer appear in front of the child...

"If you don't want it, then shed it as soon as possible...Go back to your France...In the future, you and I will break up completely."

Mi Fangfei showed disbelief, and her whole body trembled deeply.

After waiting for so long, this is the result?
Her heart ached like a knife, and she clutched her chest tightly with one hand, feeling that she could hardly breathe, and even fell to the ground.

After a long time, she screamed:
"Qi Ji, how can you be so cruel?"

"Fang Fei, if I were cruel enough, I would force you to have an abortion. But I didn't do that, I just let you choose..."

Qi Ji interrupted, his voice cold and harsh.

(End of this chapter)

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