卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 210 The Secret of Love

Chapter 210 The Secret of Love
At that time, she could no longer understand her grandson's thoughts. She once asked, "Then what kind of girl do you want? Grandma will help you find another one!"

Qi Ji smiled and said:
"Maybe there isn't a girl like that. Maybe I'll never marry. Grandma, it doesn't matter!"

She listened, but was not happy:
"Stupid! How can you not marry? It's a tradition for thousands of years to marry a man and a woman. If you don't pass on an excellent gene like yours, it will be a waste."

The child laughed lowly, and answered a little naughty: "If it is to pass on the genes. Grandma, should I donate sperm..."

The old lady couldn't help crying and scolded:
"What a fool!"

Qi Ji replied to her with these words:

"Grandma, marriage is not simply to pass on each other's genes. It is a kind of life. Find a soul-compatible partner and share the wonderful or tragic experiences that the passage of time has brought us, so that life does not end in It seems empty and boring, that's all that matters.

"Grandma, if that person isn't what I want, if I marry someone I don't love. Childbirth is not a pleasant thing.

"Grandma, my life is not for the sake of inheriting the incense. I'm not the person I long for, and I won't easily agree to a marriage. If I can't find it, I will always be single, and I have no regrets... ...Grandma, please give me absolute freedom in this matter."

For marriage, he has his ideas, his beliefs.This is good.

The old lady neither supported nor opposed his attitude. She still hoped to have a great-grandson to hold him.But the premise is that her grandson has found a girl who fits his heart before it is possible to give birth to a great-grandchild.

One day after that, the old lady saw a sketch in Qi Ji's study. It drew a girl's profile. The lines were simple and expressive, but it vividly presented the girl's beauty, even the smile on the corners of her lips. is outlined.

If not carefully observed, if not engraved in the heart, how can it be so beautiful?

The old lady is an artist herself, good at appreciating all kinds of paintings and discovering the painter's preferences.

Just based on that sketch, the old lady knew that her grandson had a girl like a flower hidden in her heart.It's just that she is very curious, with this child's style, why didn't she pursue it...

She felt that as long as he was willing to let go, few girls could resist the charm radiating from his bones.That kid is really amazing.

Later, Luo Suiyi sent a private letter: This proud student hopes that her mentor back then can convince Qi Ji to marry their little girl Luo Shitan.

To be honest, this request is a bit excessive. Although she likes Luo Suiyi as a student very much, the matter of finding a grandson-in-law for her grandson is not something that can be done with the previous teacher-student friendship.

I wanted to refuse, but I saw the attached photo in the envelope.

As soon as she saw the photo, the old lady was stunned. God, isn't this the girl his grandson painted?

Later, after investigation, the old lady knew this fact: Luo Shitan had a boyfriend.

Because famous flowers have owners, so her grandson is willing to quit?
The old lady thinks, it is probably like this!

In this matter, she saw a kind of mind that ordinary people did not have in Qi Ji, a rare gentleman's demeanor.

The love for this child is a little more because of this incident - there is a kind of love in the world, not possession, but silent giving.

Later, the old man received a threatening letter, and after sitting for many days, the old man confessed to her.

For the sake of the old man's reputation, but also for the sake of temptation, she and the old man violated Qi Ji's agreement and began to join forces to embarrass their grandson, deliberately setting up such a problem: who will marry the Luo family girl, who will become the new generation of Qi's family, three A grandson, a fair competition.

The so-called fair competition is just an appearance.Their husband and wife have always wanted Qi Ji to be the heir to the Qi family.Except for him, no one else is suitable to sit in this position.

If Qi Ji has no intention of marrying, he will do everything possible to destroy this matter. At that time, she and the old man will only have to compromise.But it turned out that he did not object, but willingly started his wife hunting plan, and it didn't take long for the little girl from the Luo family to give up her ex-boyfriend and marry him.

After getting married, he put the child abroad. In the first year, he was busy with business, but still remembered to visit her every other day.

The old lady knew that he wanted to heal the wound in his wife's heart.And time is the only remedy - they need time to slowly adjust each other's position in each other's hearts.

The next year, his girl wanted to leave him, and he finally showed his uncontrollable possessiveness, which deeply hurt her.She disappeared, he went crazy, and the entire Qi family was in turmoil.

That year was his darkest year.

Every time the old lady came to see her, what she saw was a bloody wound on her soul.

He is regretting, he is secretly licking wounds.At the same time, he hid this emotion deeply.The daily performance is as usual, but in fact, my heart is full of hurt.

She looked worried.But she believed that he would come through.After all, who hasn't been young and crazy?

At the beginning of the third year, his girl finally returned, he finally returned to normal, began to be full of energy, began to be in high spirits, and began his new life...

Since then, he has been frequenting the UK.She didn't know whether he went to see her or not, but from the mental state of the child every time he returned to China, the trip to England was like recharging, which could bring him fighting spirit.Keep him full of energy.

She always asked, "Following, when will you bring your daughter-in-law back?"

He said, "It's still early, take your time!"

