卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 180 BOSS

Chapter 180 BOSS
According to the **** incident, the only good thing was that he seized an opportunity to break up with Mi Fangfei completely, and began to manage the relationship he really wanted in a planned way... That's why the eight years later emotional path.

"Boss, here!"

Qi Ji was meditating, and on his way home from get off work, he recalled all the past experiences between him and Mi Fangfei, and arrived home unknowingly.

Sitting in the car, he saw Shi Tan rolling the wheels on the garden path, with a smile on his face, watching Xiao Bai play football beside her.The kid played football beautifully, the ball rolled nimbly on his hands and feet... very professional...

He didn't mean to get out of the car, and leaned there to peck and grind: how to explain to her about the kissing photo of him and Mi Fangfei

Oops, he suddenly felt that his head hurt a little...

4 month 6 day.

It was when the sun slanted down that the golden sunset lit up the West Mountain Cliff.

The breeze is rippling, the laughter is flying, on a green lawn.

Shi Tan was sitting in a wheelchair, watching Xiao Bai and Du Ting grab the ball, ran far, and met Jamie and his wife taking their son Bailey out for a walk, three adults, two babies, passing the ball, shooting ...have a lot of fun.

Especially those two little guys, who were about the same age, were jumping around, and seemed extremely excited.

She leaned on the back of the chair, watched quietly for a while, then closed her eyes, listening to the laughter, the lip line slightly raised, and was counting the time in her heart, almost, he should be back, not long ago, he called Come over and say that you must be home before 05:30.It's five fifteen.

Well, soon!almost home!
She was thinking about it, and suddenly felt a little funny. She had not seen each other for a day, but she missed it so much. Could it be that this is the so-called one-day absence, like every three autumns?
Yes, he was on a business trip, and she missed him.

This kind of taste, for the first time in my life, emerged in my heart, it was so unfamiliar and so strong.

It turns out that after falling in love, it will make people feel so attached.

A burst of subtle footsteps sounded behind her. If she didn't listen carefully, she could barely hear them, but her sense of hearing was so good that she could easily distinguish his steps from those of others.

A deep smile was wiped on the lips, like the sunset of Yan Yan.

Yes, they came back. He walked in front, and Cheng Hang walked behind.

His steps are always steady and unhurried; while Cheng Hang always follows every step of the way...

These two men are a perfect pair of employers in Shang Hai. Whenever they go anywhere, they can always win big contracts one by one, creating myths in the world of money time and time again.

She thought, the next moment, her eyes were blindfolded, a kiss fell on top of her head, and then her lips were pecked...

At that moment, what should be the first thing in her mind?
Is it the gossip photos that have been arguing all over the past two days, or his gentle smile.

Yes, he must be smiling, and he must be smiling nicely.

Now this man loves her tofu more and more, but she also enjoys it, and has gradually become accustomed to this kind of intimacy.

Yes, when this guy kisses her now, he doesn't care about whether there are other people around him. He kisses when he gets the chance, and kisses on a whim. At first, she will be embarrassed, but now, she will accept it. There is no way, he always He likes to engage in sneak attacks, if she can't guard against him, then she won't.

It's just that this time it's different, shouldn't she express her anger as a wife?
I believe that all wives will be angry when they see such photos.In the past two days, the gate of Qingfeng Yayuan, which was originally quiet, began to be watched by reporters again.

Those media people, if they smell a little fishy smell, they want to chase out a few fishy cats.

According to the normal situation, she should have a calm face and start hysterical interrogation. The incident happened the day before yesterday. He came back late and participated in a business dinner, which was the first time he participated in a social event recently.Maybe I drank a little too much, fell down and fell asleep when I came back.Early in the morning, when she was sleeping soundly, he got up, kissed her and said, "I'm going on a business trip, just for one day. In the evening, there is an officer from District A celebrating his birthday. I have to go to hold a party, and I may not be able to make it back in time."

Regarding the scandal, he didn't have any explanation, and left in a hurry early in the morning, completely ignoring it.

Was he trying to show that he was open-minded?

The corner of Shi Tan's lips curved into a smile that deepened a bit.

"I am back!"

Qi Ji came to her, squatted in front of her, smiling gracefully, smiling without a mask, looking homely and warm, completely different from the image of a business tycoon shown in various media, at home, he was just a Warm man.Can heal the wounds all over her body.

"Well, I see it!"

There was no angry scolding, no gnashing of teeth with jealousy, only a gentle voice of agreement, just like the normal life of an old couple.

She closed the collection of poems in her hand, watched him hold her hand and sat on the small stone bench in front of her, kissed the back of his hand, and smiled brightly.

