卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 191 She Wants to Be a Woman Worthy of Qi Ji

Chapter 191 She Wants to Be a Woman Worthy of Qi Ji


Mary Dingding took a look, her eyes circled deeply, and she nodded: "It was brought back by the boss. She is a poor person who was hunted and killed to nowhere. It's been more than nine years since she came in!"

More than nine years?
Eight years ago, she married Qi Ji, and the girl came to him nine years ago!

At that time, she should be only 23 years old, just in full bloom!

Well, this is definitely a girl with a story - just imagine that at the beginning, Qi Ji agreed to reorganize the Flame Alliance out of desperation, but not long after, he brought another girl like this into his most secret life. , he not only trusts her, but is also willing to exchange sincerity for her trust.Looking at her, after marrying him for so many years, it was only now that she recognized the real him. Comparing the two, she suddenly felt that Qi Ji should have a different kind of friendship with Han Min.

This kind of conjecture made her very uncomfortable.

"Has she stayed in Qingfeng Yayuan all these years?"

When she asked this, she faintly felt that her tone had become strange.

Mary is also a sensitive woman, she already felt something was wrong with Annie, she nodded while thinking about it:
"Uh, how can I put it, except for assignments, she usually stays on the mountain."

"Oh, is that right? What entertainment do you usually do when you're free?"

Shi Tan tried his best to keep his usual quiet smile.

The place where the members of the Flame Alliance live, she has not been in for the time being because of her mobility problems.

"Each of us has an independent villa on the mountain, and there are also public facilities, such as a shooting range, an audio-visual room, a sanda room... Well, there is also a apron, and an underground control room that controls the security facilities of the entire villa... That's about it...

"Usually, we don't have any entertainment activities. If you want entertainment, you can take a leave and go outside to play what you want to relax. Not in the villa. This is a training base. When we stay here, we will only be greeted with high-intensity training, and we have to Always be alert to the security on the villa...

"The base must have the discipline of the base. Don't look at the way the boss is usually close to us, this guy is quite strict. On his territory, whoever dares to violate the relevant regulations will definitely be repaired alive... …”

Mary spread her hands and took the topic without a trace, then mentioned her past and said:
"I was almost thrown out by him... Later, Jamie reassured him again and again that he didn't kick me out. By the way, Annie, have you ever fought with the boss? I said that there is no room for a fight. …”


Shi Tan shook his head.There have been small fights, but I haven't played with real guns and live ammunition.

"Then you must have never tasted the power of the boss's fists... To be honest, I am not the boss's opponent in a single fight... I can be settled in less than 10 minutes... That time, I was dragged by him alive The one who threw it out the back door of the villa..."

Mary's skills are very good. Before, Shi Tan had seen their husband and wife fight each other on the lawn.It can be seen that Qi Ji is doing well.

"Oh? Then why did he chase you?"

Now, she is very clear about his character, and there is no reason why he can't stand it, he will not do things absolutely.

"Because of a matter of principle...well, let's put it this way, I used to be a drug addict."

Mary shrugged and smiled.

Shi Tan was startled. The woman sitting next to her had a ruddy complexion, blonde hair, and a hot body. There was really no way to associate her with that kind of drug addict with a yellow face and thin muscles.

"is it?"

She was slightly surprised.

"Yes, from the beginning, I was lured into drug addiction. Before joining the Flame Alliance, the main reason why I took orders from another mercenary organization was that I needed money to buy drugs. Drugs can make me supernatural Realize my potential. Later, I met Jamie. I fell in love with the hell. After I married him, I started to quit. You are a criminal policeman, so I don’t need to tell you what kind of process it is! But for Jamie , I still quit. During the whole process of drug rehab, I lost a full twenty catties."

"Since you quit, why do you have to drive you away?"

Mary shrugged helplessly again:

"At first, I quit, but because of a mission, I was forcibly given an injection, and I became addicted to drugs again.

"I didn't let Jamie know, secretly smoking, I really don't want to go to the drug rehab center and suffer. The process was too painful.

"As a result, the more I smoked, the worse I became. Finally, the boss's thief eyes caught me. I swore to him that I would quit. The boss agreed, but I didn't make up my mind. The mountain...even tried to pull Jamie together to suck...

"You don't understand, during that time, my whole person was completely like a demon, and I was suspicious that Jamie had become a mistress outside because he disliked me... That state finally angered the boss... …”

Speaking of those unbearable past events, she laughed at herself and glanced at Jamie in the rearview mirror.The couple seemed to recall some past times, and both smiled.

"Later, you still quit, didn't you?"

Shi Tan could see that the couple were very loving.

"Yes, quit, it was the boss who forcibly separated us and threw Mary into the drug rehab center for a whole year. After a year, Mary was completely quit... Two years later, the doctor said that Mary's The body test reports finally meet the fertility standards. We have little Bailey, and then little Irene..."

Jamie grinned, a smile full of the happiness of being reborn.


Shi Tan sincerely congratulates.

"If it weren't for the boss, we would have broken up long ago. So, Jamie and I decided to settle here, as long as the need arises, we are willing to go out and deal with the tasks he has to deal with for him anytime and anywhere. Until he no longer needs us... "

The status of Qi Ji in their hearts is self-evident.

Shi Tan nodded, Qi Ji's prestige in the hearts of these people was all exchanged by him.To get along with others, one must be sincere and must have sincere feelings. Only in this way can he unite his team and accomplish tasks that are completely impossible for others.

When it comes to leadership, Qi Ji is definitely gifted.

"Oh, when you train, will you follow the training?"

"In the beginning, the training base was not set up here. He came to see us up to three times a week, and then it was built and we all moved in. He would train with us when he had time."

Jamie, who was sitting in the driver's seat, answered: "Boss is very busy. Busy with various negotiations, busy with various entertainments, and busy collecting information about you... Annie, this is the first time I heard about Shi Yan When I was named Tan, the boss was only 20 years old. After the reorganization of the Flame League, the first task I received was to find you. But this failed. The reason is that he only drew a simple portrait of you when you were a child Let me find a little girl who has grown up. The so-called female big eighteen changes, one change, how can I find such a growing child in the vast crowd? I think he is crazy... But he said that where there is a will, there is a way, and in the end, he actually found you back. Speaking of which, your fate is really deep enough..."

Shi Tan was stunned after hearing this: He really had been looking for her, and the feeling of discomfort in his heart seemed to be relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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