She knew that he had never given up on her wife, even if this time she suddenly returned and vowed to divorce.He never thought about the word divorce.He has a deep love for his wife.This love, if you don't taste it carefully, I'm afraid it's hard to feel it.

The self-control that followed was amazingly powerful, and his love was hidden; Shi Tan, unlike ordinary women, was not as stunning as his appearance, and because of his ability, the child could always ignore him.This is a very wonderful combination.

Sometimes, the old lady would think: maybe it was this kind of neglect that attracted Jizhi, and finally made her an example in Jizhi's life-from March to April, she witnessed the disagreement between her grandson and her grandson-in-law again and again. Same:
In the divorce case, she was going to divorce, but he gritted his teeth and refused to sign; in the case of the illegitimate child, he refused DNA testing because he trusted her very much; in the case of the fake daughter, he appeared by her side for the first time to help her calm the disturbance; After the incident, he put everything down and stayed by her bedside... Now at the family banquet, he has transformed into an ordinary married man, enjoying the good taste of taking care of his wife and children for dinner...

Yes, he is enjoying his marriage.

Time has flown for eight years, and now this pair of children who are separated from each other has finally achieved a positive result.

This is a good thing.Although the Luo family embarrassed the Qi family, it did not prevent the old lady from liking her.It wasn't her fault.


Some people are happy, some people are not happy, such as Qi Ying, such as Mo Lan.

Qi Ying was very unhappy. The current Qi Ji had transformed into a 24-filial, good man and husband. Such a change deeply hurt her heart.

To be precise, these days, she has not had a good time: her boyfriend has disappeared, and the lobby brother is fascinated by her rival.

She felt wronged in her heart and felt that it was unfair. How could this woman be loved wholeheartedly by Mu Yichun when she was here, and eight years later, she had the unique love of the eldest brother, but she would become a sad and sad disappointment? people……

Mo Lan is also paying attention to them silently. The two couples are so affectionate that they are tearing her heart apart.

Thinking that she loved Qi Ji so much since she was a child, it was because of a Mi Fangfei that she couldn't get close to the man in her mind. Finally, Mi Fangfei did a stupid thing and was dumped. She didn't have time to be happy, a famous man. An unknown woman appeared at this time and occupied the title of Mrs. Qi.

She thought that there was no relationship between them, but now it seems that this is not the case.Her male god seems to really fall in love with this annoying guy.This really made her feel unbearable, and she couldn't eat at the same table.

The family banquet went on for nearly an hour, Qi Ying wiped her mouth and looked at Shi Tan's face. This woman was talking to her son in a low voice, with a shallow smile that looked extremely beautiful.She felt like she had to talk to this woman.

"I'm full, brother hall, I see that sister-in-law has also stopped chopsticks for a while. It's really boring to sit and listen to you talking about those boring financial data. I want to push sister-in-law out for a walk. Not sure if this is possible?"


Qi Ji was wiping his hands, and he just peeled a shrimp for Xiaobai, with a smile on his face, he refused quite simply.

Qi Ying and Shi Tan never got along, so how could he trust his beloved wife to be handed over to such a dangerous person?

What's more, Mi Fangfei was in Qiyuan.

Although she was very sensible, she did not come to the main house for dinner.

Before he was sure about the purpose of Mi Fangfei's trip, he couldn't let Shi Tan go out to take risks.

"Shi Tan is inconvenient to move now. I think it's better to stay by my side...

The care behind it is obvious.

"Sister-in-law in the hall is an Interpol who has experienced a lot of bullets. What is brother in the hall doing so nervously to protect her by his side? Can't I still harm her?"

Qi Ying smiled and stared at Luo Shitan who slowly raised her head:

"Women should talk about women. Sister-in-law in the lobby is already part of the Qi family. No matter how tense the relationship between me and her is, it can't be denied that she and I are sister-in-law. I think we need to communicate more in order to Get rid of the bad feelings between each other and truly become a family."

These words are very caring, and it is almost impossible for people to refuse.

Qi Jiyang raised the wine glass in his hand and smiled: "Yingzi, your aunt and sister-in-law really should communicate more. They are all a family, and I wouldn't have the idea of ​​you wanting to hurt your sister-in-law. It's hard for you to hurt her. "

The tone can be full of confidence in his wife's abilities.

This confidence is in stark contrast to his opposition.

"If that's the case, why don't you let us be alone?"

Qi Ying felt that he was guarding against something.

She thought about it and realized that it was because of Mi Fangfei.He was afraid that she would take her to see Mi Fangfei.

When she came to dinner before, she originally wanted to invite Mi Fangfei to come with her. It should be a very interesting thing to gather old lovers and new lovers together, but Fangfei disagreed.

She said that she didn't want to make fun of herself, she just asked her to ask the kitchen to make two side dishes for her to eat.Finally, she asks her one thing:

"After the dinner, I wanted to bring Luo Shitan out. I have something to tell her. I always wanted to meet her for a while, but unfortunately Qi Ji sent someone to guard it, so I didn't have a chance to see her tonight! , I must see her... Please, Yingzi..."

(End of this chapter)

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