卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 208 I Will Definitely Want Chapter 1

Chapter 208 I Will Definitely Come Back

Because, she didn't want to leave him, she didn't want to leave the team.

"It's all over. What's the point of discussing this again? Go, go to dinner!"

Han Min didn't want to think deeply, the more he thought about it, the more painful it would become.

She doesn't want pain.

It's just self anesthesia.

"Talk a few more words! Don't rush to eat!"

Angela pulled out the key.

Well, it's not going anywhere now!

Han Min had no choice but to accompany him.

"OK, what do you want to talk about?"

This woman is absolutely capricious.

"I want to tell you about my recent experience!"

Angela played with the key in her hand: "I didn't go to Africa these days. I went to the Jacobs area with a few friends."

"Where are you going?"

Han Min took out his phone, maybe it's time for some music.

"Go and find out why Han Ji brought you back to Zhu!" Angela said.

Han Min looked up at her. In fact, she had been curious about this matter, and had also looked it up. Unfortunately, there is no solution to her origin.

"Really? Did you find anything?"

She played a light music. It was the theme song of Titan in English. The music was very beautiful...

She remembered that when she came back from a certain task many years ago, Qi Ji thought she did a great job and asked her what reward she wanted, and he could apply for it.Without even thinking about it, she blurted out, "I don't want anything, I just want you to dance with me! Can you?"

Qi Jiguan smiled, she really did a dance with her, and this was the dance song.

That day, when she was held in his arms by him, she felt that her whole person's emotions were inexplicably burned.

On that day, the dance steps of the two were very coordinated, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very good.

On that day, she had such a dream: she felt that she might be able to get his love, although his status was extraordinary, although he had countless suitors, she still had the idea of ​​being a Cinderella.I want to be his real daughter.Longing for him to give her a different paradise on earth.

But it was at that time that he faded out of her sight step by step.I rarely get to be alone with her anymore.Don't take care of her as carefully as when she was just brought into the Flame Alliance.

At that time, she thought she was different from him.Unfortunately, that was just her wishful thinking.

She wasn't the most special one in his life, not strong enough to attract him.

"Can't you find out that he once had a different feeling for you! If you don't have any special meaning to him, I don't think he can bring you into his world and make you become A member of the Flame Alliance, and I will personally lead you to grow up by name!"

Angela's words made her want to laugh.

She turned off the soft tone:

"I had this thought too. But it turns out that, as far as I am concerned with him, it is just a masterpiece of his momentary kindness. Angela, haven't you noticed after following him for so many years? He loves to do a little good deeds from time to time. If the person who benefits from every good deed comes to show his love to him, he may not be too busy!"

"But he never brought a recipient into his life. You are different, you were part of his life nine years ago," Angela reminded.

Han Min twitched the corners of his lips, disagreeing with this statement:

"No, I'm here because I have very good fighting skills and a fairly decent brain."

"No! Not at all."

Angela denied it loudly.

"What should that be like?"

"I'll show you a picture and you'll understand!"

Angie flipped out her phone and clicked out a photo for her to see.

Han Min glanced casually, then was stunned.

There is a pair of young men and women on it, the woman is her, she has a particularly bright smile, her long hair is like a waterfall, she is amazingly beautiful, and there is a bit of freshness and childishness unique to girls in her eyebrows, unlike her now, with short hair and capable; The man is Qi Ji, dressed in flashy and cool clothes, like a gangster on the street, with a wicked smile on the corner of his lips, and his hairstyle is completely different from the current one...

"You... where did you find this thing?"

Han Min snatched it away, staring at him with burning eyes, his tone was incredible.

"Found in the ruins of a Jacob's house."

Jacob is a terrifying and violent area in the M country. Now peace has been restored. It used to be full of bloody killings and dark transactions... It is a place where dragons and snakes are mixed, and all kinds of characters can be found there.

"Where did you go?"

Han Min was surprised.

"Naturally there is a reason!"

