卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 195 You Should Understand

Chapter 195 You Should Understand

"That was supposed to be Luo Shi's husband... Since you said you want to pay it back, let it be clear once and for all...

"Shi Tan, you should understand, you owe Luo Shi a father, you have to bring Mu Yichun home, you have to be responsible for the case eight years ago... You have to be responsible for Luo Shi's happiness.

"What you have stolen should be returned to its original state, cough, cough... If you still have morality and conscience in your heart... cough, cough..."

At the end, Luo Houyu coughed because of excitement.

This cough is out of control, the more the cough gets worse, the cough can hardly stop...

Shi Tan wanted to pat him on the back. She used to do this, but as soon as she got close, the old man pushed her away:
"Go away, don't pretend..."

Shi Tan opened her mouth and wanted to refute, but what could she say?
If he wasn't grandpa, if grandpa's body wasn't so bad, maybe she could argue, but now the problem is, grandpa's body can't stand any stimulation, she can't hurt the old man just because she wants to protect herself.

Facing such a heartless grandfather, her heart ached like being torn, as if it was about to be torn in half.

"Grandpa... don't be in a hurry to get angry with me, you slow down, slow down..."

She really didn't want her grandfather to have an accident again.As long as he is healthy, if he is angered, he will be angered... She endured silently.

Luo Houyu, who managed to stop his cough, showed no appreciation:
"Don't call me grandpa, if you still recognize me as grandpa, then you should give everything back to Luo Shi... It's not in vain that I have loved you for so many years..."


She wants to say that things can be paid back, marriage and love, but they can't be paid back... Grandpa should know something, right?
But she didn't have a chance to speak, and Luo Houyu interrupted again. He leaned over there while panting heavily, and shouted loudly:

"Luo Shi is the little princess of our Luo family, she deserves the best in the world. Yes, it is necessary, it is necessary...

"If you dare not to divorce, I will dare to discredit their Qi family. The things that Qi Wanzhong committed when he was young will be exposed. I used those things to threaten Qi Wanzhong to try to marry you. , now I can also use this matter to force Qi Wanzhong to use his brains to drive you away from Qi's house.

"I'm not kidding, for Luo Shi, I can do anything...

"Shi Tan, I'll give you three days. After three days, you must divorce and Qi Ji must marry Luo Shi. If you don't do this, I will have all the scandals Qi Wanzhong done before. Police. If you want Qi Wanzhong to go to jail at his age, then we can try to see who can beat who..."

I don't know where the old man got the strength, finally stood up, grabbed her clothes, and warned her with a fierce look.

At this moment, Shi Tan really felt that his grandfather had gone crazy.

"Grandpa, calm down first. Divorce is not that easy, and marriage is not that easy. Don't worry... There is nothing in the world that cannot be solved..."

At this time, no matter what she said, he would definitely not be able to listen. The point was, she couldn't hurt him.Then you can only endure it, appease him first, and then find another way.

"Get out! I'm tired!"

Finally, the old man issued an expulsion order.

Shi Tan had no choice but to leave, and the ward suddenly returned to calm.

Luo Houyu pulled the quilt, confused with tears, and thought directly in his heart: Shi Tan, don't blame me, don't blame me...

He has to do this because this ward has been monitored.

Yes, there is a miniature camera in this ward, which is connected to the other end of the camera. Someone has just finished watching this "forced divorce" drama and smiled and curled his lips.

He is looking forward to the scandal of the Qi family. Whether it is the scandal of Qi Wanzhong in the past or the divorce scandal that may happen to Qi Ji, it will deal a heavy blow to the economy of the Qi family.And what he wants is to let Qi Ji take care of himself to save himself, and he has no time to deal with other things.

When Shi Tan moved out of the ward in a trance, he received Mary's worried eyes.

She came up and patted her shoulder, but said nothing.

Shi Tan felt that she knew the truth, so she advised her not to come.

Perhaps in her opinion, it is far better for Qi Ji to undertake this matter alone than to let her know.

"Sister Tan, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Shi was originally sitting on the sofa, flipping through a magazine, when she saw her coming, she hurried up to ask.

The boy's eyes were clean, and he obviously didn't know it.

She smiled weakly, the grandfather now only cares about Luo Shi, and he doesn't care if she is happy or not.

Shi Tan sighed, reached out and hugged Luo Shi, saying:

Luo Shi does not believe:

"You look very bad. What did grandpa talk about with you? I seem to hear you arguing! Sister Tan, did grandpa blame you?"

The wards here are soundproofed very well.But some faint voices can still be heard.Unlike Qingfeng Yayuan, the sound can be completely isolated.

Shi Tan smiled, not knowing how to answer for a while.

"Sister Tan, don't worry, Grandpa just can't think about it for a while, everything is getting better... Don't be serious with Grandpa... It is said that old children and old children, old people make trouble, sometimes it is more difficult to serve than children. I have done it before. The supplementary teacher also acts as the nanny for the elderly. Comparing the two, I still think that children are easier to coax, and the elderly are more difficult to deal with..."

This is Luo Shi's experience.

Luo Shi felt that the current grandfather was emotionally unstable because of his illness, and the slightest thing could trigger his anger, so she followed him as much as possible.It should get better in a few days.

Shi Tan smiled again, nodded and said:
"I see. It's almost three o'clock, I still have an appointment, Luo Shi, look back, let's find time to have a good chat..."

She is leaving, she doesn't want to talk about it now, she still has a date, for the time being, she doesn't want to let this ruin her mood to go on a date, although it has already affected it.

"By the way, when will your cousin's surgery be done..."

Suddenly, she thought of this again, and asked with concern.

"Just tomorrow!"

"Well, after waiting for tomorrow, let's have a good chat..."

"Sister Tan, what do you mean?"

Luo Shi felt that there was something in Shi Tan's words.

"It's not interesting...I'm in a hurry, so I don't talk...Mary, let's go..."

Shi Tan looked at the person behind him.

At this moment, she desperately needs to see Qi Ji.

"OK, Miss Luo Shi, goodbye!"

Mary and Locke said goodbye, pushed out the door of the ward, and joined Jamie.

Jamie saw that her face was very bad, and after taking a look, she asked, "Areyou OK?"

Shi Tan nodded: "I'm, fine!"

When sitting in the car, she leaned there and let out a deep breath. Grief is inevitable, and the hurt from relatives is often the softest side that can hurt people's hearts the most.Because you care too much.

"Annie, it's impossible for the eldest son to divorce you. He loves you, otherwise he wouldn't have waited for you for so many years. The trouble of Mr. Luo won't be an obstacle."

Mary comforts.

"You, you all know?"

(End of this chapter)

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