卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 187 Don't want to regenerate?

Chapter 187 Don't want to regenerate?

Her smile also followed a guilty conscience.



She agreed carefully.

"Don't you want to be reborn?"

It was discovered a few days ago when Aunt Wen was cleaning the room on the third floor, and she had eaten several of them.Aunt Wen showed it to him and said, "Sir, taking the contraceptive pill is very harmful to the body. It is necessary for you to communicate with your wife. I think she should be taking it secretly. It's not good..."

After he found out, he didn't go to question immediately. She was already in the hospital bed. How could he come to fight with her for this trivial matter? That's not a mature approach.Of course, communication is a must.

Shi Tan thought for a while, and was about to explain something.

But he covered her lips: "If you don't want to give birth, just say it straight, and you are not allowed to play this kind of trick in the dark in the future. I will take safety measures. Do less harm to the body."

"Furthermore, before, I was not mentally prepared. I don't want to be confused and get pregnant again, and I won't be able to get pregnant again."

Shi Tan removed his hand and said.

Qi Ji's eyes brightened, and he dropped a kiss again: "Then let's say it, give me another little ~ lover..."

"Okay! But before that, you have to do me a favor..."

Her willing consent made him very happy.

Now he, he is willing to give anything, and immediately asks: "What's the matter?"

"I want to meet my third brother!"

She stroked his face and said quietly.

Qi Ji was taken aback, surprised how she could have such an idea all of a sudden.During these days, she almost never mentioned this person in front of him.Although he knew in his heart that sooner or later, she would ask him about Jing Xu, but he didn't expect that she would talk about him under such circumstances.

"Why do you want to see him?"

Fortunately, he has never been used to being calm, and he didn't show a look of panic, and immediately asked back in a calm manner.

"I want to express my gratitude."


"Yes, thank you. I haven't seen him for a long time. Last time he helped save Xiaobai. I thought he was joking about Xiaobai's life because he poured me down the medicine, so I was very angry. I didn't do anything afterwards. Looking for him, as for him, he was always taciturn, and never came to me again, and there was no chance to see him again. This time, I was injured, but he didn't come to express it. I think I may have really hurt his heart... This My heart knot, I have to untie it..."

Shi Tan said with a pious face:
"Furthermore, the third brother and I are a very special existence. In the past few years, he has really taken good care of me. I can have such a good skill, most of which are taught by the third brother... So, I don't want to lose this friend, I have to let him go..."

Qi Ji's eyes flashed: "Oh, like this..."

"Hmm, that's how it is!"

She nodded and said:
"By the way, then, the people of the Flame Alliance, Jamie, Jesse, Mary, Jon, Shaman, Mike, Han Min, I have already met, I don't know what kind of a subordinate the third brother is by your side. , this man, you never seem to tell me his origins? Is he a member of the Cheetah team?"

"Um... how do you say it?"

Qi Ji took her hand and put it to his heart. With this action, he thought for a while and pondered:
"His situation is rather special..."

"How about a special law?"


"Can't tell? Military secrets?"

This was a good reason, and Qi Ji immediately stepped down:

"Oh, it counts!"

For a while, he really hadn't thought of how to explain Jing Xu's existence.And now, he doesn't have time to explain this matter in detail. Today, his schedule is full...

"OK, then I won't ask. But when we meet, it shouldn't conflict with military interests... Just today... Can you find a way for me to meet him? I have to talk to him about some things... You know you have a way, please..."

She sat up with her body propped up, her snow-white shoulders exposed, her fingers intertwined, placed in her chest, and she begged extremely devoutly.

Qi Ji sighed in his heart, and once again found that he couldn't stand this woman's plea:
"Are you in such a hurry? Do you want to see him today?"

"Yes! Are you going to help with this?"

Qi Ji thought for a while, then quickly recalled today's time slot before saying:
"Um... Certainly not during the day."

He didn't say why he couldn't do it during the day, and tried to lie as little as possible.Fortunately, she didn't ask.

"Then night!"

"I have something to do tonight, I'm afraid I can't accompany you there!"

"It doesn't matter, you are busy with your work, you can just find someone to accompany me there! So you agreed, right? Thank you husband..."

A bright light flashed across her eyes.He estimated and understood her look as excitement.

Is this the rhythm of pouring the soup?
Before, he had been trying to coax her to call him her husband, but she refused, but last night, when she coaxed him to explain, she had yelled softly, which made him feel dizzy, and now she called again, so, That fluttering feeling is back...

All right, just say "husband", he should satisfy her little wish, or he should take this opportunity to clarify this secret.

"I'd prefer to have a practical thank you..."

"Then let's have a hug!"

She hugged him contentedly, her eyes brightening.

In the warm morning sun, these two couples, each with their own abacus, embraced extremely sweetly.

Not long after Qi Ji left, Shi Tan was basking in the sun, watching Xiao Bai and Xiao Bailey roll into a ball on the lawn.

Awei came over: "Madam, your phone is ringing, Aunt Wen asked me to bring it to you..."

"Thank you!"

Shi Tan took it.

Awei immediately retreated to a hidden corner on the side.

Shi Tan glanced at her and knew that Qi Ji had arranged for more than two bodyguards to guard around her.Since that guy suffered a loss, he has strengthened the security system of the entire manor.In the current Qingfengyayuan, it is difficult for a fly to fly into it, but he is still worried.

"Because you are injured, I have to take precautions before it happens!"

This is the reason he gave.

He said that as long as she recovers health and has the ability to defend herself, he will withdraw all the bodyguards.

It's a kind of love, she understands.

She let out a breath, looked down at the number, and was slightly taken aback, it was Mo Yaozhi.

After waking up, Mo Yaozhi came to the hospital to see her once, but after that, she never saw this heroic Prince of District A again.

How could he think of calling her today.

bother you for something.

She thought for a moment, pressed the call button, and said lightly:

"Hello, Mr. Mo, what kind of wind is blowing today, and you called me?"

Mo Yaozhi laughed, and his voice seemed very hearty:
"East wind."

The east wind is blowing today.

Shi Tan stroked his head that had been blown away by the wind, smiled slightly, and stopped, waiting for him to come to Dao Ming.

"How is it? Are you feeling better?"

(End of this chapter)

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