Chapter 183

"Tsk, what's your look?"

Very contempt.

"What do you think of me?"

He helplessly tapped her on the forehead, and couldn't help explaining: "I was 17 years old, I took a mission in a special camp, and I didn't have it when I was on the mission... just a passerby, I don't know... my deeds have been revealed, I Randomly dragged a woman into a show to save her life, and was slapped twice a pervert..."

This time Tan was speechless.

This guy really deserves a fight.

After a while, she regained her senses. She didn't say what was in her mind, and there was a smile on her lips that she couldn't help but smile.

"Do not laugh!"

He pinched her cheek, and she hurriedly knocked off that hand.

"Sorry, I can't help it!"

She simply burst out laughing:
"I thought that young master Qi at the genius level would have a very romantic first kiss scene, but it turns out..."


She chuckled again, well, this kind of schadenfreude is unnecessary, after all, this is her own man.

Qi Ji wanted to sigh again, in fact, every time he thought of that scene, he would die.Therefore, he had never shared this embarrassing incident with anyone, but he confided it for the first time today, but it caused his wife to give a heartless smile, and he had nowhere to cry.

Oh no, actually, he wanted to laugh too.

Because he successfully shifted her focus.

After 1 minute, Shi Tan laughed enough, and finally straightened his expression, and began to ask the second question:
"OK, now for the second question: who are you with for the first time********?"

Ask really naked ~ naked ah!

Speaking of this question, it really makes people feel uncomfortable, but she just wants to know... She doesn't believe that this man was a virgin before he got married, which is completely unreasonable for a physically healthy man.

Of course Qi Ji knew how sensitive this question was, and wanted to jump over it, but judging from the expression on his wife's face, she didn't give up until she achieved her goal.

He had to ponder for a while, and then asked back:

"Are you sure you want to know?"


She nodded heavily.

"not angry?"

He had to determine her attitude.

"Of course!"


He nodded, and immediately answered honestly:
"Right! Back then, I took over an extraordinary mission and worked as an undercover agent with a teammate. I went to the enemy camp and stayed there for more than three months. In the middle, the other party tested us and arranged a few women for us..."

During those days, forced by the situation, he fooled around for a while.

He didn't say this sentence, and after a pause, he only added another sentence:
"The other party was a white man. Later, during the roundup, the two women were beaten to death by their men..."

Such a truth was something Shi Tan could not have imagined. She thought that his first woman was Mi Fangfei, but unexpectedly it was another foreigner.

Well, she admits that when she goes out on a mission, many times she can't help it.Sometimes people do whatever they can to get the job done.Know how to be flexible and live longer.Sacrificing the ego for the sake of the larger ego is also excusable.

She said sullenly.

He silently observed her, it was all a matter of old rotten millet, he never recalled it, it was not a particularly outrageous thing for a man to have experience in this area.And there are still unavoidable circumstances.When going out on a mission, the most important thing is to save your life and complete the mission, and everything else has to stand aside.She is a criminal police officer, so she should understand.

Fortunately, Shi Tan didn't have too much entanglement in this matter, and immediately asked the third question:
"How many times have you been in love?"

"three times!"

"Which three times?"

"At the age of 20, when I was on a mission, I picked up a girl and had a nondescript conversation. To be precise, it was not a relationship at all. But that girl pretended to be my girlfriend for several months. Later, to save me Died. I guess I will treat her as my first girlfriend... After that, I talked with Fang Fei once, and with you..."

Hmph, it turns out that before Mi Fangfei, he had such an experience...

"I and you, are we in love? We are both married!"

Shi Tan sighed in his heart, trying to erase the uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

He smiled and nodded, put his hand on his lips and kissed, his eyes softened again and again:
"Of course. I feel like I'm in a relationship now. I miss you every day, I want to stick with you, I want to kiss you. Watching you on the side, chatting like this, or sitting in an embrace, you will be very happy and fulfilled... Tan, tell me, do you feel this way when you get along with me?"

Is it because the moonlight is too beautiful, or the light is too charming? At this moment, his expression of tenderness like water made her feel emotional.

