卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 212 Who will you save?

Chapter 212 Who will you save?
But in fact, he just didn't give Mi Fangfei any attention, he came back in a hurry, left in a hurry, and had almost no communication with her.

Mo Lan said: "Then it's like a completely changed person, which makes people feel so unfamiliar."

Qi Ying felt that since he was 14 years old and returned to the Qi family, he was a stranger to them. He was alienating them. Except for his grandparents, he seldom interacted with people. It was hard to guess what was going on in his mind.What he did was always weird.

Although, he was a geek since he was a child, but since then, he has become more and more eccentric.

"I've never seen him treat others so well, especially today, when he confessed his love to you in front of his family... I don't think you deserve him at all. Even this time, you sacrificed your life to save him."

Qi Ying really hated her and wanted to expel her from the Qi family, not wanting to see her living so happily in the life of that god-like man.That would make people jealous and hateful.

"Qi Ying... It's not up to you to care about me and Qi Ji..."

Shi Tan said lightly.

"Indeed, I really can't control it. It's just that I spurned you. How can you be happy when you have abandoned your love! Luo Shitan, did you forget about Mu Yichun long ago..."

Qi Ying showed contempt.

The pale moonlight, and Shitan's pale face also stabbed her heart.

She took a deep breath, reluctant to think about it, and immediately counterattacked:

"What does this have to do with you? My behavior, my approach, never felt that I needed your approval. I only want to be recognized if I care about you. I don't care, you are nothing... Qi Ying, what you hate or like It never affects me..."

The interpersonal relationships deep in the wealthy family have always been complicated, and the relationship between aunts and sisters has always been difficult to handle, not to mention that there is such an ambiguous relationship between rivals in love.The so-called release of previous suspicions seems a bit whimsical.

"Sorry, I didn't talk much. Excuse me..."

She turned around and walked back on the wheel, not wanting to mention Yichun to her.

Qi Ying blocked his way, and his eyes flashed with a deep cold light:

"Li Che has been missing for four weeks, do you know?"

When he woke up for a few days, Shi Tan would dream of Yichun from time to time, and he was heartbroken that he was torn to shreds by the explosion.

Sometimes, she also had nightmares about the past, about him crying somewhere, and then she got an email—that mailbox, she never changed.Few people know.Usually rarely used.That day, she boarded on a whim and found the email.

There are only a few simple words on the letter:

Alright, I'll be back later.Chun.

The mailbox is the one that Yichun himself registered many years ago.

That day, facing that line of words, she almost burst into tears.

Ichun is still alive.

He was still alive.

But if he's still alive, why hasn't he shown up for so long?

Unable to explain the mystery, she wrote him back, but he didn't reply.So, she had to show Qi Ji this email.

Qi Ji felt strange: I went to check the IP address of the network, and it was from abroad. As for the others, I found nothing. After that child gave her such an explosive information, she disappeared from the world again.Live without people, dead without corpses.

This thing is really weird and powerful, but unfortunately, she can't do anything in bed.

She can only leave everything to Qi Ji to do.

But after so many days, Qi Ji explained what the Flame Alliance had done, but there was no good news coming back.

"If he wants to come back, he will definitely come back."

she said lightly.

That seems to be the only way to explain it.

If Yichun was still alive, if the email was really sent by Yichun.She believed he would come back.

However, when he returns, things will get complicated.

Yes, it must be complicated.

Shi Tan didn't forget that he was her ex-boyfriend, and he didn't forget that Yichun and Qi Ying, who became Li Che, had a marriage contract, not to mention that Yichun and Qi Ji were brothers when they were young.

These relationships will be presented in front of her in an undisciplined and chaotic manner.

But these days, she never thought about it.

Because I dare not think about it.Then simply ignore it, indulging in the warm marriage created by Qi Ji for a few days, this is the only thought in her heart recently.

"Luo Shitan, Li Che may be Yichun..."

Qi Ying said, word by word, as if she wanted to shock her, more like she wanted to awaken her love for Yichun.

But her emotions were not strong, she just nodded slightly:

"I know that Li Che is Yichun..."

Such an affirmative statement made Qi Ying stunned:
"You...you know..."

"Yes, I know!"

Qi Ying looked at her with a strange look: "How can you be so sure?"

"You don't need to know that!"

"Yichun isn't dead, you have such an expression?"

"Then what kind of expression do you want me to have?"

Shi Tan asked back.

Qi Ying was at a loss for words, and then blurted out, "You are ruthless!"

She asked herself something.

"I'm past the point of excitement."

Now, she only needs to know that he is okay...