Angela smiled and replied:

"Because I accidentally knew one thing, Qi Ji once performed a mission in that area. I went there out of curiosity. Then I took your photo at random and asked them if they recognized you in some places in the local area.

"I stayed there for half a month, and finally in a small town called Usoni, someone recognized the photo in my hand and took me to a deserted house.

"The man said you lived there for three months with several men.

"I took a few pictures of the environment over there. You can see if there is a sense of familiarity."

She asked for her phone back, flipped through a few photos, and then said:
"The place was bombed to rubble, but I was lucky enough to find an iron box in a pothole. This one.

"I figured out a way to open the iron box and found this photo.

"Afterwards, I asked the person: What is the relationship between the people in the photo.

"He said: They are in a relationship. Many years ago, this woman was almost killed by a bomb to save this man, and was rescued by the leader of a cult organization, and her whereabouts are unknown...

"Amin, I remember you said that before you came to the Flame Alliance, you worked for a drug-trafficking organization called God Cult, right! This is in line with what the local residents said. Now, I can be sure that the reason why Qi Ji put you One of the main reasons for bringing the country of Zhu and sternly demanding to be on the right path is: you are very likely to be his girlfriend, or even a woman..."

This is too explosive.

Han Min rubbed his hair fiercely, unable to digest the information for a while, and his face was full of disbelief:

"If...if I was his girlfriend, or a woman, how could he not recognize me...No, no...It's definitely not like this..."

"Then you have to ask him!"

"Angela, why are you telling me these things?"

Han Min's calm state of mind was completely broken.

She grabbed Angela's chest and screamed fiercely, as if a fire was churning in her heart...

"Because I won't live long!"

Angela smiled lightly, and turned her eyes to the cars coming and going outside the window, her voice a little erratic.


Han Min gave a shock inexplicably.

"I'm sick. Not very sick."

She quietly stated:

"I have come to an end in this life...Amin, it is the pain of my eternal life that I did not accompany my beloved to complete this life. You were brought out by me. I don't want you to live in a repressed self-denial all the time. In the middle of the moment. I don't like that Luo Shitan. Even if she had saved Qi Ji's life. Fortunately, now that it's even, you also saved Qi Ji's life.

"Amin, I have been thinking a lot these days. In this life, I have nothing else to desire, the only hope is that you can be happy. So, I want to find out your background. So I went to Jacob cloth.

"Now, I want to tell you that if you still love him, then do your best to take the man who belongs to you back from the woman. If you don't want to take it, then you should give up on this man. restart.

"Amin, you are still so young, you can't waste all your time on a man who doesn't love you, it's not worth it.

"You should have a normal family life, just like Jamie and Mary... Come to think of it, you are 32 years old, you are not young... Time to think about yourself..."

Han Min's breathing was a little short, and he pulled Angela over:
"What the hell are you talking about? Sick? What's wrong with you?"

So many words, she only grasped this point,
"brain tumor!"

Angela smiled lightly and slowly pulled her hand away:
"Late period! There's no cure, there's still half a year at most!"


Han Min's voice was trembling, she was afraid of losing—

"Stop! Don't talk about comforting nonsense, everyone dies. It's a matter of sooner or later. As long as you don't bring any regrets before you die, it's not a waste of life. Amin, I hope you can get you The life you want. Qi Ji owes you an explanation. You should try harder. If you haven't let go..."

Angela has been very open about life and death.

Han Min sat quietly, her mind was completely confused, all of this happened so suddenly, she couldn't adjust her mentality quickly.

It's so messy, it's so messy, there are countless emotions gurgling in chaos, and her heart is aching.

I don't know how long it took, she nodded and turned her eyes to the photo again. Looking at Qi Ji's charming smile, she couldn't imagine what kind of past she had with him.

Later, she heard herself say something like this:

"It's mine, and I'll definitely come back. Angela, I love him, and I won't give up."

Even if he is married.

(End of this chapter)

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