卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 207 He Was Still Alive

Chapter 207 He Was Still Alive
He is still alive!

It's kind of incredible!

"You want to kill him for a while, and then try your best to save him? You are contradicting yourself, why?"

"He knows a secret."

"What secret?"

"I don't know!"

"Where did you hide him?"

"do not know!"

"What kind of result did you use this video to blackmail Luo Houyu?"

"Don't let the Qi family have a good life!"

"How do people who deal with you usually contact you?"

"Meet and join!"

"Do you have his phone number?"


"Is there any photo of him..."

Zhang Neng thought for a while before nodding: "Yes!"

"where is it?"

"Computer E drive!"

Angela entered Zhang Neng's computer E drive and found the photo. It was a profile photo, a very ordinary face, nothing special.

She exhaled and copied the photo.

At this moment, Han Min's voice sounded in his ears:

"Something unexpected happened, something unexpected happened, Zhang Neng's daughter came back. She just entered the community. Hurry up!"

After Zhang Neng and his wife divorced, the daughter returned to his wife, and usually the child would only come back to see her father on weekends.Will come over tonight, really not in their plans.

"OK, received!"

Fortunately, everything that should be known is known, and some of the guys who don't know yet don't know it, so today we can only stop there.

She neatly packed all the things she had packed up, and then threw a tablet into the water dispenser, carefully disposing of the traces of her past, then put her bag on her back, put on her glasses, and when she came out, she saw something The elevator is slowly coming up.

When she stepped into one of the elevators going down, the person in the other elevator came out. It was a girl in her twenties. She opened the door and walked into Zhang Neng's house.

The light was on in the room, she looked around, called "Dad" a few times, but no one answered, so she started looking for people everywhere.After entering the kitchen, I found a person lying on the ground.

She screamed and went over to help.

After a while, Zhang Neng woke up and saw his daughter standing by his side with a concerned look, frowned and asked:
"What happened?"

"I was about to ask you? How did you fall to the ground?"

Zhang Neng touched his forehead, completely forgetting what just happened.

Outside the Hua Tingyuan community, Angela dodged into an inconspicuous van, wiped off the leather on her face, revealing her original face, put down her backpack, and sat in front of the computer equipment, looking at Han Min's swiftness. ending.

After everything was sorted out, Han Min came to her, the two bumped their fists, looked at each other, smiled, and hugged each other. They completed this task very successfully.

Ten minutes later, the car left Huating Garden.

The car Han Min was driving was a bit fast.

Angela stretched her muscles and bones with incomparable comfort, before squinting for a long time and saying:
"Although I can be sure that Luo Suiyi is still alive, but there is no way to determine where Luo Suiyi is being held, and if he is rescued in time, the crisis in the Qi family will be difficult to resolve... In three days, I think it is very difficult to find someone. from……"

Han Min nodded: "It's really a bit difficult! Well, wait for the boss to listen to the information you recorded and see if he can find some clues that we have ignored..."

Qi Ji's observation skills are the most powerful in their team.

"Hey, by the way, I heard from Jamie, the boss has returned to Qiyuan. I'm sure I won't be back to Yayuan before ten o'clock. How about having dinner together? It's been a long time since I had dinner with you..."

Angela smiled and stroked her brown hair.


Han Min nodded:

"I can only eat cold rice and cold dishes when I go back! Where can I eat, I will treat you!"

"Moon Bay Restaurant!"

Angela fastened her seatbelt and pointed out a place to eat. After being silent, she looked at Han Min. The lights outside the car window flickered on and off, making her expression half-light and half-dark, looking a little weird.

"What are you doing? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman? My saliva is almost drooling!"

Han Min said with a smile.

Angela followed with a low smile and said after a while:

"I just wanted to ask, did that woman go too!"

"Hmm! Of course!"

"By the way, I haven't officially met that woman yet! What do you think of her? Is she worthy of him?" she asked.

Han Min grinned and looked straight ahead, his voice was calm:

"I have no opinion."

"Tsk, play a life with me, right..."

"No, I just think that things like feelings are not something outsiders can control whether they are worthy or unworthy."

Han Min sighed softly:
"As long as he thinks he is worthy, he will give her all the love. That is him. The consciousness is not controlled by anyone, and he only dominates his body and emotions for his own liking! Angela, you should understand that he has always only Doing what he thinks is right. And it turns out that 90.00% of the choices he made are right. That’s what makes him attractive to us to do things for.”


Being a mercenary is a very risky job, and it has great demands on the person engaged in this job, and must have a good psychological resistance to pressure, which is enough to challenge all the impossible.Then, make the impossible possible.At the same time, it needs to have a commanding leader who can make a remarkable plan every time after the team shares information.And he did.

"Yeah, he is very infatuated with Luo Shitan. Most of her kung fu is taught by him; most of his time is used by him to deal with various business affairs, and a small part of his time is used by him to accompany her, which is indeed enough. Heart, enough heart... For a long time, I feel that his fascination is a bit strange."

Angela sighed.

Han Min did not speak, and drove silently, driving faster and faster.

Angela felt it, pouted, suddenly leaned over, and slammed on the brakes.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

She was startled, only to hear a sharp rubbing sound of the wheels on the asphalt road. She turned the steering wheel to stop the car, but before she recovered, her face was smashed by her.

With the light by the roadside, Angela was examining her:
"Answer me a question seriously!"


"Do you still love Qi Ji? I heard from George that he proposed to you, but you refused."

Han Min's back froze because of the name. She wanted to free her head, but Angela used so much strength that she couldn't move.

This woman is born with great power.


She cried out helplessly.

"Then you have to answer my question!"

Angela insisted.

"It does not matter."

Han Min was a little angry, and didn't like his emotional problems being controlled by others.

Even if the other party is Angela.

"This is important!"

"No, it doesn't matter. Angela, the important thing is that he doesn't love me!"

Han Min shouted bitterly, and finally felt the strength in his hand loosen.

Angela sat back, there was silence in the car for a while, only the whistleblowers on the side of the road whizzed past.

After a long time, she shook her head and sighed, and came to a conclusion:

Han Min nodded silently.

Angela went on to say: "If it were me, I would definitely confess. You are so stupid, you have loved so silently for nine years. You have let down all your youth... You are so stupid... Before, I thought you always Will come out of this relationship, but in fact, you don't. After so many years, you are still in circles, and he has become someone else's man and father. I have never seen a man like you Stupid girl. She doesn't know how to fight for herself at all."

Han Min bit his lip fiercely, trembling all over.

Everyone wants to love aboveboard, but he doesn't give her any chance at all.He never gave her a chance to participate in any task related to Luo Shitan, and he always thought of a way to support her.

Over the years, she has loved very hard, but she can't let it go. Only she knows that kind of pain.

But she could only endure and endure.

(End of this chapter)

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