卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 211 She Is His Love

Chapter 211 She Is His Love
Qi Ying asked: "Why do you want to see her?"

Mi Fangfei's expression is definitely weird: "There is naturally a reason I want to see?"

Qi Ying doesn't understand: Mi Fangfei is pregnant with another man's child, how does it look like, she still wants to get entangled with Qi Ji?

Reminiscent of Qi Ji's defensive appearance at this moment, she suddenly had a whimsical hypothesis: Could Mi Fangfei be pregnant with Qi Ji's child, so she was deliberately trying to trouble Luo Shitan?
Of course, this assumption is baseless.

As far as she knew, in the past few years, Mi Fangfei and Qi Ji had little overlap.

She squinted.

Qi Ji smiled slightly, smiling genially, and said:

"The reason is very simple: I have been busy all day during the day, and I finally have a little free time to stay by my wife's side at night. I really don't like her leaving my sight... On this matter, you have to understand, me and you Sister-in-law managed to escape from death. It is normal for husband and wife to stick to each other. If you want to get in touch with your sister-in-law, you can come to Yayuan to move around more when you have time in the future. Don’t be in a hurry.”

This seems to make sense.

In the final analysis, there is only one purpose, and he does not want them to chat privately today.

Qi Ying's eyes flashed, his teeth grinned, and he continued with sarcasm:

"Yo, big brother, when did you become infatuated? So clingy to sister-in-law? I haven't seen you so loving in the first eight years. By the way, it seems that you loved Mi Fangfei a long time ago, but whenever she was in Qi Home, you take her with you wherever you go. She sticks like a person. How can you change your mind later... Brother lobby, can the love that a man can give a woman has such a short shelf life? Turn around Can you fall in love with someone else, is that love?"

This is a very sensitive topic, and the atmosphere is a bit cold...

All eyes fell on them.

"Yingzi, what is Tifangfei doing?"

The old lady frowned, her tone a little displeased.

Shi Tan could see clearly that Qi Ying was deliberately provocative, pulling out Mi Fangfei on purpose, just to make her heart ache.She didn't speak. In this case, it was not her turn to say anything. Instead, she looked at Qi Ji to see how he would deal with his cousin's embarrassment.

Qi Ji twitched the corners of his lips, and what was drawn was a faint smile of disapproval:

"Yingzi, what you're talking about seems to be before the age of ten! When you were a child, you said that only Yunheng would never marry in this life. As a result... people's thoughts follow their grown-up hearts. Slowly changed. After the age of 14, I never seem to say who I like... All the thinking is that you are imagining yourself, and the so-called love is just your imagination. I have never admitted anything! Please Don't attach your imagination to me. At the age of 24, when I was about to marry a wife, I planned to give my wife not only marriage, but also all my feelings."

This is the first time that Qi Ji has clearly stated his attitude towards Shi Tan towards marriage in front of his family.

This is different from his previous statements in front of the media.

That time, his public announcement was a bit of a show, but this time, he solemnly acknowledged to all family members what Luo Shitan meant to him—not a game, not a product of the chain of interests, she It was the wife he was going to love for the rest of his life.Family members must respect her presence as much as they respect him.

Qi Ying was shocked by Qi Ji's attitude.

One, she suddenly discovered that after the age of 14, Qi Ji really didn't seem to have admitted his love affair in front of others.

Second, her desire to protect Luo Shitan surprised her.

"You... you are telling me that you have never loved Mi Fangfei, is Luo Shitan your favorite?"

The tone is utterly unbelievable.

On the side, Mo Lan was also shocked: Eight years ago, Qi Ji and Shi Tan were just strangers, how could he fall in love with such a girl who loved others before getting married.This wife can also hit people.

Qi Ji curled the corners of his lips, looked back at Shi Tan who was beside him with warm eyebrows, and said lightly:

"I thought I was obvious enough."

"how can that be?"

Mo Lan whispered, showing a hurt look on her face.

Qi Ji took a sip of wine, didn't look at Mo Lan, stared at Qi Ying who was shocked, and said:

"If you don't like it very much, do you think that the pure interest of marriage will make me nostalgic until now? Qi Ying, please respect my wife in the future. If you still recognize me as a brother."

Qi Ying and Mo Lan looked at each other, speechless.

"Okay, Yingzi, don't fool around, okay, what are you doing to Fangfei..."

Qi Wanzhong couldn't listen to it anymore, and he frowned and scolded lightly.

"Okay, I'm digressing."

Finally, Qi Ying came back to her senses, although she couldn't accept such a fact, but in reality, she had to accept it.Besides, figuring out who Qi Ji likes is not her purpose:

"What did I just say, oh, by the way, I want to push my sister-in-law in the hall to go for a walk, but brother in the hall doesn't agree. What are you afraid of, brother in the hall?" Qi Ying asked.

Qi Ji couldn't help but smile and said:

"I have nothing to be afraid of. Yingzi, the more you talk, the more strange it becomes."

"Since you're not afraid, let's go out for a walk."

Qi Ying insisted.

Qi Ji shook his head, and the answer was sweet and crisp:


"There's no reason! I just don't like you getting entangled with her. History can prove that the two of you are not born to be on each other's feet. If you mix together, you will get into trouble."

