卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 196 The boss is checking Zhou's mother

Chapter 196 The boss is checking Zhou's mother
She asked a question knowingly.

"Well, the boss is checking Zhou's mother. This woman has some annoying photos on her hands."

"Oh, how's it going?"

"Xia Zhou is missing now! Han Min and Jon are here to investigate this matter. Don't worry, it will be resolved."

Jamie started the engine and the car drove out of the hospital's underground garage.

"Grandpa gave me three days. Within three days, if I don't get divorced, he will publish the photo... Qi's family can't afford to lose face, Grandpa Qi is so old, if there is trouble, it will be bad for the evening. It has been completely defiled for a lifetime. The Qi family will probably not allow such a thing to happen."

She sighed softly.His eyes fixed on the wedding ring.

"Don't tell me you want a divorce?"

Jamie turned his head and glanced at her suspiciously.

She didn't say a word, but she knew in her heart that whether she divorced or not, it would cause harm to the Qi family. The only difference between the two was, who would be sacrificed?
This is a difficult choice for Qi Ji.

At this moment, what she was thinking about was this: Is there no other way to solve this problem other than these two ways?For example, if you change your grandfather's mind, everyone will be happy.Now the key is, how to change grandpa?

Ten minutes after the car drove out, she called Qi Ji, but no one answered.

How could no one pick it up?
After thinking for a few seconds, she stroked her forehead again, and then called the third brother's number. After a while, she heard a slightly hoarse voice unique to him:


This voice and Qi Ji's clear and charming voice are completely two different charms.

Qi Ji's voice sometimes had a hint of sternness in Qingyue's voice.

Eight years ago, she heard his voice like this. The coldness would give people a sense of distance and make people unable to get close. For example, eight years ago, before getting married, he said: "After you get married, you can no longer stay. In China, go to England, read your book from afar, and don't come back without my order..."

At that time, she did not ask the reason, because at that time, she loved others in her heart, and she knew that their marriage would not be happy. For the sake of the Qi family and Yichun, she was willing to surrender without asking the reason.

Eight years later, Qi Ji's voice is still as clear as ever, but now, she can always feel that kind of tenderness in his voice.It was the taste of home, and she was deeply attached to it.

And the voice of the third brother once made the most hesitant years in her life a little warmer.Every time he was in a crisis, he showed up in time.Sometimes, she felt that he was her patron saint.

Shi Tan's tired heart was warmed again because of such a soft call:



"No, still on the way! Have you arrived yet?"

"I have something to do outside."


"No hurry, I will definitely be there before five o'clock! What's the matter, I look very depressed."

He said, the low magnetic and slightly hoarse voice made her heart tremble...

Third brother!

She is finally going to meet the real third brother!


"I'm busy, let's talk later!"

"Okay, see you later!"

Suppressing the horribly bad mood, she began to look forward to their meeting...

Because of the traffic jam on the road, it was four o'clock when I came to the sixth martial arts hall.

This is her second time here. Last time, she came to see the sixth teacher because she wanted to get in touch with the third brother. This time she came to meet the third brother.

Yang Ruixi, who was wearing a kung fu shirt, came to the door to pick her up, with smiles all over his face, and those smiles temporarily dispelled the worries that had accumulated in his heart.

"How is your body?"

"Much better!"

Yang Ruixi gave her a big hug, and then, looking up and down, she felt that today's little junior sister's mental state was not very good, and there was a taste of forced smile.

"I've lost a lot of weight! My face is still very pale..."

Shi Tan touched his face. Since the accident, her complexion has not been very good. Qi Ji said that he must raise her as soon as possible.

"It would be nice to have a life back."

She sighed.

"It seems so!"

Yang Ruixi probably knew a little about them, and Qi Ji briefly asked them before.

He did not ask in detail, which involved military secrets.What he shouldn't know is very interesting, and he won't force it to know. After all, he's just an ordinary person, not a member of their circle.

"The third brother hasn't come yet!"

She asked, looking behind her, but no one else came out to greet her, thinking that it hasn't arrived yet.

"It's early!"

"Why didn't he come out to pick me up? I thought he knew that I was injured and couldn't move, so he would know how to pity Xiangxiyu better than before..."

she joked.

Yang Ruixi smiled and said meaningfully: "Actually, he is very sympathetic to fragrance and jade, and you will definitely see it in the future... Go... Your third brother is busy, and he asked me to pick you up..."

Instead of Mary, he pushed her inside.

The Jamie couple followed behind.

"What is he busy with? Is it an excuse or is he really busy? Fourth brother, tell me the truth... Don't learn from the third brother.

The suspicious tone in the words made Yang Ruixi bend her lips. This little girl is getting more and more difficult now:
"To be honest, I'm really busy! Not long ago, we just got the news that Master was assassinated in the UK, and now he is in danger. He is contacting a recognized expert friend for an operation..."

Shi Tan couldn't help but froze for a moment, was startled, and turned his head:

"Assassination? Who wants to assassinate the sixth master?"

Yang Ruixi shook his head:
"It's not clear yet! Wait a minute, I'll fly over overnight! Maybe your third brother will also come over..."

The two went inside while discussing.

After a while, he came to the living room of the sixth teacher when he came last time.

"Sit here...I'll prepare some fruit for you...your third brother is in the study now, I'll go see if he's done with his work...At that time, Master's current situation, you can ask the third brother about it. ask clearly."

"Thank you fourth brother!"

She sat, looked around the living room, breathed softly, and pinched her brows.

Alas, I was in a good mood today because my grandfather made such a fuss, and it was ruined to the extreme. When I finally saw the fourth brother, I felt a little better. Now I have to worry about the sixth master. Over the years, the sixth master not only taught me He taught her a lot of useful self-defense and fighting skills, and gave her the love of the elders for the younger generation.

The sixth master had made many enemies when he was young, but after so many years, she wondered, who would trouble him now?
After thinking about it, she lost her mind, and when she came back to her senses, she saw that the third brother was sitting in front of her, the face she had trusted the most in recent years, standing in front of her with a familiar look of detachment. Staring at himself very intently.

"Third Brother!"

She gave a soft cry and asked eagerly:
"How is the sixth master?"

Qi Ji knew that she would ask, and even if she didn't ask, he would tell her.He knew that she respected the sixth Chen very much.As a disciple, although the sixth master didn't teach her much, but just based on the friendship over the past few years, she should have informed her immediately:

"The operation is in progress. The problem should not be very big. I have already found someone to protect him. What happened, I will check after Master's operation..."


She nodded: "Will you come over?"

(End of this chapter)

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