Yes, she feels the same way and likes her life more and more, but she didn't admit it, only said:
"Qi Ji, shouldn't there be a pursuit process in dating? You don't seem to have pursued me... Besides, we haven't dated..."

They just jumped out of the process of falling in love, first became a pair of grudges, and then suddenly they got better... Now that I think about it, such a development is a bit bizarre...

"How about we go on a date when your feet are healed?"

Shi Tan's eyes flashed, his teeth grinned, and he interrupted his tenderness: "This matter, let's discuss this matter slowly, dear, now we should discuss the fourth question, if you want to avoid the topic, there is no way... …”

Alas, this girl, I really don't understand the style, no, I should say, it's really difficult...

"I don't mean that..."

"Since it's boring, then answer the fourth question: After getting married, how many times have you cheated on you?"

She withdrew her hand and asked again.

Qi Ji's reaction was, wiped his face, shook his head and smiled, as if she thought her question was absurd.

"what are you laughing at?"

Not understanding what he meant, she asked again.

Qi Ji had no choice but to look up, straighten his face, and ask back:
"Why do you think I'll cheat after marriage? Or because of those scandals, you've always believed that I'm the kind of pervert who can't live without a woman to sleep with?"

With that handsome face, is there no guilty conscience?

After observing, she said:

"Why can't I have such an idea? According to what you said, you have opened your eyes, and there have been women who have accompanied you as you grow up year by year. There will be no less Yingying and Yanyan, and at that time, the relationship between us is on the verge of breaking down, can you control your own lower body?"

The skepticism in the words made Qi Ji shake his head again, wanting to laugh but not laughing.

"Am I wrong?"

Shi Tan's eyelids jumped fiercely:
"You're trying to tell me that you haven't had a woman in the past eight years?"

"Hmm, no!"

He threw down four words with great force:

"If we hadn't registered for marriage and met you eight years ago, maybe I might have indulged myself. Unfortunately, from the very beginning, I was caught up in marriage. From my point of view, sex is free before marriage. You must be responsible for your family, marriage, and your partner. This principle, whether it is a man or a woman, should be fulfilled..."

Shi Tan was stunned for a while, a little unbelievable. It was because the world he lived in was too flashy. The richer he was, the easier it was to get everything, so the so-called loyalty became more valuable than diamonds.Because it's hard to do.

"That's a little unlikely!"

"But it's the truth!"

He stood up in front of her and looked at the crescent moon in the sky, which was gleaming with cold light. It was heading west little by little.

The night was already deep, and the day passed in such a hurry. Every day in the past, he spent in a busy and busy time. Looking back now, only every time he incarnates as Jing Xu, will there be something worth remembering. ; At other times, he always has to work with data, there are always assessments to be done, investigation reports to read... But he never complains, because only busyness can make his life full, and I won't miss her too much.

He laughed, with infinite emotion:
"In the past eight years, I have been busy for a moment, and there is no free time to be distracted by women. Except for you, I have never really cared about anyone else. Those rumored girlfriends are just a cover-up. Tricks, don't take it seriously... About this, I told you before, as for how many women..."

He thought about it, considered it for a while, and then spit out a sentence:
"Four! Including you!"

This data is neither more nor less.

And she was the only man with him, and suddenly she felt so wronged, and her face gradually stinks.

How could Qi Ji not notice, he forced him to take a closer look, when he saw this, his face immediately showed concern, for fear that she would turn her face, and immediately continued:
"The questioning is over! Your face is so bad, do you want to get angry? Let's make it clear first, these things happened before we got married, and you insisted on telling me. Now I'm honest, but you're not allowed. angry……"

Shi Tan frowned, trying not to get angry, the past really shouldn't be used to get angry.

Thinking of herself: the first kiss was given to Yichun, the first love was given to Yichun, she and Yichun, except that they did not cross the last line of defense, have done other things between lovers, and even shared the same bed, but they did not do it... …

Yes, they each have their own past, and in the years when they didn't meet each other, they each had their own life experiences, the most normal thing is...

Just thinking that he had slept with three other women made her feel a little uncomfortable...even if those were premarital behaviors...

Well, at this moment, she has to admit that she is not as open-minded as she imagined...

(End of this chapter)

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