卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 182 Want to be a matchmaker

Chapter 182 Want to be a matchmaker
Qi Ji was startled and rubbed her hair:

"Want to be a matchmaker?"

"Can't you?"

"It's not impossible. Xiao Cheng has a knot in his heart that hasn't been opened yet."

"What knot?"

"He has a woman he loves deeply."

She was stunned, looked up at him, and asked curiously:

"Oh, is it? If you are deeply in love, why aren't you together?"

"That girl married his best friend... He has never been able to let go of this matter... Under the circumstance that the two of them are very in love, the girl suddenly married another, which hit him hard."

Qi Ji slowly explained:
"Xiao Du doesn't know anything about Cheng Hang at all, he's just blindly worshipping... The distance between the two is too big, so I'm not very optimistic.

"If there is no common language between a man and a woman, it is very difficult to maintain the basic knowledge that they do not understand...

"The important thing is that Cheng Hang has no idea of ​​having a girlfriend at all. He has been with me for several years. If he really wants to have a girlfriend, what can't he do?

"But he has never had the slightest idea of ​​any woman who took the initiative to ask him out... Du Ting's little brat, there is nothing special about it, it seems that it is difficult to attract him..."

"Oh, when you said that, I was discouraged..."

It seems that Du Ting wants to live a life of sailing, and the difficulty is not a little bit...

"The most important thing between men and women is to know each other, be honest, and be willing to let go of everything and let each other in, and then they can stay together. Otherwise, it is a grudge, just like we did before..."

What Qi Ji said was quite right.

Shi Tan couldn't help but sigh lightly.

After dinner, Xiao Bai fell asleep, Qi Ji came out of the study, and when he went back to his room, Shi Tan was not seen, nor was the living room, the door was half open, and there were garden lamps lighting up the garden. Willow eyebrows hang on the treetops.

She watched the moon under the lamp, not far away, two bodyguards, guarding in the shade.

From a distance, he quietly glanced at her and seemed to see her full of thoughts.

Qi Ji took away the smile on her face, did not go over immediately, but went back to her room first, and took a small blanket. In April, in the night, the cold was still very strong. She was wearing thin clothes, so she couldn't get cold. ...

Approaching, he put the blanket over her:

"Although the night is charming, your body can't stand the cold, so you have to keep warm..."

Now, her body is like a crystal, he has to hold it carefully so as not to bump or touch her.

"Thank you!"

His thoughtfulness warmed her heart.

"What are you thinking about?"

He asked, sat down beside her, looked sideways, held hands, and found that his hands were cold, thinking that he had been sitting outside for a long time.

"think too much!"

She stretched out her other hand to trace the shape of the moon, which seemed a little childish, but in Qi Ji's eyes, it was very interesting.

"tell me the story!"

He reached out and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, stroking her hair gently.


"Why don't you talk? Are you worried?"

Qi Ji felt that something was wrong with her, and she was in a good mood at dinner just now...

"I want to ask you a question!"

She pushed him away slightly, looked him in the eyes, and said.

He raised his eyebrows and intuitively told him that what she was going to say next was definitely not a good thing, because she was hesitating, hesitating... Her mind was struggling.

Did she want to ask about the scandal?
"To get along with a husband and wife, the most important thing is to be honest, this is what you said, right..."

She blocked him with what he just said.

He couldn't help but smile:
"Hmm! Ask, ask... I try to know everything I can, and I will say everything..."

"That's what you said!"

He suddenly felt like he was stepping into a trap, and his heart sank, but it was hard to take back what he spit out...

At the head, there was a gourd-shaped courtyard lamp, illuminating her and his eyes. She looked at him, first cleared her throat, and then blurted out questions one by one:

"I...well, I want to know, who did you give your first kiss to? Who did you have sex with for the first time? How many times have you been in love? After getting married, have you ever cheated? Which rumors are true and which are false? Yes... have you been in contact with them again? Also, you are 32 years old, right, I really want to know how many women the gentle and rich Mr. Qi has had?"

