卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 189 Revenge

Chapter 189 Revenge

Mo Yaozhi nodded, threw the phone on the table, and twisted his neck:
"Luo Shitan is not impulsive in doing things, although we have provided her with a chance for revenge! If she was in the past, she would definitely be desperate, but now she is obviously deeply influenced by Qi Ji, and she has begun to be obsessed with family life... …”

He didn't think it was a waste of talent that this woman should be trapped in that small world.

Mo Changlin, who has a tough guy temperament, has a serious expression. At this moment, his eyes are full of concern. After listening to this, he thought about it and explained:
"Be sure to keep Luo Shitan in Area A. She is Shi Yuncong's daughter, she has a certain appeal, and Qi Ji is a rare talent, but this person is too active, only the one he values ​​the most. If women stay in the political whirlpool, he will do his best to help us. Otherwise, he will definitely have reservations."

"My dad, you know!"

After Mo Yaozhi sent his father away, he recalled all kinds of times when he first met Qi Jishi many years ago.

This guy, when he was in the army, was an iron man who had been hammered. In those years, in the special battalion, wherever it was dangerous, he would apply for it, and he had completed several impossible tasks.This person is very good at surviving in a dangerous and harsh environment, and he can escape from death several times, which is really remarkable.

Now, in Shanghai, he has made a brilliant achievement with his own wrist; such a character cannot be let go.

He will keep him well.

Near noon, in Qi's office, Qi Ji made a phone call and went out.

"What? You want to meet Shi Tan at the Sixth Martial Arts Hall as Jing Xu?"

After Yang Ruixi heard his words, she couldn't help but scream.


"I said, what are you making a fuss about? You've already embraced the beauty, and you still want to play mystery with her? Just tell her that you're Jingxu, right? As for the trouble?"

Yang Ruixi really didn't know what this guy was thinking.

"I'll confess to her when I look back. But before that, I wanted to be her third brother for the last time..."

Qi Ji leaned against the window and looked at the distant scenery.

Here, Yang Ruixi's lips twitched hard: "I said, do you have a brother-sister relationship...I want her to call you the third brother...Is it enough to close the door and let her call me? I know you. After so many years, it is only now that I realize that you actually like this kind of evil..."

"Shut up, the more you talk, the less serious you are!"

Qi Ji scolded with no anger, and the two talked a few more words. After hanging up, he thought of the scene when he called him the third brother in the previous years. Don't feel bad about it.However, maybe today, the role of the third brother must be drawn with a complete sentence.

While thinking about it, the phone rang.

He connected and asked, "What's the matter with Awei?"

Aweihui reported: "I have something, I don't know if I should tell you? It's about the wife..."


"My wife received a call not long ago. I paid attention to the number, it's Chief Mo's number..."

Qi Ji's eyes moved: "Well, I see."

Obviously, the Mo family has already taken action.

Hanging up the phone, he dialed his wife's cell phone without hesitation:

Every time this name is called, his heart becomes incomparably soft.


Her answer was also extremely brisk, no longer silent or hostile as before.A call like this is absolutely delightful.

"After three hours of separation, I'd love to know what you're doing now?"

"Me, I'm rushing for the design now!"

On the other side of the phone, she was sitting at the desk, holding a pen in her hand, and beautiful lines were drawn wherever the pen line went.It's a wedding dress, a very retro wedding dress, but it's embellished with modern elements... The inspiration that just came, let her outline it.

Now, she holds it in her hand, and the more she looks at it, the better it feels.It looks much better than the wedding dress she wore when she got married eight years ago.


Qi Ji knew that she had an innate talent for this. "Golden Age" is a brand she founded. There are not many styles, but it has been recognized by many people in the industry, which is commendable.After all, it's just her hobby, how many people put all their efforts into it, and it's not possible to have such a result.Of course, this achievement is inseparable from Su Qi's strong support.

When Shi Tan first got involved in this circle, out of consideration for her personal safety, Qi Jiyou sent someone to check Su Qi's bottom line.

That woman has no problem with her background, and she is a well-known designer who has worked hard in this circle by virtue of her strength.She is usually very proud and arrogant, but for some reason she is especially good at Shi Tan alone.I admire her design very much, and tried to pull her into the "Qi Pai Space" several times, but was declined.

"Well, are you okay?"

"Officially give you an appointment notice."

"Okay, what time?"

"At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jing Xu will be waiting for you at the Sixth Martial Arts Hall."

"OK, how about you? Will you come over?"

Shi Tan sat up straight and listened very attentively, and a strange smile was bent out of her.

"I'll go too. But, maybe a little later!"

"it is good!"

At this time, Qi Ji heard that Aunt Wen was inviting her out to dinner.She agreed and turned to him on the phone:

"Is there anything else? It's okay, I have to go to dinner..."

"Yes, Tan, I have to ask you something!"

"Well, you say!"

"What are you planning to do next?"

Shi Tan felt that what he said seemed to mean something, and after thinking about it, he said: "I haven't fully thought about it. If the Chao family does not fall, I can't calm down and do other things. However, according to my current situation In terms of the situation, I really can't do other work. Peace of mind is the only thing I can do. What's wrong?"

"That's it, Commander Mo wants to see you. I forgot to tell you about this yesterday."

Shi Tan suddenly realized that this person may have known that Mo Yaozhi had called, and Awei must have seen the phone number, but why did he inform his employer of this information in such a timely manner?
Is Awei ordered to monitor her?

No, it can't be surveillance.

Qi Ji must be trying to protect her!
But the problem is that the Mo family and Qi Ji are unusual. It stands to reason that it is normal to have a phone call. Why is Ah Wei so sensitive?

She thought for a while, smiled, did not expose it, and asked:
"Oh, what does he want to see me for?"

"I want to arrange for you to work in Area A. It is up to you to collect the evidence of the Chao family's crimes. I will take orders from Mo Yaozhi directly. I think, I should tell you about this. The official documents have not come down yet... but they asked Let me tell you something. I just forgot to mention it to you because of a lot of things yesterday..."

"I already know! A while ago, Mo Yaozhi called. Then, you suddenly called, not only to announce the appointment time... mainly to tell me about this thing that you have forgotten. Well...Awei is really loyal to you..."

She tore through the paper with a smile.

"bad girl."

Qi Ji sighed softly, his wife is not easy to fool:

"Let me explain in advance, I didn't mean to let people monitor you. The reason why Awei specially reported this to me is mainly because he knew that Mo Yaozhi had nothing to do with you, and he thought it was strange, so..."

"It's okay, I was going to tell you about it later."

"What, you promised?"

(End of this chapter)

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