卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 205 I Will Leave

Chapter 205 I Will Leave
"If I can't, I will leave, and I will never drag Qi Ji or the Qi family..."

The words were sonorous and powerful, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Qi Ji's eyes moved, but he still didn't speak, and glanced at the old man who had been silent all the time.

"No, how can grandpa sacrifice your marriage with you, if you really can't find out, just hand me over... I am an old man, how many days can I live, you are different... some have a bright future... I can't delay you because of my stupid thing."

Qi Wan spoke heavily, still full of concern for Shi Tan.

"How did that happen, Dad, you have worked hard for our Qi family all your life. If our juniors watch you get sentenced, the Qi family will be severely injured. This is absolutely impossible..."

Qi Liang immediately raised objections.

"This matter, unless Lao Luo Ken lets go, the Qi family will not be able to escape, rather than let it be manipulated for me, it is better for me to take it directly. After all, it was me who committed it, I must be right. Responsible for this..."

Qi Wanzhong sighed softly, already made up his mind that he would not run away, even if he lost all face, it would be the result of his commitment.

"I object."

Qi Liang suddenly stood up and screamed coldly.This person always looks like a villain outside, but he is respectful to his father, and he can't bear his father suffering this crime.

At this moment, he squinted his eyes and looked at Qi Jian and Qi Fan: "Dad has fought against the Qi family all his life, and it is definitely not a wise choice to push Dad out to bear everything. There is no such thing as filial piety. Don't do it to me... Especially you, Qi Ji, you have been favored by the elders since you were a child. If your mother only cares about protecting your wife and doesn't take your grandfather's life honor or the Qi family seriously, I'll tell you You, in the future, don't even think about being the head of the Qi family. I will do my best to let you live a life of turmoil..."

Facing the vicious light of the second uncle, Qi Ji, who had been silent, finally pulled the corners of his lips and spoke again:

"Second uncle, there is no trouble that can't be solved in the world. I will handle grandfather's affairs. I will not leave the marriage. There are still three days, you wait, I will give you a satisfactory explanation... Okay. , this is the end of today's talk, grandpa, let's have a feast, I'm hungry..."

His words were indifferent, but revealed a soul-stirring power.

Qi Ji is so confident.

The corner of Qi Liang's lips drew an evil arc: "OK, then we'll wait and see how you can turn the tide and play a win-win situation."

When leaving the study, Shi Tan said to Qi Ji, "There are only three days, and time is tight. Are you sure we can handle this matter?"

She wondered if he already had a plan.



He smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, I have another solution. It's impossible for me to get a divorce and marry again! In this life, I will depend on you for sure..."

With that, he lowered his head and kissed her.

She smiled, and didn't ask any more questions, and couldn't ask any more. In her groggy state, she felt his tenderness like water, which drowned her in an extremely turbulent way.

Well, this man, she has fallen in love with, he won't let go, and she can't let go, any difficulties will pass, she believes that they will definitely go into the world together.

After Angela received Jamie's order, she immediately collected all the information about Zhang Neng.

Fortunately, they had carefully investigated this person eight years ago, and the information was very complete-because of Luo Suiyi's death, Qi Jizeng asked them to in-depth investigate some people who had contact with Luo Suiyi before his death.

At that time, the information that Zhang Neng could reflect was very clear.

However, judging from the current actual situation, it can only show that this person is too good at disguising.It's a tough character.To be able to hide it from them for so many years shows how extraordinary it is.

"I'll go with you. Give you the wind!"

Before Angela was about to get into the car, Han Min appeared in front of Angela, with a bright smile, leaning on the car in a sexy standing position, like a charming car model.

It is undeniable that this girl has a devilish figure that can make giant models envy and hate.

Looking at this hot and beautiful girl, Angela followed with a deep smile and went up to hug her.

Angela and Han Min are partners. An is 16 years older than Han. She treats her like a daughter. In the past few years, it is she who has guided her step by step to become an outstanding mercenary.

Angela is the oldest of the Flame League.Her lover died in the rebellion many years ago, along with the unformed child in her womb, and she has no company since then.

In order to get revenge, she and Jamie followed the instructions of the former Flame League boss before he died, and came to the country of Zhu.

The main reason why Qi Ji could firmly control the members of the Flame Alliance was that Angela was that strong bond.

This woman has an extraordinary influence in the Flame Alliance. She is the sister of the former boss. It is she who twists everyone into a force and unites them firmly by Qi Ji's side.

In the years that followed, Qi Ji conquered their hearts step by step.

Until now, even without Angela, they will still work hard for this team.

Before, Angela said that she was going to prepare to retire, and she would stop working at the end of the year at the latest.

Qi Jiyou agreed, so Han Min is now trying to partner with Jesse to cultivate a sense of tacit understanding between them.The two of them completed four small tasks last year, and they felt pretty good.

As for Angela, since the second half of last year, she has performed some single tasks - the kind with a relatively low risk index.No partner required.

Occasionally needed.Qi Jihui will send another person to follow up.Like today.

"Well, make way!"

Han Min and Angela crossed their shoulders, their eyes locked on someone.

Jon in the driver's seat raised his hands and walked out.Originally, Qi Ji named him and Angela to complete this mission together, but since Han Min said so, he had no choice but to fulfill it.

After getting out of the car, he made a phone call to report to Jamie.

Jamie didn't ask Qi Ji what he meant, and finally agreed that Han Min would replace him.

Along the way, Angela and Han Min said something irrelevant, laughing and talking, recalling the golden years of the past.

At seven o'clock, they came to Hua Ting Yuan.

Han Min got out of the car first, and she had to connect the monitoring facilities of the entire community to the monitors in their car without knowing it, to ensure that she could monitor the entire Hua Ting Yuan in real time and grasp all the nearby dynamics in the palm of her hand. .

Han Min is not an expert in this area, but because this place is just an ordinary residential area, and the people of the Flame Alliance have usually had special training in this area, so the usual surveillance and stealing operations, for her, are Things that come at your fingertips.

When everything was ready, Angela, who had already disguised herself, got off the car with a backpack and successfully entered the target mansion on the target floor without any effort.

She first carefully checked each room, and did some things that must be done, such as putting a little additive in the drinking water.

There was no one in the room, and Zhang Neng hadn't come back yet—this man had a good eating habit, that is, he would go home and cook for himself every day.The time is around 07:30.

Angela didn't wait long. When the time came, Zhang Neng opened the door and walked in. He went to the kitchen and put down the ingredients. Then, he took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and went to pick up a glass of water to drink. After drinking, he went to process the ingredients.After washing, he leaned on the sink and slowly fell to the ground.It's medicinal.

Angela walked over, flattened him on the ground, removed the equipment bag on her shoulders, and began to hypnotize Zhang Neng step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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