卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 188 She Needs to Consider 1

Chapter 188 She Needs to Think About It

After saying hello, he began to ask with concern.

"I'm still sitting in a wheelchair! I've been injured for a hundred days. Although my injury is not serious, but in order to fear the sequelae, I have been sent people to stare at me. If I dare to move, he will stop. Calling, nagging in my ear like an old woman..."

"Haha, I can imagine that you are the person he cares about the most. You will nagging when he is nervous... In this world, I am afraid you are the only one who has received such treatment from him..."

"is it?"

Shi Tan smiled.

"Yeah! You don't know how important you are to him. When he first joined the special battalion, he used the resources of the army to search for your whereabouts on a large scale—since he was 14 years old, After he was separated from you, he always wanted to find you back. Until ten years ago, he finally found you. He was so happy that day that he drove over immediately and rushed into my house just to tell you Talk about this. On that day, he wished he could recognize you right away..."

Mo Yaozhi sighed with emotion - a simple sentence, which expressed the following meaning: he and Qi Ji have an excellent personal relationship.

"Unfortunately, he never told me that he was an old friend."

"Hmm, there's a reason here."

"But he has been avoiding this reason. Mr. Mo, you are so familiar with Jiuzhi, you must know the inside story..."

Shi Tan asked tentatively.

"Well, I know a little bit, but I think he should tell you the story here himself."

It is not an easy task to set Mo Yaozhi's words, and he exposed her thoughts unceremoniously.

This made Shi Tan more and more curious, what kind of secret was hidden in Qi Ji's heart?
However, she is not the kind of stalker. If you want to know the answer, you can find it slowly in the future.She immediately changed the subject:

"OK, then I won't ask."

Again and again:
"Sir Mo, are you calling me just to say ok? If you just come to say ok, then I say I'm fine, shouldn't you be able to cut off the call? Chief Mo and Ji I'm very familiar with you, but I'm not familiar with you... so..."

"Wait a minute... Listening to your tone, Qi Ji probably didn't tell you..."

The words in the words aroused Shi Tan's curiosity.


"Yesterday morning, Qi Ji met with my father. My father knows that you have resigned from Interpol. Interpol has also dismissed you, right..."

"Well, so..."

"My father wants to invite you to take up a clerical position in the special camp in Area A. You will help me to investigate the scandal of the Chao family. We can borrow your help and personally send the Chao family to the dock. Qi Ji said it first, and I will ask you later. Your opinion, now it looks like he didn't say..."

Shi Tan was startled and began to speculate about Mo Yaozhi's true intentions.

If you can really borrow the resources of the Mo family, hide in the dark, and continue to thoroughly investigate the Chao family, you will indeed have the opportunity to avenge the parents in person.But...she has her concerns...

to be continued!

"Oh, is that right? After coming back yesterday, I was a little busy, maybe I forgot..."

Her reaction was calm.

"It doesn't matter if he forgets, as long as I remember."

Mo Yaozhi smiled and continued:

"How about it, would you like to enter Area A, and bring your partner along by the way, we need all kinds of outstanding talents..."

Shi Tan smiled: "I'm a little surprised, why did Chief Mo praise us so much?"

Mo Yaozhi was the chief executive of District A. He was a very strict person, and few people caught his eye. Shi Tan didn't think he had the ability to invite him in person.

"This is not an official promotion, but the most sincere hire. Luo Shitan, please believe me, Area A will be a good development platform for you...

"This platform has unlimited potential. You can definitely find a suitable position for your development here...

"Luo Shitan, your father used to be the best diplomat in Zhu country, and you, as long as you are willing, can be a shining point. In the future, when the people of Zhu country see you in various media, they will not only Remember that you are Mrs. Qi, and your light will not be drowned under the name of Qi Ji.

"When the time comes, they will say: 'Shi Yutan is the pride of our women in Zhu country, she is amazing, and only such a woman can match Qi Ji. Shi Yutan and Qi Ji are really a match made in heaven'.

"Luo Shitan, don't you want to be recognized by the people of the country? Or are you just going to be the unknown woman behind a successful man?
"If you really have that idea, then I have to advise you to recognize this fact before...

"Qi Ji is an outstanding man. He is already famous now, and everyone knows it. In the future, his popularity will only be better than it is now. If you don't actively create your own career, in the long run, you and Qi Ji will The gap between them will get bigger and bigger. Husbands and wives should stand at the same height in order to better join hands with each other. Otherwise, it is inevitable that one of them will forget the other in the past years because of seeing other beautiful scenery.

"Luo Shitan, love, to a large extent, is bound up with passion, and passion is easily worn away by time. In front of such a man, you can't be mediocre. In that case, between you There will be a crisis sooner or later... Please believe me, joining District A will be the wisest choice you can make in your life."

Mo Yaozhi talked about her incessantly.

This is a man who is eloquent, and he has seized her "weakness". For a while, she has no way to refuse.But reason told her that this matter had to be discussed with Qi Ji.Therefore, after weighing it again and again, she only gave this sentence:

"I have to think about it!"

"Okay, think about it... Until your foot injury recovers, you will have enough time to enjoy your hard-won family life with Qi Ji. But I don't want you to be submerged in an ordinary family like this. Among the trivial matters. Because you should not be born to live only for the family, not just to be a full-time wife, your talents should be better utilized. That is the value of your life. "

Alas, it really is a political material, and it can brainwash people too much.

When Shi Tan heard this, he smiled and asked, "Mo Yaozhi, do you have a woman you love?"

Mo Yao was stunned, and quickly realized what she wanted to say, and immediately replied:
"Yes. If one day I can find her and marry her, as long as she is willing, I will not tie her under my wings. Men love to protect their beloved women, but this does not mean that men It will always stand like a mountain. Women should be equally good, so that they can comfort a man when he is injured. A husband and wife can advance and retreat together, and they can grow old together. Otherwise, it will be a matter of time before they go their separate ways..."

Well said, very resonant.

Shi Tan was suddenly a little curious, what kind of woman would make this arrogant guy fall in love.

"Thank you for the reminder. I'll take your offer into consideration..."

"You're welcome!"

After Mo Yaozhi hung up the phone, he let out a breath and looked at his father beside him.

"She said she wanted to think about it?"

Mo Changlin asked.The thick black eyebrows frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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