卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 203 Dinner

Chapter 203 Dinner

Shi Tan glanced sideways, her man was exuding the demeanor of an eldest brother at the moment.

Although he didn't like Qi Fei very much, he didn't give up on him when he was beaten up.

She knew that he didn't have any deep brotherhood for Qi Fei, and it was just his instinct to save people regardless of his own life.Not mixed with any likes and dislikes.

This is what she likes most about him now: being responsible and responsible.

"It didn't take a while." Qi Fei replied.

"Dad is here too?"

"Well, over there in Grandpa's study... Everyone's expressions are a little weird. What's wrong? Did something bad happen?"

Qi Fei asked.

Qi Ji glanced at the door of the main house, still smiling:

"It's nothing...have you seen Xiaobai?"

"I see, he's playing over there, and Awei is with him..."

"Go and call him, and dinner will be ready soon..."


Qi Fei nodded and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately said again: "By the way, eldest brother, I just saw Mi Fangfei. The guard sent her to Sister Qi Ying's villa with her luggage."

Mi Fangfei is in Qiyuan?

Shi Tan was stunned. There was such a scandal before, and now she came to the door again. Is she really planning to snatch a married man?

Faintly, there was a small unpleasantness coming up from the bottom of my heart - this is probably a kind of human instinct, and no one would like to like their rival in love.

Qi Ji stopped abruptly, saw her turn her head to look at him, and answered lightly:
"Oh, really?"

"Would you like to talk to grandpa and drive her out?"

Qi Fei glanced at Shi Tan, and his emotions were very direct:
"I don't like Mi Fangfei. I don't want sister-in-law Shitan to be hurt. Big brother, I know you love sister-in-law, right? I hope you can live with Meimei like this forever. This way Xiaobai can become a very happy person. Children. I like Xiaobai, and I like to see your family of three happy."

These words surprised Qi Fei and Shi Tan, they didn't expect him to protect them like this!

"Yes, I love your sister-in-law very much. We will be together forever. No one can separate us..."

Qi Ji's promise with a chuckle makes Qi Fei smile. He is in adolescence and has a hazy yearning for love. He longs for the love in his imagination to be pure and beautiful, and can be open and honest, unlike his father. Like my mother, the name is not right and the eyes are not right.

Qi Fei likes Shi Tan. Ten years ago, when he was very young, he met Shi Tan.

That time, when he participated in a school activity, the school bus had a car accident halfway through, and many people were thrown out of the car windows by the huge impact.He was one of them. Most of those thrown out died on the spot. He didn't die, but he was not too close to death. He was covered in blood, unable to move or breathe.

At that time, there were people watching and calling the police, but no one dared to give him first aid.

At the right time, Shi Tan passed by and performed simple and correct first aid measures on him, which saved his life.

To this day, he still remembers that it was Shi Tan's encouragement during those ten minutes of unconsciousness that made him persevere and survive... Afterwards, she quietly left without leaving a name.But he remembered this kind and decisive girl.

One day later, unexpectedly, he learned that it was his former savior who was going to be his sister-in-law. of a pair.

Unfortunately, because of his status, he didn't have the opportunity to attend their wedding.

It was at that time that he never saw Shi Tan again.

In the past eight years, he has heard from time to time the legend of their marital relationship that is frosty, saying that this marriage separated by two places will end sooner or later.He was very depressed about it.

Until last month, in a crisis, their husband and wife appeared together, and they did not abandon him because he was just an illegitimate child.He was inexplicably moved by it, and even more because Shi Tan's persistence towards his eldest brother in the end deeply shocked him.

At the research base that day, he was taken away by his second brother Qi Mu, and he was ambushed after returning to the ground. He was rescued by the special forces and saw with his own eyes that Shi Tan used her not very strong body to carry the elder brother out on his back.Just before the entire base collapsed, she tried her last strength and bravely broke free from the pursuit of the god of death.

Later, Shi Tan fell down, and their helicopter landed near them. He heard his elder brother keep calling: "Don't worry about me, don't worry about me, save Shi Tan first, save Shi Tan first..."

What is love like?

It's hard for him to imagine.

But that day, Qi Fei felt a very powerful love for the first time in his life.

He was in awe of this love, and he didn't want their perfection to be destroyed, not even Mi Fangfei, who had loved him since childhood.

"That's fine, I'm going!"

Qi Fei waved his hand happily and ran towards the basketball hoop, his steps became very happy.

"It looks like he likes you very much!"

Qi Ji lowered his head and smiled and said to Shi Tan, his tone was a little emotional.Qi Fei's temper is a bit stinky, and it's not easy to be liked by him.