Shi Tan smiled at the new moon in front of her. She was very grateful that he was still alive, and she was looking forward to seeing him again. In the future, at the moment of reunion, she might be very emotional.but not now.

"It seems that you have really moved away from love..."

Mo Lan interjected as if she suddenly saw her clearly.

Shi Tan's heart twitched again.

"Why don't you speak! You've been said to be a key point..."

Mo Lan was full of sarcasm:

"Eight years ago, how did you swear to me that no one could get in between you and Yichun. Eight years later, you abandoned him and fell in love with someone else. Of course, it would be anyone else, I will make such a choice. My Brother Qi Ji is so outstanding..."

Shi Tan gritted his teeth and didn't speak, his heart was confused: the past of her and Yichun, and the various things of her and Qi Ji, alternated back and forth in the mind.That was something she didn't want to think about deeply lately.

She was rolling on her wheels to go, but Mo Lan blocked her way again and asked aggressively:

"Luo Shitan, have you figured out who you love in your heart?"

This question, every word, was bitten out by the girl in a heavy voice. The faint moonlight spread on Molan's face, and the look of not giving up until the end was a bit frightening. It is impossible to ignore.

"Who do I love and what's your business?"

Shi Tan refused to answer, she didn't want to pay attention to such a boring question...

"You are running away!"

Mo Lan saw it.

Shi Tan's heart trembled because of the word "escape", and he blurted out:
"It's you who is too broad."

"I only know one thing: if you don't love Brother Qi Ji, don't get entangled with him, don't go and spoil his feelings. A woman like you is simply not worthy of him! It's wise to get out as soon as possible... "

Mo Lan stomped her feet and swears, as if she thought her non-answer was an absolute insult to Qi Ji.And as Qi Ji's admirer, she felt even more angry than he himself.

Her maintenance is really annoying.

Shi Tan got angry and called out in a deep voice:
"What right do you have to take care of me and him, get out of the way!"

As soon as the words came out, she sighed deeply in her heart.

She realized this fact:
She has absolutely no experience in dealing with emotional conflicts. Whether it is eight years ago or eight years later, when she encounters such a thing, she will lose her calm self-control and analytical skills.

She hated facing out-of-control scenes, and frowned.

The next moment, Mo Lan was pulled away by Qi Ying, and she grabbed the handrail of her car and pressed down condescendingly, her expression also dangerous:

"Luo Shitan, answer me a question: If one day Qi Ji and Yichun are in danger at the same time, your first reaction is, who would you save?"

This question is really mean!
Under the moonlight, her face turned pale.

"Why don't you speak? Can't you answer?"

Yes, Shi Tan really can't answer now.

Because it hasn't happened yet.

She didn't want to, and dared to imagine such a moment.

To be precise, she hated that assumption.

Very very disgusting.

"How can you be so hesitant. How can you love both..."

In the darkening night, Qi Ying also roared, looking like a bear who couldn't stand it.

Shi Tan thought it was funny, and after thinking about it, he felt that there was nothing funny.

She bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and asked awkwardly:
"If it were you, who would you choose?"

After asking, she regretted it.

"I will choose Yichun..."

She knew it would be such a result, but it didn't mean anything: this person fell in love with Yichun, and she was the one between Yichun and Qi Ji.

How can you compare if you are not on the same starting line.

Shi Tan pinched his eyebrows: "That's different..."

"Why is it different?"

Qi Ying asked sarcastically, "If you love someone, you should be single-minded. What is it like you have two boats on your feet..."

She approached step by step, so fierce.

This sentence made her tremble inexplicably, and she immediately called out in denial:
"I don't have two boats!"

"You have!"

"I didn't... get out of the way!"

The voice suddenly became extremely sharp.

She really hated being with them.

Qi Ji was right to stop her, she shouldn't have come out at all.

These two people came to trouble her on purpose, to make her have a peaceful life.Talking to them is like asking for guilt.

"You are guilty!"

Mo Lan's voice rang again, and the voice was so determined.

This kind of determination made her irritable and challenged her bottom line of tolerance.

"I do not have!"

She screamed, thinking she would be driven mad by them.

"You have!"

"I do not have!"

"You are!
"I just don't want to discuss this with you..."

"Why can't we discuss it? Because you are running away!"

Mo Lan cruelly exposed such a fact.

Shi Tan felt that his face was on fire:
"I'm not running away!"

"Then why don't you give a positive answer?"

"It's boring!"

Shi Tan didn't want to continue entanglement with her, wanted to avoid their obstruction, and wanted to avoid this topic.

Well, she admitted that, subconsciously, she was refusing to think deeply about this matter: Qi Ji and Yichun, who did she love more.

(End of this chapter)

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