卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 215 Qi Ji, He Forbids Her to Risk Herself

Chapter 215 Qi Ji, He Forbids Her to Risk Herself
"No, Tan, don't come! Don't come!"

It's really Mu Yichun, but his voice is hoarse and broken, and he doesn't know how much cruel torture he has endured, which makes her eyes fill with desire...


She trembled, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, don't come here..."

The phone was snatched away, and Chen Feng's voice was loud again: "Listen clearly! Are you coming or not... If you don't come, I think his end will be a bit bad, for the hostages who are of little use value. , I won't be too soft-hearted. If you come, it's another matter..."

Shi Tan didn't even think about it, and called out:
"I will pass."

"Very good, but you have to come here quietly... You can't disturb Qi Ji. Also, you have to bring the hand piercing and the copied materials together."

He made two demands that Shi Tan felt impossible.

She immediately frowned:
"The hand tie has been lost, and the copy has been destroyed! These two things, I can't do it at all. What are you joking about!"

"Who told you that the hand tie was lost and the data was destroyed?"

Chan Feng asked back: "Oh, I understand. What Qi Ji said! Well, since you don't know anything about it, come over first, then I'll ask him personally... It's easier..."

Shi Tan pondered carefully:
Listening to his tone, it seemed that Qi Ji had lied to her. These two important things were still in his hands, and Chan Feng's actions were ultimately for these two things.

No, why did Qi Ji lie?

It's not necessary!

They've already made up their minds and been honest, haven't they?
"Luo Shitan, now I want you to come out of Qiyuan without disturbing anyone..."

The man started calling the bell again.

"I will! But, not now, you should know that I have limited mobility, I have to go back to get my bag, to get my car, I have to get rid of the bodyguard who is following me... You have to give me time. Otherwise, I will definitely leave not going out..."

"how long?"

"Two hours!"

Chan Feng immediately refused:

"No! It's been too long. I don't really trust you, after all you're not the kind of good girl who likes to wrestle with people. It's a nasty trait in you, and I hate people making trouble for me. Listen. , I can only give you fifteen minutes. After half an hour, you must come out of Qiyuan. Drive to the public telephone number 23, Huaian Road, and I will call at ten o'clock. After you answer, I will call again. Tell you how to get there... By the way, please throw away your mobile phone before leaving Qiyuan, I don't like you being tracked. Also, most of Qi's cars are equipped with positioning systems. That thing will destroy We are having fun, after we come out, please take care of this trouble, and after confirming that nothing is tracking you, I will tell you how to find me..."

"15 minutes? Are you crazy? With my current appearance, how could I leave Qi Garden in such a short time. At least an hour. I have to find a way to drive away the bodyguards. It is best to pour Qi Jiyao again, Otherwise, if I move, the guard will notify him, and if he finds out, I won't be able to go anywhere..."

Chan Feng listened, hesitated for a while, and finally took a step back:
"At most half an hour. There is no need for Qi Ji to be overwhelmed by the medicine. If he is unconscious, this game will not be able to continue. What you have to do is to come out as soon as possible and make sure no one is following you. Be in Huai'an on time before ten o'clock Road 23 received my call. Before, Mi Fangfei would stare at you. I will call Mi Fangfei in 15 minutes to make sure you are not playing tricks. Luo Shitan, as long as you are dishonest, today It is impossible for you to see Mu Yichun alive. I swear, I will dismember him and send you the pickled pieces!"

The thick threat came towards his face with the cold night wind, Shi Tan suddenly felt a chill on his back and shivered.

"I heard clearly, as long as you don't hurt Yichun, I can listen to you in everything..."

"That's the best!"

The call was hung up at this point, and only a beeping sound was heard in his ears.

"Back to you!"

Shi Tan handed back the phone, stroked his hair, and a chill on his back, which was soaked with cold sweat:
"I think I need to go back and prepare! However, I'm a little curious, how are you going to explain to Qi Ji that I suddenly disappeared after meeting you."

"I don't seem to have the need to answer you!"

Mi Fangfei answered lightly.


Now, her interest is not here, what she needs to solve is how to find Chan Feng's hiding place effectively and rescue Mu Yichun.

However, it seems that this is a bit difficult, and her feet are not easy to move.

Even if her feet move freely, she doesn't feel that she can find a loophole in the other party's meticulous plan, and then easily complete this matter with her own ability.

Shi Tan has a worry, that is, he has self-knowledge, and never does anything to stop the car, it is a bit stupid.She is just a criminal policeman, not an all-around mercenary.

She needs help.

Obviously, there is just that kind of power around her that can be used. If she doesn't use it, she will be a bit stupid to her grandma's house...

"Oops, Mi Fangfei, my wheelchair can't move. Help me to see if something is tripping my wheel..."

