卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 179 Choice

Chapter 179 Choice
"What a fucking choice. Qi Ji, I want this child, and I want you even more... I want a complete family..."

Mi Fangfei's tears fell, and she cried out in grief:
"But you, you don't have that idea at all...

"Qi Ji, you have to understand one thing, if I give birth to this child, it can't have a father, let alone call another woman to be a mother. You want to break up us... that's no way..."

She clutched her stomach and screamed angrily, with a heart-wrenching expression that was unbearable to watch.

Qi Ji saw it, and was silent for a while, his attitude was as firm as ever:
"You have to make a choice. Fang Fei, I'm not kidding you.

"From today, you can go home, and I can give you time to think clearly, but if you dare to make this public, then don't blame me for being heartless.

"Fang Fei, I don't want to tear my face with you and resolve this matter rationally, whether it's for the Mi family or the Qi family. I hope you can consider the overall situation and choose carefully.

"Seriously, in my personal opinion, I don't want you to have this child. But I will respect your choice... It's all up to you to have it or not... It has nothing to do with me..."

These words were so ruthless that Mi Fangfei burst into tears again.

She clearly understood that he didn't want this child, he was protecting his marriage with Luo Shitan.

It was this protection that was tearing her heart apart.

She endured and endured, and finally let out a hysterical roar:

"Qi Ji, that's your own flesh and blood...Since you don't like me, why did you sleep with me? Why did you give me this child? Why did you let me have hope? How could you be so cruel, how could you be so cold-blooded Let me make this choice..."

Qi Ji turned his back and walked out, he couldn't bear to see such an expression.But he can only do so.

Qi Ji has never been fond of dealing with women, especially Mi Fangfei.

From the first day he came to Qi's house, he knew that this girl had an extraordinary relationship with Qi Ji, and she could almost be said to be Qi Ji's only playmate when he was a child.

But the problem is, he is not the real Qi Ji.

He has too many things to do and busy. He must take advantage of the stolen time in those few years to take good control of his own destiny, and spend his free time playing with her like Qi Ji before.

One, he doesn't have the capital for him to squander at will, he needs to become a strong man as soon as possible, so that he can cope with the reversal of fortune that may occur in the future, and two, the reason why he doesn't have deep friendship with anyone is: he is afraid of being found out that he is not at all Qi Ji such a fact.

So, in those few years, he kept her indifferent step by step and kept a distance from her.

Oh no, it should be said that in the green years, he kept a certain distance from anyone.

It's just that the relationship between the Qi Mi family is too close, and it is impossible for him to completely cut off the friendship with Mi Fangfei.There's always something like this happening that gives them a chance to meet...

Mi Fangfei was infatuated with him, he knew it, and people outside regarded them as childhood sweethearts, and he also knew that he didn't openly draw a line with her, firstly because she never really confessed to him, and secondly because he was always busy , there is really not much time to waste on such trifles.

So, what is his impression of Mi Fangfei?
For her, he had studied it once, but that was eight years ago.

Mi Fangfei is a beautiful girl, youthful, bright, sweet, enthusiastic and full of vigor.

When she was a child, she called him his stepbrother, and when he grew up, she called him his successor.

Her voice was always soft when she called him.

She is a girl of the type of Xiaoniaoyiren. She is a delicate flower bud that has been nurtured and grown up. She has never experienced snow, rain, wind and frost, which is completely different from his life experience.

It stands to reason that boys who are more chauvinistic will like such a girl and can't help but want to protect her.

In fact, he also wanted to have the will to protect her. After all, this girl had brought joy to Qi Ji, but that kind of protection was not the idea of ​​a man trying to protect his own woman, but the protection of a big brother to a little sister.

Later, a kiss from her broke the incomparably delicate relationship between them.

That day, with the help of alcohol, he kissed the girl he shouldn't have kissed, and the two entered an ambiguous stage of love.

It's a bit baffling.

Afterwards, he thought, maybe it was too lonely.

In those years, when he was at the peak of his youth, what was he doing when other people of his age were busy falling in love?
He was so busy planning his future that he never had time to spare.

Busy people are full when they are busy, but when they are free, they will be lonely.

Lonely young people will inevitably be impulsive.

What's more, at that time, his emotional world was blank. He insisted not to fall in love, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't find the desire to fall in love.

Yes, when he was young, he did have such a childish agreement with Shi Tan: she would marry him and he would marry her.

In those years, he did not give up looking for her, and even had the idea that if he found it, he would definitely marry her back home when he grew up.

But the kind of liking in childhood is just a pure and clean liking. It is not a hazy first love, nor a man and a woman's love, but a childish promise.

When a person grows up, his heart will mature and his feelings will become complicated. Adolescent children will have strange feelings towards the opposite sex. However, his adolescence does not bloom like a flower, but in all kinds of busyness. Feeling evanescent.

He was young and youthful. Could it be that he couldn't control his hormones rationally? At that time, Mi Fangfei was the only girl who went with him closest.

After the kissing incident, he did not refuse Mi Fangfei's closeness, probably because he felt that if he had to get married in this life, marrying Mi Fangfei might not be something he could not accept.

At least that's what he thought at the time.

The premise is: if you don't meet Shi Tan.

Encountering Shi Tan disrupted his peaceful emotional world. The fact that Shi Tan and Mu Yichun fell in love stimulated his heart even more. Sent to the UK to form a subsidiary.

For two years, he would occasionally return to China, occasionally visit Shi Tan quietly, insisting on being a bystander outside of her and Yichun's world.That's not bad, he thought.

In the past two years, he has cooled the relationship between him and Mi Fangfei at the same time. He has to figure out his own mind: should he spend the future life with Mi Fangfei's hands.

This question is very important!

Of course, he hopes that he can get married and have children, but at the same time, he is not sure whether he should get married or set up a family in his capacity...

He thought about it for a long time, and finally got the result: everything should go with the flow.

If Mi Fangfei hadn't leaked out, maybe he would formally establish a relationship with Mi Fangfei after returning to China that time.Unfortunately, it was at that time that she indulged herself, which disappointed him.

If he loves her deeply, maybe he can forgive her; but in fact, he doesn't love her, and his choice is almost formed on the basis of rational analysis.

This is not love.

(End of this chapter)

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