卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 213 She Doesn't Understand Him at All

Chapter 213 She Doesn't Understand Him at All
For her, these two people are an important part of her life, and no one is indispensable. In her life, except for the first few years and the later years, they filled her memory.

From the age of nine to 11, Yichun accompanied her through the most difficult trough in her life. From the age of 11 to the age of [-], they kept each other warm, worked hard for each other, and accompanied each other. The inadvertent growth process made them the most important in each other's world. of a person.

They are like the most complete circle, supporting each other half a circle with all their feelings, and no one can intervene.

They have the best tacit understanding, they are the most lingering couples, they love each other with the most passionate love of their youth, and regard each other as their only support in this life.

It's just that this connection was finally cut off by the cruel reality.

Qi Ji is another important existence in her life, it's just that they reunited in the worst years, it's just the way he expresses his love that people don't like it...

Maybe it was repulsive before, but now, she's fascinated by him...and has been deeply immersed in the atmosphere of home created by him and her.

If you have to ask her who she loves more, sorry, for the time being, she really can't spit out an accurate answer.

This problem is temporarily unsolved.

She didn't want to think about it.If you think too much, you will ruin your good mood.

At least today, she doesn't want to think about it.

Today is of special significance to her, and she just recognized her third brother... She doesn't want to study those complicated and intractable issues... This will make her tangled.

Turning in one direction and heading towards the main house, a figure blocked the way at this time, it was Mi Fangfei.

Mi Fangfei's face is extremely thin, her chin is so sharp, her face is so pale, and her eyes are full of hatred...

"Luo Shitan, we finally meet!"

That icy voice was not at all gentle, and she was completely different from the one she was eight years ago.But that look was still arrogant.This woman has always looked down on her-no way, she came from a famous family, and she was just a girl of unknown origin who was adopted by the Luo family.

Shi Tan firmly grasped the blanket covering his knees, and looked at the three women in front of him lightly.

"Yingzi, thank you for bringing people out."

Mi Fangfei came behind her and pushed her away.

Shi Tan frowned, and suddenly felt that Qi Ji really had a prescient reputation: Qi Ying didn't have a good intention to bring her out.

"I need to talk to you!"

Mi Fangfei leaned in front of her and said something with a firm tone.

"I have nothing to talk to you about!"

Shi Tan hates this woman. Many years ago, this person used to pick between her and Qi Ji.

"Yes, I believe you will be interested... Isn't this what you gathered here today?"

Mi Fangfei quickened her pace.The wheels are rolling forward rapidly.

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look, this woman's face showed a cold and cold light, this person actually knew why Qi Ji and her went back to Qiyuan?
Someone was following behind him, Qi Ying and Mo Lan.


Mi Fangfei suddenly turned around and yelled at them, her voice extremely loud and cold:

"I have something to talk to Luo Shitan, don't follow..."

"Fang Fei!"

Qi Ying stopped in place:

"Is there anything I can't hear?"

"Yes, you can't listen! We will solve the problem between me and Luo Shitan by ourselves. Don't interfere... Go back to the main house and help me hold off Qi Ji, if you still consider me a good sister!"

The wind seemed to pick up, making Mi Fangfei's hair flutter, and Shi Tan's body shivered with chills, and the hairs stood on end.

"You entered Qi Garden not to find a place to stay, but to meet Luo Shitan..."

Qi Ying had an epiphany.

"Yes and no!"

Mi Fangfei turned around and pushed her wheelchair to go.

Not far away, Mary saw this dispute. She rushed in at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint and stopped them. Holding a gun in her hand, she asked in a faint voice:

"Miss Mi, where are you planning to take Mrs. Qi?"

"Go anywhere!"

Mi Fangfei was very calm.

"Sorry, I'm afraid not. Please give me back the man before I do."

"What if I didn't!"

"I'll punch a hole in you for fun!"

Mi Fangfei's expression tightened.

Mary smiled faintly:
"You should know very well that our boss doesn't like that you and his wife are too intimate. He will be very angry, and the consequences will be serious. Do you understand?"

Mary, who narrowed her eyes, had a murderous aura.This is probably the common temperament of all mercenaries. Usually it seems harmless, but in a critical moment, it can make people tremble.

Mi Fangfei's heart trembled when she saw it, and she finally let go. Instead of looking at Mary, she looked at Shi Tan, her eyes were very sure:
"Luo Shitan, if you don't talk to me properly today, you will regret it for the rest of your life. After twelve o'clock, you will regret it. The person you care about the most will be unwilling to talk to you because of your cowardice. I died talking to me. I promise, you'll regret it!"

Shi Tan's brows furrowed at the swooning words—she had words in her words, but she didn't understand their deep meanings.

"What do you mean?"

