卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 216 So clothed in a maze, he made people hypnotize her

Chapter 216 So clothed in a maze, he made people hypnotize her

Shi Tan nodded, let out a breath, and said, "I can go there by myself!"


Qi Ji looked down at Mi Fangfei and didn't mean to hug her. Instead, he motioned to Mary:
"As a man, I've always thought it was women's duty to take care of them, but you know, Mary, I hate the smell of women I don't like getting on me. So, I'll have to ask you to carry her. There's a cabin in front of me, We can sit over there."

Mary grinned, and her eyes turned on him and Shi Tan: "Qi Ji, sometimes, you are so innocent and cute! I'm a little curious, how could you tolerate this clinging chick like a fly beside you before? Buzzing for so many years..."

"Well, I didn't think she was so annoying back then. Now, the older she gets, the less cute she is... Go... Go back and reward you... Work..."

Qi Ji walked to the hut over there.

Mary put the person on her shoulders easily, and asked with great interest, "What are you going to reward me for?"

"Wait until things come to an end here. How about letting you and Jamie go on a third honeymoon? I'll pay for it."

"A word is settled!"

Shi Tanyou heard their voices, and on the way in the opposite direction, he felt inexplicably emotional: Mi Fangfei was fascinated by Qi Ji'ai, but Qi Ji had no intention of being a man or a woman to Mi Fangfei.

The problem is that a rational woman like her can't see such a situation clearly. After breaking up for eight years, she is entangled again. There must be a suitable and inevitable reason... Otherwise, really There was no way to explain her abnormal behavior.If it wasn't because of time constraints, she really wanted to stay and listen to the truth that Angela would confide after hypnotizing someone.

The Qi family's garage is huge, and there are at least twenty luxury cars parked in it.

Coming to the garage, Jamie flashed out:
"Are you going back? Hey, why are you the only one?"

"Well, it's just me, I need a car! Give me the keys and don't ask anything else! Right now!"

When Shi Tan came to the black crystal-like SUV, there was a key sound behind him:


There was a foreign object in the volley, Shi Tan turned around and grabbed it, and at the same time, her neck suddenly started to hurt. She instinctively touched a foreign object, which was an anesthesia needle.

She couldn't help turning around in anger: "Jamie..."

The lights in the garage were all on, so he could clearly see the person in front of him, but because of the drug, his vision blurred in an instant, and Shi Tan quickly lost consciousness.

Jamie put away the short gun, inserted it into his waist, went over to check it, and the medicine has been poured, and he will definitely not wake up before ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

He smiled slightly, and immediately made a phone call. He was extremely satisfied with his neat and tidy way of doing things, so his voice took on a bit of pride:
"It's done!"

Qi Ji said "um": "There is a small lounge next to the garage. Push her over to have a rest. I'll take her there after I solve the trouble at hand!"

"Okay! But if you treat your wife like this, you won't be afraid that your wife will let you sleep on the sofa in the future!"

Jamie laughed jokingly.

"I would rather sleep on the sofa than allow her to risk herself, even if it is Mu Yichun who wants to save."

This answer made Jamie whistle:
"Oh, it's really touching. My dear, can I ask? What qualities does our Mrs. Qi have to make you so fascinated..."

"Then you can tell me what is so charming about Mary, and let you, as a playboy, stop it and be willing to be her lover alone. The bunch of hot girls outside because of this matter, one by one I cried heartbroken..."

"Ha! I can't express it in words!"


"All right!"

Jamie shrugged: "Love can make people dizzy. I accidentally said, I thought you could be invincible. As a result, you are more foolish than me..."

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Qi Ji smiled lightly.

The Qi family's log cabin is two stories high and the ground floor is often used for barbecues. The second floor is covered with glass on all sides, and even the top is made of glass. Occasionally, Qi Ji will watch the stars here...

Hanging up the phone, Qi Ji looked at his watch, the time was almost there, Mi Fangfei slowly woke up under his gaze, and suddenly sat up from the sofa when she saw him.

Qi Ji, holding his chest, looked at it lightly.

"Qi Ji!"

She looked around, and naturally recognized that this place was very close to the place where she and Luo Shitan talked just now.

She remembered, just now, Luo Shitan attacked her.

"Why am I here?"

"You fainted on the lawn. I came out to find my wife, and I just saw it! I was about to ask you, why are you in the Qi family? I told you before, don't try to get close to anyone in the Qi family, you Do you have to fight against me!"

Qi Ji asked coldly, with a very unfriendly attitude.

"You brought me here?"

"Otherwise who else?"

Deng deng deng, the footsteps upstairs sounded, and then Mary came over, her face looked strangely solemn, first glanced at Mi Fangfei, and then came to Qi Ji's side and said something in a low voice.

"What? She knocked Jamie out and drove out alone?"