Shi Tanyou felt it and smiled slightly.

Since he was born and raised outside, Qi Fei was a little out of tune with this family, and he didn't talk to the rest of the Qi family very much. He had a close relationship with their family of three.Especially with Xiaobai.As for the other Qi family members, they didn't care much about him, and he didn't like to get along with them very much either.In this family, he has almost no status at all.

Qi Ji could see that he was not happy because he recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry. On the contrary, there was sadness in his eyes.

"Brother Qi Ji!"

After entering the main house, I saw Mo Lan walking downstairs. The girl looked at them with extremely complicated eyes.

Qi Ji nodded, pushed Shi Tan towards the big study, and knocked on the door.

After a while the door opened, and it was Grandpa's old assistant who opened the door.

The room was full of elders, Qi Wanzhong, Mrs. Qi, Qi Jian, Qi Liang, Qi Fan... all sitting around the conference table.

"Grandpa, grandma, dad, second uncle, third uncle... we're back..."

Qi Ji called in a circle, stood behind Shi Tan, put his hands on his wife's shoulders in a very kissing gesture, and motioned for Shi Tan to call someone.

After Shi Tan finished calling, his eyes had also circled around, and then he asked:

"what happened?"

The air pressure in the room is a little low...

Qi Wanzhong frowned deeply, with a solemn expression on his face; Qi Jian was smoking a cigarette and kept silent; Qi Liang was drinking tea with a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes; Qi Fan glanced at their husband and wife with a worried look; the old lady It's a look of unhappiness...

"Luo Houyu issued an ultimatum today, and if he doesn't give him a result tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the matter of your grandfather will be exposed on the Internet in the morning the day after tomorrow. At that time, your grandfather may be able to avoid the crime of obstructing justice and escape into hiding. to be prosecuted by the court..."

With a faint sigh, the old lady's always gentle face was full of sadness. She has lived for most of her life and has been used to it. When she gets old and gets into such trouble, anyone will be depressed.

"Grandpa went to see Mr. Luo this afternoon?"

When Qi Ji pushed his wife past grandma, he lightly patted grandma on the shoulder, and then sat down beside Qi Fan.


Luo Houyu nodded.

"What did Mr. Luo say?"

"He said that in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, if he can't see your divorce certificate, he will release criminal evidence..."

After saying this, she sighed heavily:

"Hey, what's wrong with Lao Luo this time? How can he be so ruthless, no matter what he says, it doesn't make sense... His horns are really a headache... Then, your grandfather is a lot older. , I can't afford to lose face like that, and I can't stand jail, so ah, grandma wants to ask you, do you have any countermeasures now? I asked the lawyer before, if things really go wrong, the situation will be Very bad. If someone takes the opportunity to fall into the trap, the Qi family swears that they will be severely punished..."

The Qi family has a good image in the eyes of the Chinese people, and is deeply loved by the Chinese people. First, it benefits from the good reputation accumulated by the ancestors of the Qi family. Second, Luo Houyu had a good image when he was young. The name is the icing on the cake for the Qi family; the third is because of Qi Ji, because of him, the development of the Qi family has developed by leaps and bounds in the past eight years... Strengthening the trust and dependence of the Chinese people on the Qi family.

If it is exposed at this time that Qi Wanzhong has done a scandal of looking for someone to top the bag, it will hurt the feelings of the Chinese people. This is not something that can be solved just by walking through the process.Because the government department must give the Chinese people a clear explanation, so that the Chinese people know that the judiciary is fair, there will be no special, there will be no exceptions, and everyone has to pay for their actions.When Grandpa will be sentenced, Qi's economy will definitely be affected unpredictably.

This is definitely a hassle.

The more the old lady thought about it, the more worried she became. She really hoped that her grandson could come up with a good way to solve this trouble and everyone would be happy.

"Grandma, tomorrow Shi Tan and I will go to the hospital to talk to the old man..."

Qi Ji did not spit out a gratifying feasible solution, nor did he mention that Luo Houyu might be controlled.Because now is not the time.

Shi Tan couldn't guess what he meant, and rolled his big eyes, tacitly not expressing his opinion.

"So, you haven't figured out an effective way yet?"

The old lady sighed again, feeling a little discouraged.

Qi Ji was silent, Shi Tan lowered his eyes.

The couple's reaction, in the eyes of their second uncle Qi Liang, was a show of helplessness.

He whistled, clapped his hands and said, "Oh, it seems that our family's young master Qi is also planning to be poor. I have a way...I don't know if you want to listen..."

(End of this chapter)

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