卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 190 Decision

Chapter 190 Decision
"Not yet! I have to listen to you before making a decision."

Qi Jiting was glad that she was willing to consult him. This practice was a manifestation of his respect.

"How do you say it? Politics is too complicated. Once you get involved, it's hard to get rid of it. From my personal point of view, I hope you can be a simple little woman from now on, and you don't have to take any risks. Any risk, just let me take good care of you and protect you. As for you, just take good care of Xiaobai and me... It's only a matter of time before the Chao family falls. Please trust my judgment on this matter. But my thoughts are always mine. I can't selfishly make choices for you, everything has to be chosen by yourself. No matter what, I will respect your decision..."

Shi Tan thought about it for a while, then sighed and said:

"I have to say that this invitation is very tempting to me. 22 years ago, I witnessed the tragic death of my parents. The scene was so cruel that every time I recall that past, I always feel that it is It just happened yesterday, and it is deeply engraved in my mind. If one day, I can personally send them to the trial seat, I think I will be very happy...but..."

"but what?"

"But, I have to ask you a very important thing..."


Shi Tan thought for a while before asking: "In your opinion, is the relationship between you and the Mo family really indestructible? Why do I have a strange feeling that there is some kind of interest relationship between you?"

Her senses are quite sensitive, and the tempering of the past few years has really made her mature a lot.

Qi Ji smiled slightly:
"Without interests, there is no alliance. For now, my goals and theirs are the same. I am willing to support the Mo family, not just because he is my uncle. As for what kind of interest alliance law that is, I will have time in the future. I'll tell you again. That's not something that can be said in a few words... As for whether to go or not, you can decide for yourself. On this matter, I don't support it, but I don't oppose it... Well, I have to hang up, There seems to be an important call coming in, let's talk later..."

"Okay! See you later!"

After Shi Tan hung up the phone, she lost her mind. It seemed that the relationship between Qi Ji and the Mo family might be more complicated than she imagined.

If there is no harm, Qi Ji will not say: neither support nor objection.

Of course, politics itself is a complicated thing, and if it is not handled properly, tragedies like the father's will happen.And now the Mo family is fighting for power.

The battle between the two factions, the winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, no one can predict the outcome.

The only thing she could see clearly was that Qi Jishi didn't really want her to have too much contact with Area A.Or maybe he just wanted her to live a little easier.

Being a simple little woman is far happier than playing those intrigue tricks.

But the problem is: it is impossible for him to protect her for a lifetime. She feels that she should stand side by side with him and face the ups and downs of life together. Only a woman who can withstand the storm is worthy of him——

She thought, maybe, she should go.after she recovered.

For lunch, there were only Shi Tan and Xiao Bai. After dinner, Qi Yuan sent a car to pick up Xiao Bai, because the old lady missed Xiao Sun Sun and wanted to take him over to talk.Shi Tan did not suspect him, and after talking on the phone with the old lady, he asked the bodyguard Alu to take him into Qiyuan's car.

Shi Tan didn't go, and read a book in the room for a while, and then got bored and asked someone to send a car, planning to go to the Sixth Martial Arts Hall early.

When she changed a piece of clothes and was pushed out by Dutin, she saw Jamie and his wife standing beside the car.

It seems that this couple is planning to be her flower protector.

"I just received the boss's order. Before Mrs. Qi's leg injury has healed, if Mrs. Qi wants to go out and get some air, she will be escorted by the boss. If the boss is not there, our husband and wife will take over to ensure Mrs. Qi's personal safety. Not threatened by any hidden dangers.”

Mary smiled and pushed her into the car and explained.

"Tsk, after that, I love overkill!"

Shi Tan watched this capable female man fasten her seat belt.

"No, the boss likes to make the most of everything. For him, your safety is the most important thing."

Mary sat in front of her, put on her seat belt, and said to the man in the driver's seat:

"Baby, drive steady..."

Today, Jamie is acting as a driver. According to Qi Ji, this person loves racing cars very much.His drag racing skills were learned from Jamie.

When the car drove to the gate, Shi Tan saw Han Min riding a very cool motorcycle, speeding in from the gate, and finally stopped their car, took off his hat and asked:

"Hey Jamie, where are you going?"

"Send the heart of the boss out for a walk..."

"Ha, the boss took his woman as a crystal product? He actually sent you to guard it? Aren't you following up on the DD1899 mess? Why are you so idle?"

In the first half of this sentence, no matter how you listen to it, there is a smell of contempt.

Shi Tan always felt that this woman was not very friendly to her, and other members of the flame group were willing to get close to her, but she alone did not like to pay attention to her.If a group of people met together, she would come over to say hello at most. When facing her, her performance was always sluggish.When discussing issues with Qi Ji or others, she bursts out with fire-like energy and is very, very energetic.

"The shaman is following! What happened to your investigation?"

"I'll tell you in detail when the boss is free. I'll take a shower first, see you later..."

Han Min waved his hand, turned the front wheel, turned a beautiful corner, picked up a puff of dust, and sped away in the northwest direction—she didn't say hello to Shi Tan.

Through the glass window, Shi Tan glanced at the direction where Han Min was going, and a female intuition told her: This Han Min is secretly in love with her husband.

However, she concealed this emotion very well.

But Shi Tan still felt such a strangeness in her eyes when she occasionally stared at Qi Ji.

to be continued!

A woman is always sensitive. If she cares enough about her man, she will easily notice that other women look at her man differently, and feel some kind of admiration from the opposite sex from that look.Even though she and her usually rarely meet, she still feels it.

"Annie, what's the matter?"

Mary noticed that her expression was a little unusual, and followed her thoughtful gaze to the past,
Shi Tan turned his head and smiled lightly, appearing incomparably gentle, and then asked casually:
"When did Han Min become a member of the Flame Alliance? I heard Jon inadvertently mention that she was recruited later and was not originally a member of the Flame Alliance?"

(End of this chapter)

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