A chill came up on his back.

oh my god!

Is his wife coming to settle accounts with him?

Qi Ji blinked his wise eyes, and suddenly found that he couldn't find his own voice.

Seeing him startled, she leaned over and waved her hand in front of him and asked, "What's wrong? You, why are you startled?"

Qi Ji grabbed her hand, raised the corners of his lips, and asked:
"Mrs. Qi, is your math taught by your physical education teacher? How can this be regarded as one question... It is clearly seven questions..."

I really shouldn't say anything that knows everything and says everything: This girl, this is simply deliberately digging a hole and burying him in it...

The key is that now, he is already in the pit, and he has to find a way to get out quickly...

"I asked in one breath, it can only be regarded as a question..."

Uh, well, my wife is really eloquent...

He could only be speechless.

"No, you are diverting your eyes!"

She pointed it out right away.

Indeed, he was diverting his attention, but he did not admit it, and retorted plausibly:

"Why do you suddenly care about these things? The past is not important. We agreed before that yesterday's events are like all kinds of death..."

These questions are not easy to answer. He wants to be fooled. If she is willing to be fooled, he thinks that he is willing to worship God on the fifteenth day of the first day to express his gratitude.

However, judging from the girl's eyes, she refused to be fooled, and she also showed a charming smile.
"Mr. Qi, I'm not looking into the past, I'm just curious and want to know more about my husband... I want to know your past completely, which will definitely help us to enhance the relationship between husband and wife. . Communication is closer, you said it yourself, don't worry, I just want to understand you rationally, there is no other bad mentality of jealousy, jealousy, etc. Guaranteed not, absolutely not..."

Qi Ji's eyes rolled, thinking that a woman's guarantee in some respects was unreliable.

Especially in this sensitive matter, understanding too carefully, the consequences may be asking for trouble.

But how could he quench her curiosity?

"Why, you don't want to say it?"

She didn't give him time to think about countermeasures, and asked very gently, but her eyes were not very kind, and she looked completely unwilling to let go.

"No! I mean, it's already deep at night, should we wash and sleep? If there is any doubt, we should wait until tomorrow to study it, what do you think... Tan, I didn't hug me last night. You sleep, the quality of sleep is not very good... As for you, you should also go to bed earlier, so that your feet will feel better... Or, we fell asleep? "

Shi Tanpi smiles and does not smile:
"Is it very deep?"

She looked at her watch seriously: "It's only eleven o'clock, you usually go to bed at twelve o'clock, one hour is enough for you to explain everything clearly. Don't worry, I'm not tired at all, I sleep during the day. Enough is enough..."

Well, my wife is determined to settle accounts...

He touched his nose, his thoughts kept turning and turning and turning...

But I just can't find a suitable reason to take this thing away...

"Should we discuss it one by one now..."

Oops, she still has to discuss one by one... This is not a good thing.

His smile was a bit far-fetched.

When Shi Tanquan didn't see it, he took his silence for granted and began to ask:
"First question, who did you give your first kiss?"

After asking, the bright smile on his face shook, almost blinding him:

"Husband, don't tell me that eight years ago, when you kissed me for the first time, it was your first kiss. In terms of your skills, even if you are not a master, you should always practice... man Man, dare to do what you dare to admit, that's the real man... or else, it's a hypocrite. And I hate hypocrites the most."

This bad girl... set him up again.


She softly pressed again.

Qi Ji sighed, thought about it, gritted his teeth, and finally answered three words:
"I don't know!"

"What? Don't recognize it?"

She felt incredible, and immediately stared:
"Why don't you recognize it?

"I really don't know."

He sighed again, the first kiss was supposed to be beautiful, but when it fell on him, it was a mess.

Shi Tan tilted his head and looked in his heart, would this person also mess with others?

When he was young, he was a very serious little adult. However, as a criminal policeman, she knew very well that the more serious people were, the more serious they were, the more perverted the normal people were when it came to sexuality.

As for him...

She is thinking about...

(End of this chapter)

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