"If you want to know what it means, just drink this mad dog back and let's talk about it alone... I can't eat you! I just want to chat with you, it's that simple..."

Shi Tan had to admit that her curiosity was piqued, she was silent for a while, she turned to look at Mary:

"Put the gun away, don't be so exaggerated. I'll just walk around with her and it'll be fine. If you're worried, you can follow me around. Although I'm inconvenient, it doesn't mean I'm completely useless. …”

What's more, she was facing a young lady who had never practiced.

Mary thought about it for a moment, and then let it go.

Mi Fangfei hooked her lips and pushed her to walk again.

Under the moonlight, the silhouettes of the two women were reflected on the ground, which looked extremely beautiful, just like a pair of sisters. After dinner, it was extremely comfortable to walk around at will.But they are not.

I don't know how far I have walked, there are only shades of trees, moonlight, and villas immersed in the night in the distance, which are the residences of every member of the Qi family.

Qi Ji also had one, and the place where they stood was facing the villa, a beautiful private property.

At this moment, the villa is lit with lights, and the lights make it extraordinarily beautiful, like a dream...it seems unreal...

Mi Fangfei stood for a long time, looking at the villa fascinatedly, the desire in her eyes was clearly illuminated by the courtyard lamp.

"What are you trying to say to me?"

Shi Tan asked straight to the point.

Mi Fangfei ignored it, leaned against a stout tree stump, her face was calm, looked at the scenery in front of her, pointed to the main house, and said to herself:

"When I was young, Qi Ji lived with his grandparents and slept in the main house. Later, Grandpa Qi built several other small villas in the garden.

"When he was 14 years old, he returned to Qi's house. Grandpa Qi asked him to choose one, saying that it would be his small home in the future. In the future, he could marry his wife into this small villa. Their new house will be placed in this……

"He's lived here since he was 14.

"He likes to be busy until midnight every day, and the lights in the study will not go out until twelve o'clock. I have never met anyone who likes reading more than him.

"He likes to get up and run every morning and do all kinds of fitness exercises.

"When he's free, he likes to stay alone in the video room listening to all kinds of rock music, sleeping in secretly...

"He doesn't like clutter, everything is organized.

"The people in his villa were chosen by himself...

"Luo Shitan, you know what, it's always been where I dreamed of living as a mistress... I love Qi Ji, more than any of you."

She sighed and sat cross-legged on the ground:
"I like him more before 14 than after 14.

"At that time, I didn't understand love, I only knew that I liked being with him, and I loved chasing him. Following him.

"He also likes to protect me very much.

"If I'm tired from walking, he'll carry me on his back. If I'm tired of reading, he'll sleep with me. If I'm bullied, he'll stand up for me. When I encounter food I don't like, he'll help me eat it. When he sees the flowers and plants I like, he will make a wreath and put it on me; when he hears me cry, he will make me laugh; when he sees me laugh, he will also laugh...

"When we were young, we were inseparable... As long as there was time, we would play together, just the two of us, and no one else... He didn't like to be close to others.

"At that time, we would share a bed...drink a bottle of milk..."

She eloquently told about her past with Qi Ji.

Listen, it's beautiful.

Those years were the past that Shi Tan could not intervene in.

From when she was a child without guessing, to her vague love, her voice had a dreamy color, which easily made people feel her strong feelings for Qi Ji.

Shi Tan felt that she should stop it, but she didn't, and listened to her showing off patiently.

It wasn't a pleasant experience, and she didn't feel comfortable listening to how her husband was so close to others.But she didn't stop.

This woman has a morbid attachment to Qi Ji.

That kind of attachment was not something Shi Tan wanted to stop, so she was willing to stop.

Well, let's listen to it and understand a little more. It's not harmful to me, just think it's listening to the story, but in the end, her heart was still stinged by these experiences.

"Luo Shitan, you and I live in two different worlds. Qi Ji is my childhood sweetheart, and Mu Yichun is your true love. We should have been enemies. You live your life, I live your life. My life, but why do you have to cross in and rob my man."

Suddenly, she changed her words and started accusing her.

Faced with this accusation, Shi Tan was a little speechless.

Yes, originally, they really should have their own lives, living their own lives in two parallel worlds.

As a result, the process of step-by-step evolution of reality has developed the situation into the current state.

No one can control that.

Life is like this, it can't let you control its trajectory.

"Mi Fangfei, Qi Ji is not something I can grab if I want..."

How could this stupid woman still not understand this matter? Qi Ji is the kind of man with such a strong self-control ability. If he really believes that a woman, another woman wants to come to him, it is almost impossible matter.

"I know, he's just mad at me. And you just took advantage of it..."

Shi Tan almost rolled her eyes: she thought Qi Ji was too simple, saying that they grew up together when they were young, and it seemed that she didn't know him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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