When rolling back, she moved for a while, suddenly unable to move, the light was a little dim, she took out her mobile phone and took a picture, the soil was a little loose, the wheels sunk, and a raised stone blocked her way.

"You are really troublesome!"

Mi Fangfei called out impatiently, came over, bent down and tried to move the stone away. The next moment, she only felt a heavy blow on the neck, and before she had time to think, she fell to the ground.

It's Shitan's work, and the strength of the grip is just right.

Although she is still a patient, it does not mean that she is a harmless tiger - a tiger with a tooth pulled, it is still a tiger after all. In this matter, Mi Fangfei underestimated her ability too much.

She glanced lightly, pulled the corner of her lips, and called Qi Ji.

"Is something wrong?"

On the other end of the phone, it was very quiet, as if it was not in the restaurant, which also made his voice incomparably clearer and better.

"I'm in the small forest opposite our villa, and I must be there within 5 minutes. There is something urgent. Hurry up..."

"Wait, I'm already on my way!"

After hanging up, she called Mary again:

"Come here now!"


A figure, galloping in the vast darkness of the night, as fast as the wind, came to Shi Tan in a short time, and when he saw Mi Fangfei lying quietly on the ground, he froze for a while, and then asked:
"This is how the same thing?"

"Help me with two things! One, invite me here, Angela, who is good at hypnotizing, I need her help... Two, pick up Mi Fangfei, find an empty room, and take her there, don't let anyone I know that Mi Fangfei was knocked out by me..."

Shi Tan didn't have time to explain, so he just issued an order calmly.

Although Mary didn't know what she meant, she still called Angela. After a few simple conversations, she hung up and reported:

"Angela is rushing over!"

"How long will it take to arrive?"

"half an hour!"

"No, it's too long. I can't wait that long."

Her eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

"Annie, what's the situation?"

"That's exactly what I want to know!"

Under the moonlight, the man galloping like a horse stood in front of her, his breath was not disturbed, he glanced at the person on the ground lightly, raised his eyebrows, and waited quietly for an answer.

"OK, then let me briefly describe..."

Shi Tan licked his lips, then looked at the time, three minutes had passed, and a call would come in twelve minutes later.She really didn't have much time to waste:
"It's like this, Yichun is in Chanfeng's hands, and Mi Fangfei is Chanfeng's messenger now. Chanfeng asked Mi Fangfei to send a message, asking me to secretly leave Qiyuan to find him alone.

"I think it's very likely that he wants to catch me and threaten you again. Because he wants a hand stab or a hard drive.

"By the way, about this matter, should you explain to me later, but not now. I'm also not sure that some of what Chen Feng said are true and some are false.

"Anyway, he is using Yichun as bait to lure me into the bait. I think Xiao Mu may still be alive, or else it is impossible for Chan Feng to know the value of Yichun.

"Chanfeng gave me a total of half an hour to prepare to leave. After 15 minutes, he will call Mi Fangfei to ask about my situation. Now it has passed 3 minutes. I have to find a car and wait for him at the telephone booth at No. 23 Huaihai Road. Otherwise he will do something to hurt Yichun. I can't let this happen.

"Following, you have to help me with this matter, you have to help me, I have to save Yichun.

"You know, if he hadn't sacrificed himself to save us, we would have died in the research base early in the morning. We owe him so much, I have to bring him back safely.

"I've asked Angela to come back, you'd better let Angela use hypnotism on Mi Fangfei to see how much she knows about the inside story, as for me, I have to leave right away...

"I can't take a mobile phone, I can't have any trackers on my body, and you can't follow me. The only way is to control the monitoring of each intersection to determine my whereabouts. I will call your mobile phone every time I go to a public phone booth. Report safety, you don't need to answer, it's good to know that it was me calling... This way, you can better determine my movements based on the location of the phone booth..."

Seeing Qi Ji's face sinking inch by inch, Shi Tan obviously couldn't agree with what she did. Before he expressed his objection, she immediately cut off:
"I know this is very dangerous, but no matter what, I will give it a try... You can't stop me, absolutely not... What we want to save is Yichun and Qi Ji, that's how we lived together since childhood. mate..."

Qi Ji's face was covered with dark clouds, a scene of a storm coming, but he didn't burst out, and he nodded his head:

"Okay, I'll listen to you..."

Shi Tan breathed a sigh of relief, very satisfied with his cooperative attitude.

"But now there is a very critical issue, that is, Chan Feng will call in 10 minutes, you have to wake up Mi Fangfei, and through Mi Fangfei's mouth, let Chan Feng think that I have already started to act!"

"OK, I know how to do it!"

The man's ability to understand is very strong.

"Okay, that's it, give me the keys, I'll pick up the car..."

Shi Tan reached out for the key.

"It's in Jamie's hands! He's in the garage, can you go find him yourself? I have to deal with Mi Fangfei... Time is running out."

"All right!"

(End of this chapter)

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