卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 204 What If You Can't

Chapter 204 What If You Can't

Qi Ji raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

Qi Ji's third uncle, Qi Fan, didn't think he could have any good ideas, but he still asked:
"What can you do?"

"The most urgent task is to stabilize Luo Houyu, right!"

Qi Liang knocked on the table: "It's not difficult to stabilize him..."

"What are you selling, but what should you do..."

The old lady hurriedly urged.

"It's very simple, follow him first, then let him divorce and marry Luo Shi, just discuss with Mr. Luo and keep the marriage news private for the time being, the Qi family will not suffer any loss of reputation, this matter can be a big deal. The trivial matter has changed. I believe that in order to achieve his selfish wish, Mr. Luo will definitely agree to such an approach. Marry in a private form...both men and women can get what they want."

Qi Liang proudly spit out a so-called good method that made everyone present want to vomit blood.

The old lady was so angry that she blew her beard and stared.

Qi Fan sneered and lost a sentence:
"Sure enough, the dog can't spit out ivory!"

"Hey, why are you scolding someone..."

Qi Liang shouted unhappily:

"Otherwise, how do you think we should solve this matter... The Luo family made it clear that they wanted to play with us. Since there is no other way and we want to suppress this matter, what can we do? Fortunately, the old thing is also there. I won't live long, after three or five months of fake marriage, the matter will pass. Then, if you like Luo Shi, then keep it, if you don't like Luo Shitan, you are only interested in Luo Shitan, then let the person go. Marry it back... If you get tired of it, it's not a big deal to get kicked... There are so many things outside women..."

The last sentence was very indecent, and he even gave Chong Shitan a provocative glance. Does this person really want to provoke the separation room?

"Second, are you fooling enough? You are thinking of a way, you are just adding fuel to the fire."

The old lady was so angry that she slapped the table and swallowed her son's next words.

"Mom, it's the Luo family who are making fun now..."

Qi Liang curled his lips, pointed at Qi Ji and said, "I said, you shouldn't have saved the Luo family in the first place. Look, look, that's how white-eyed wolves are raised. Our Qi family helps the Luo family so much. It’s all right if things don’t appreciate it, and they want to bite us instead, so he shouldn’t be rescued, he’ll be clean if he dies early in the morning... Hey, I said, niece and daughter-in-law, don’t stare at me, I'm telling the truth, if Luo Houyu really died, there wouldn't be so much trouble... The one who raised you can only be blamed. What the hell..."

When Qi Liang speaks, he will never leave virtue in his mouth.This person is usually used to being arrogant and domineering. With the foundation of the Qi family, he often offends people outside.

"Second uncle, the grace of raising the Luo family and me, grandpa's actions this time are indeed immoral, but I won't expect grandpa to be lucky because of this. You are also a celebrity with status and status outside. When you speak, please pay attention to your wording, if you don't cover it, it will only show your childish and stupid side..."

Shi Tan couldn't bear to retort.

Qi Liang's face changed slightly, and there were not many who dared to harm others in person.He was faintly angry, but in the end, he suppressed his anger, hooked his lips and smiled, revealing a sinister look on his face:

"Yo ho, after this is the case, are you still facing the Luo family?"

Shi Tan tilted his chin and returned the past with an unruly expression:

"The Luo family will always be my parents' family. No matter what grandpa thinks of me. This is a fact that cannot be changed."

"You treat others as your maiden's family, but they don't treat you as a precious granddaughter. Now, Old Man Luo only sees Luo Shi, and you are just an outsider who stole his grandson-in-law. For his precious granddaughter , he can do everything now... You'd better figure this out. As for my Qi family, I never thought you would be worth more than our Qi family's family honor! Believe me, Qi Ji also It is impossible for a foreigner like you to disregard his love for his grandfather in the scandal..."

Qi Liang twitched his lips, he was not optimistic about this fake daughter eight years ago, and even more so now.

From his point of view, such a woman, based on her background, is no longer worthy of Qi Ji.

At that time, he wondered, how could the old man take a fancy to such a girl, using the power of the family business as bait to drive Qi Ji into this strange marriage, until now, he did not know that the old man actually committed There was a scandal like that.

As a member of the Qi family, in the face of common interests, Qi Liang clearly understands the truth that one prosper and one loss all suffer.Therefore, in his mind, the ideal solution is: sacrifice Shi Tan in exchange for the stability of the family.

Shi Tan's face turned pale because of Qi Liang's words, and he turned to look at Shen Qi Ji, who was beside him, and then glanced at his grandfather in the first seat.

This grandfather and grandson have a deep relationship. The old man was the only support for him when he was a child. The old man loved his grandson very much, and then he also respected the old man very much.

In the case of choosing one of two, to be honest, she can't be sure what choice Qi Ji will make.

Although I know he loves her very much.

But some choices are untitled.

For example, the question of who will save first when a mother and wife fall into a river together.

The two are sometimes incompatible.

At this moment, Qi Ji did not jump out to express his position, and it was indeed difficult to express his position, and she could not force him to express his position.

So, she took a breath, smiled back and fought back: "Perhaps, my marriage is indeed not as valuable as the Qi family's family honor. Qi Ji agrees, and I have no objection. The premise is that you have to let me understand the reason for this 180-degree turn of grandpa. I don’t think grandpa is the kind of person who loves to overpower others. There will always be a reason for his actions. threatened?"

Until the very last moment, she would never give up on her marriage and her love for her grandfather.

"Threat? Who will threaten him? What else is there to threaten the Luo family?" Qi Liang grinned.

"I don't know, but I believe things are definitely not what we have seen, please give me time, I will be able to find out!"

Shi Tan firmly believed that as long as he persisted, he would be able to find out about this matter.

"Qi Ji has been investigating for almost a month, and I haven't found anything so far. Do you think you can figure out the reason within the deadline?"

Qi Jian finally opened his mouth.

He had no good feelings for this daughter-in-law at first, but after the Bangjia incident, his views were quietly changing.


Shi Tan nodded.

"What if you can't?"

(End of this chapter)

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