Qi Ji smiled lightly.

Shi Tan blinked and said nothing. In fact, going out with Qi Ying wasn't too difficult, but she heard it, Qi Ji didn't want her to get too close to Qi Ying.Thinking about it, he wanted to protect her.

Although she doesn't feel how delicate she is, it is a wife's right to enjoy her husband's care.She is willing to cooperate with him, and it is very interesting to be a little woman occasionally.

In fact, she really doesn't like to have too much intersection with Qi Ying.

As Qi Ji said, since Qi Ying failed to confess to Yichun, bad things happened every time she and Qi Ying met.

But Qi Ying did not give up because of this:

"Brother Hall, I know that I don't have a good relationship with Sister-in-law. This is the inevitable result of some history. It's different now. She is my sister-in-law and the new generation of the Qi family's wife. "

"So what?"

Qi Ji asked lazily.

"I think, as your spouse, you must not live under your wings all the time. She should stand by your side and help you, not be a burden to you. She should be a person who is worthy of you and can stand on your own. Mrs. Qi, should be able to handle any family trivial matters. It should be one of the most important tasks to have a good relationship with the family...Grandma, what do you think? Should I try to have a good talk with the sister-in-law in the lobby. Let’s talk? Today, I have the willingness to communicate, grandma, do you think Brother Hall should object?”

Qi Ying cunningly dragged the old lady into the water.

"Well, family members should help each other and love each other. Then, let them go out for a walk! It's not a big deal, so what are you doing like this?"

The old lady agrees.She knew that there were conflicts between her granddaughter-in-law and her granddaughter.If the granddaughter-in-law has the ability, she can handle this matter by her own ability, instead of blindly avoiding it.

Qi Ji shook the red liquid on his hand and smiled lightly, this girl is really agitated.

He looked at Shi Tan.

"Qi Ji, it's okay, I'm full, it's better to go out for a walk!"

Shi Tan will not be looked down upon!

Qi Ji lowered his head and thought about it, and finally nodded his head warmly:

"Well, don't go too far, I want to take you to a place later..."

Shi Tan Zhanyan smiled:

"Tanma, I'll go out with you!"

Xiaobai felt that this aunt named Qi Ying had bad intentions towards her mother, so he had to be on guard.

"No! You eat more obediently, you are growing!"

Shi Tan kissed Xiaobai on the cheek.

Qi Ying smiled like a smile: "Little devil, I can't eat your mother's... Xiao Lan, let's walk together..."

She called Mo Lan together, and pushed Shi Tan out.

Qi Jian took another deep look, and when he heard his grandfather calling, he turned his attention to other things. He reached under the table with one hand, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message:
"Mary, watch Shitan, Mi Fangfei may make some moves."

He always felt as if something might happen today.

Outside, the moonlight is faint and the night wind is cool.

Qi Ying pushed Shi Tan and walked on the path, Mo Lan followed by the side, in the mottled tree shadows, each with his own thoughts, each with no words, just walked aimlessly, as if he was just taking a walk for the sake of walking.

The wind is a little cold, blowing gently, the garden lights are very bright, and the scenery is charming.

"Someone is following us!"

Mo Lan whispered.

It's Mary, not far behind.

Shi Tan has seen it.

Qi Ying looked back and saw it too, but she didn't recognize this woman, she heard it was a bodyguard.

She didn't know much about Qi Ji's life.I only know that Qingfengyayuan is a place with a little mystery.She has only entered the main villa area.Some places are off limits, including her.It is said that Qi Ji kept a lot of bodyguards.This woman is one of them.

"Brother Jizhi still don't worry about you!" Mo Lan said sourly.

Shi Tan was indifferent, not wanting to pay attention to this kind of peach blossom who was thinking about Qi Ji, and turned to look at Qi Ying:

"What do you want to say to me?"

Qi Ying was examining her, wishing she could see through her, but she just couldn't see through, let alone figure it out:
"What method did you use to get Qi Jige to treat you so stubbornly? Treat you as a sweetheart...Fang Fei and Qi Jige have been playing together since childhood, and I never thought that there was no relationship between them. But now, His whole person has changed, and he has become so terrifying... Luo Shitan, what method did you use to change a person to such a place?"

Two weeks ago, Mi Fangfei had been to Qi's house to meet her grandparents. Grandpa also hosted a banquet. After all, she was a girl who grew up watching her since she was a child. No matter how bad the relationship was, there was still an old friendship behind her. .

That day, Qi Jiyou came to sit and accompany him, but his reaction was very indifferent, almost turning a blind eye to Mi Fangfei, except for the occasional interjection at the table, the rest of the time was silent.

Later, Qi Ying once asked Qi Ji: "Brother Hall, don't you have any feelings for Mi Fangfei? From childhood to adulthood, your favorite is her, and you really want to do it for the mistakes she made when she was young and ignorant. Do you want to be angry with her for the rest of your life? You should know that she hasn't married yet and has been waiting for you..."

Before she could finish speaking, he ruthlessly dropped a sentence:

"Yingzi, I'm married, please remember that your sister-in-law is called Luo Shitan, and the others have nothing to do with me."

At that time, Mi Fangfei was on the side and wept on the spot.

Seriously, she couldn't believe he would be so heartless.

(End of this chapter)

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