Shi Tanning looked at him, his face was gentle, there was no guilty conscience, and he was refreshed.

I haven't seen you for two days, is he handsome again?

Look, a crisp suit made of pure handmade sets off his handsome and extraordinary figure, and a bright tie with the finishing touch, which outlines his smiling face to be extra plump and confident... Unruly short hair, being trimmed She has a new hairstyle. It is undeniable that this hairstyle gave her a new feeling. It seems that overnight, he has become several years younger...

It is said that the longer a man is, the more interesting it is, and it is true.

Inexplicably, she wanted to sigh in her heart: There is such a man at home, to tell the truth, it is really a worrying thing to let go.

"What are you doing today?"

Qi Ji smiled, holding her hand securely, unwilling to let go, those captivating hands revealed a kind of liking for seeing each other after goodbye, his expression was relaxed and happy.

Shi Tan looked at it, thinking about the content of today's life in his mind, and smiled slightly on his face:
"Sleeping late, reciting little poems, reading tabloids, listening to songs, and finally watching Xiaobai play a game here... This day has passed like this..."

The wind blew her hair, and the bangs gently stroked her forehead.

At this moment, she is absolutely beautiful, gentle like water, without the claws and claws of tit-for-tat before, without the power and fierceness of catching gangsters, there is a kind of tenderness of the girlhood, which has returned to her again.

No, at the age of 16, she was innocent and youthful, but now she is charming, seductive and soul-stirring.

Qi Ji liked her when she was 16 years old, and loves her even more now.

At the age of 16, no matter how beautiful her smile was, it only bloomed for others; now, the smile in her eyes is only for him...

"Sounds very leisurely!"

He grinned, with good teeth, white, and good-looking.

Shi Tan nodded:

"No, I don't seem to have such a leisurely time before..."

"Do you like this kind of leisure?"

Putting his finger on her cheek, caressing her carefully, he looked at her seriously, calmly, as if he was not affected by the scandal at all.


The slender hand covered the back of his hand, she looked around, the spring was strong, and the air was full of the fragrance of flowers...

At this moment, their child fell to the ground hugging the ball. When he turned his head, he saw him. The smile on his face widened. He called out from a distance, "Dad!" But Bailey pulled him.I don't know that the guy said to stop in Xiaobai's ear, which attracted all of Xiaobai's attention...

Life is simple.

Above this Washington, there is a beautiful and sunny world surrounded by high walls. In this world, everyone does not have to pretend, and can face daily life with the purest self.

She smiled, turned back, and looked at him:
"What about you, what have you been doing these two days and one night?"

"Very trivial. You want to hear it?"

He let go of her hand, stood up straight, tore off his tie, took off his coat, wiped a handful of hair, and his whole person was a little more free and easy, like a thousand-mile BMW, except for the majestic saddle on his body, It has returned to its true colors, unruly and wild, and it is completely revealed in it.

No matter what he is, he is handsome and charming.

"It's okay to be idle, just listen!"

She glanced at his profile, and muttered again in her heart, is this the so-called lover's eyes?
Qi Ji sat on the stone bench beside her, and threw the clothes and tie aside, not caring how expensive the clothes were, and thought about it and said:

"Yesterday, I was negotiating all day. In the evening, on Deputy Commander Zhao's birthday, I went to pray for my birthday, but I was half-drunk. They said that I didn't bring my wife to attend. With you by my side, I'm all wrong. If I didn't have something to do the next day, I really wanted to fly back immediately. As for this morning, I went to the special camp in Area A again, met Commander Mo, and then rushed Airplane; at noon, there was a dinner party and a little wine; a long and annoying meeting was held in the afternoon; after that, I met with two major clients, and they agreed to sign the contract on Friday. I pushed it... Work should be the first priority, but it is also important to go home to have dinner with my wife and son... If I really leave my wife in the cold, I am afraid that I will kneel down on the keyboard..."

At the end, he blinked, with a taste of ingratiating himself.

She reached out and touched his short hair. The hair was very thin, black and soft, and it was fluffy, like a soft brush. The palm of her hand was a little itchy, and she continued:

"Tsk, they say you're a workaholic, but now you seem to be getting more and more unprofessional..."

"Family is more worth running than business..."

He smiled lowly, grabbed her troubled little hand, leaned up and pecked again and again.

He never tires of kissing this little mouth... and the more he kisses, the more he doesn't want to let it go...

"Hey, someone is here!"

Shi Tan was a little helpless, covering his lips, Cheng Hang was beside him... How could this person show affection so much to stimulate those bachelors.

"They'll get used to it!"

The tone is so righteous.

Another kiss on the face.

(End of this chapter)

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