Qi Ji swish stood up, his face extremely ugly:
"What the hell is she doing?"

Mi Fangfei's heart fluttered, but she saw Mary's gaze fell on her, and she approached her step by step, and grabbed her skirt, and shouted:
"Mi Fangfei, what the hell did you tell Annie?"

The fierce energy made Mi Fangfei swallow her saliva:
"It's nothing, just chat!"

"Mary, let her go."

Mary let go immediately.

Qi Ji also walked over, staring at him with heavy eyes: "Fang Fei, you'd better tell me if my wife left suddenly because of you."

"I, I really don't know... Just now, we had a good talk, and she suddenly knocked me out and ran away... How do I know what her nerves are going on..."

Mi Fangfei screamed innocently and touched the side of her neck, it really hurts.

Qi Ji glanced coldly again, reached out and took the phone to make a call.

"Shut down!"

He pursed his lips and turned to look at Mary:

"Let Jami position the position of the car!"

"Jamie tried it, but it didn't work, the positioning system was destroyed by Annie..."

"Then call the monitoring of all intersections immediately, and find out the whereabouts of the car..."

"It's going to be troublesome!"

Mary said.

"Do it now!"

Qi Ji ordered.


Deng deng deng, Mary went downstairs quickly, through the glass, Mi Fangfei could see that she was running on the garden path at a fast speed, and disappeared from her sight after a while.

A shadow shrouded her, and when she regained her senses, she looked up:

"Qi Ji!"

He had already grabbed her chest, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes, such anger that Mi Fangfei had never seen before.

"Tell me, what did you tell her? She was so angry that she attacked Jamie. She turned off the phone first, and then destroyed the positioning system. It made it clear that she didn't want me to find her. Mi Fangfei, please don't repeat it. Come to challenge the bottom line of patience that I can bear, and explain to yourself what kind of disputes happened between you. Don't force me to do something to women, that's the kind of upbringing that my grandmother and mother have taught me since I was a child..."

Mi Fangfei suddenly understood, and smiled bitterly, yes, he must have thought she told Luo Shitan that she was pregnant.

He was afraid that she would know, absolutely afraid.He was afraid of losing her.It made her heartache.

"Yes, I said it, I told her I was pregnant, and then she ran away, yes, that's how it happened..."

Mi Fangfei smiled lowly, deliberately provoking his anger.

For the first time, she discovered that the man's anger could be easily manipulated, which was an interesting and sad experiment.

The phone rang at this moment, and the four eyes converged on the glowing gadget.

Mi Fangfei wanted to pick it up, but Qi Ji took a step ahead.

He looked at the unfamiliar number:
"Whose number is this..."

"You better let me pick it up!"

Mi Fangfei was a little nervous. If the man on the phone didn't hear her answer the phone on time, the whole plan might be ruined.

"Why should I pick you up!"

Qi Ji simply pressed the call button, and yes, he was never the kind of obedient kid who was threatened obediently.

"who are you?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then came an awkward rhetorical question:

"Who are you? I'm looking for Miss Miffy Fang, you don't seem to be her."

"She can't answer the phone now!"

"Oh why?"

"I don't think I need to explain it to you!"

"You'd better let her listen, or I'm afraid someone will be killed..."

"who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am?"

Mi Fangfei saw the pair of eagle-like eyes staring at her fiercely. He was so suffocating, it really made her tremble.

He moved the phone slowly, pressed the call to hands-free, and handed it over.

Mi Fangfei took it, and found that her palms were sweaty, wet, and slippery almost made the phone fall to the ground:
"Hey, I'm Mi Fangfei!"

"What happened?"

Mi Fangfei looked at Qi Ji and smiled slowly, carefully and cautiously:

"Luo Shitan just left in the car, and the phone is turned off. Master Qi is losing his temper at me, thinking that Mrs. Qi's unannounced departure has something to do with me..."

"Oh, that's so pitiful! Good-bye!"

The voice was laughing, and it sounded like a schadenfreude, and the call was quickly ended.

When the room was calm, Qi Ji lifted his chin and tightened his face even tighter:

"Or you should explain how this is a situation..."

"I just stated one thing that is currently happening around me..."

"Obviously, there should be some connection between this matter and your friend who called... What secret code are you playing?"

Qi Ji said with certainty.

Mi Fangfei shook her head: "No, no. Qi Ji, why is your suspicion so serious..."

"I had to do this when faced with a woman who was trying to make my life difficult..."

This is really ruthless.

Mi Fangfei's face turned pale, and after a while she remembered to retort: ​​"Qi Ji, I have deliberately planned so that my child can have a complete home after birth..."

Qi Ji was expressionless: "Fang Fei, it seems that there is no need for us to communicate anymore. Maybe I should escort you to the operating room directly..."

"Qi Ji, tiger poison won't eat offspring!"

A scream rang out in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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