卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 186 Serious

Chapter 186 Serious
Shi Tan thought and thought, and finally chose to believe that he would definitely give her a reasonable explanation for those questions she couldn't understand.

In the study room, the phone rang again persistently, Qi Ji answered it, and before she could speak, he drank it in a deep voice: "Mi Fangfei, I won't change my phone number because of you, so please be more sensible in the future, No need, don't call this number again. I won't answer it again. Please remember, we have broken up. Since then, there is no personal relationship. If you want to contact me for anything else, please contact me first. The assistant made an appointment, Cheng Hang's number has not been changed..."

On the other side of the phone, Mi Fangfei was speechless for a long time.

"Qi Ji, is this how you protect her?"

She opened her mouth, and after a while, she cried out in pain.

That voice of maintenance made her feel unwilling.In the past, she was the baby he cared for, but now, he repeatedly wants to draw a line with her. Is she so annoying?

Qi Ji leaned against the door panel and answered lightly:

"Mi Fangfei, what you have to do is to think clearly about your future choices. You don't need to worry about my affairs... As long as you don't mess with other people's lives, I can guarantee that Mi's will be fine, otherwise , I can make it go bankrupt in just a month. Your father will be prosecuted on multiple counts. This thing, I can say it, I can do it.

"Mi Fangfei, any of your actions will lead to earth-shaking changes in your future life. I don't think this is what you want to see... Well water doesn't make river water, that's what we should maintain in the future..."

"Isn't the water from the well? Qi Ji, I'm pregnant with your child..."

After hearing these two indifferent words, Mi Fangfei finally couldn't help crying.

The crying sound revealed a heart-piercing despair. She was very sad, and he naturally knew it.

Qi Ji didn't want to make her sad, he and she had already ended eight years ago, and all the guilt was repaid eight years ago.He doesn't owe her.Now, all he wants to protect is Shi Tan's mother and son.She was never his responsibility.

He was silent for a while, not soft-hearted, and his heart was as hard as stone:
"I've made it very clear that if you like this child, keep it, I'll be grateful to you; if this child hurts you, take it away, and I'm grateful to you. But you can't use it to threaten me. It doesn't work. Mi Fangfei, this is what I have to say to you!"

After speaking, without saying a word, cut off.

In the past, he had some affection for her, more because she was Qi Ji's favorite girl when he was a child.Since he replaced his identity and came to this family, at least he has to love what he once loved.As for now, as long as she doesn't come to ruin his life, he will still protect her when necessary.The premise is that she has to be sensible.Otherwise, he would never be soft-hearted when he should be cruel.

That night, Qi Ji sat in the study for a long time, and then made another phone call.

After a while, it got through.

"Mr. Qi?" A man asked softly.


"Why are you late, you..."

"I can't sleep, I want to ask about the current situation. How is the situation? Is there any sign of improvement!"

"No, I'm afraid it won't get better. You'd better be prepared."

"Do your best to keep him. I still have something to tell him!"

"His consciousness is difficult to wake up again. The best result is to become a vegetative person. However, his various organs are depleting... So..."

In other words, it is very clear.

Qi Ji was silent.

Some things cannot be changed by human beings, such as death.

"Thank you! Just do your best!"

Hanging up the phone, he leaned against the window, looking at the silent world outside, distracted.

When he returned to the room, it was already a little bit closer, and Shi Tan had already fallen asleep. Qi Ji stood by the head of the bed, quietly climbed into the bed, carefully hugged her in his arms, kissed her forehead, and quietly used the bedside lamp. Looking at her, she couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

If Shi Tan knew about the existence of this child, he didn't know how to explain the causal relationship to her.Too complicated.

Qi Ji had a terrible nightmare.

In the dream, he was bombed beyond recognition. He heard Shitan crying, Xiaobai screaming, and friends shouting: Hold on, don't go, don't give up.But he couldn't open his eyes and felt pain all over his body... Later, the camera flickered, and he saw himself in the mirror, his face was ruined, one hand was missing, and his two trousers were empty... He was completely a waste... …

He couldn't believe that he had turned into such a ghost, he screamed tremblingly, panting like a cow, and was in grief:

What's the use of such a him?

"Jamie, I don't want to live anymore, give me a bullet to get rid of..."

If one day, he can no longer protect his wife and children, and his existence can only become their burden, he will choose to die.

"Okay, I will fulfill you!"

Jamie nodded, and a bullet volleyed, knocking him out.

At that moment, when he saw Shi Tan rushed over to hug him like a madman, his heart was full of pain and despair.In this life, how could they be so thin... how could it be?
With pain in his heart, Qi Ji woke up with a start, his forehead was full of sweat, and what came into his sight was the familiar and warmly furnished bedroom, which was her and his private domain, with a few rays of sunlight shining through the gap between the curtains, yesterday, He didn't pull it close enough.Next to the pillow, the beloved woman is sleeping soundly, and the time has already pointed to six o'clock.

It's time to get up, but he didn't get up in a hurry, but leaned there quietly, trying hard to wipe away the pain in his heart - such a peaceful relationship was hard to come by, and he didn't want to lose it.

He stared at it for a long time, but the pain in his heart expanded infinitely, as if such a thing might really happen in the future, a sense of panic swept over his entire sensory system.

No, he had to get rid of the feeling, and that was the worst.

The next moment, a kiss fell on her hair, smelling her fragrance, his feeling finally eased a little, then on the forehead, face, nose, neck, collarbone... and finally the lips.

Her softness carried a magical power, which could calm the unease in his heart... and finally woke her up with a kiss.

Shi Tan's dazed response attracted him to kiss like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves.

"Qi Ji?"

She opened her eyes.


He agreed.

"what do you mean?"


"A little bit!"

"It's still early, go to sleep!"

"Are you going to work?"


He kissed her lips and tapped her nose: "There is one thing, we have to reach an agreement..."


"Before, you were stealing birth control pills, right..."

His expression suddenly became very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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