卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 217 Turn anger into joy, goodbye Yichun

Chapter 217 Turn anger into joy, goodbye Yichun
Mi Fangfei could read such a message in his terrifying eyes, he did have such a plan.

She instinctively stood up and wanted to stay away from this man.

"Undesirable children should have been killed right from the moment they were conceived. For example, if my grandma allowed my mother to kill me in my early years, maybe the entire Qi family would be in a different situation now."

Qi Ji's voice was extremely quiet.

Mi Fangfei was stunned for a moment, then shook her head violently: "No, you should have been strangled from birth, otherwise the Qi family would not have been as brilliant as it is today. Similarly, the child in my stomach should not be brutally killed. Qi Next, you should face up to its existence..."

"Then marry you and give up my wife and son."

Qi Ji sneered: "This is how Xiao Mu was created."

He approached step by step, and she stepped back step by step, screaming:

"Don't, don't knock it out, don't knock it out..."

"If you are willing to cooperate with me obediently, I can allow him to be born, but you have repeatedly challenged my patience."

The cold voice indicated that he had been completely provoked.

"You can't do this to me, you can't do this to me. If you dare to touch me, Lu Yin will send your grandfather to jail. Yes, I'm here to tell you about this, the Lu family has already controlled it. Xia Zhou, including the evidence in Zizhou's hands. If you dare to touch a single hair on me, the Qi family will be in chaos, I swear..."

Qi Ji paused and stared at it deeply. As expected, Xia Zhou was indeed controlled by the Lu family.

He pulled the corners of his lips and didn't stay silent for a long time, then turned around to get a glass of water, then slowly walked up to her and handed him over: "Drink the water, suppress the shock, and then tell me, where is Xia Zhou now? "

There has been a 180-degree change in attitude.

Mi Fangfei stared at the man who was uncertain, took the water, and drank it all at once. Inexplicably, she was a little more afraid of this man.

He stretched out his hand to her, with a weird smile on his lips: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. What I said was just angry words."

She didn't feel like it was angry words.

"Qi Ji, you're so unfamiliar to me..."

"That's because you don't know me at all. Fang Fei, you only know Qi Ji when you were a child. You never really knew me..."

Finally, he still pulled her over forcefully, nothing else happened, he pulled her to the sofa, forced her to sit down, and then let go.

He sat in front of her and ignored her because his phone rang.

He answered a phone call and said only one sentence:

"I'm in the cabin!"

Hanging up the phone, he squinted, leaned on the sofa, and said nothing.

Mi Fangfei had a lot to say, but her consciousness was blurring bit by bit, her limbs began to be unable to move, as if she hadn't slept for a few days, and her upper and lower eyelids could no longer be raised.She didn't understand what was wrong with her body, and she leaned on the sofa, closed her eyes and fell asleep after a while.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs, and after a while, the figure like a leopard came to Qi Ji.

Qi Ji opened his eyes to look at the person who came -- Angela, and slightly hooked the corner of his lips:
"How about it?"

"Amin is already on the way!" Angela replied.

"We have already called for the monitoring of road conditions in the city," Mary reported.

Qi Ji nodded and pointed to Mi Fangfei on the sofa:
"Hypnotize her, I want to know how much she knows about the secrets!"

When Shi Tan woke up, she found herself on the bed. There were wedding photos of her and Qi Ji in the room. The sunlight was refracting from under the curtains. On the wall clock in the room, the hour hand was already pointing to nine o'clock.

Shi Tan's consciousness was originally a bit chaotic, but after seeing the time clearly on the clock, he was finally startled, sat up from the bed, supported his weak legs, sat on the wheelchair beside the bed, and quickly left the room , just opened the door, but bumped into Mary who came in.

What Mary saw was a woman whose eyes were full of anger. The fire in her eyes was as if she could set anyone on fire when she touched it.


She called her and wanted to explain what.

"Where is Qi Ji, where is Qi Ji, I want to see him, I want to see him! How could he let Jamie attack me, how could he?"

Shi Tan was not an idiot, so he shouted at the first time.

This guy is so self-righteous, every time he makes his own opinions, every time he leaves her out of action, does he know what is respect and what is negotiation?

"Uh, Annie, calm down, Qi is for your own good... You can't complete that extremely dangerous task with your broken body. In this matter, you have to understand him and be considerate of him..."

Mary blocked the way, trying to explain.

Mrs. Qi was very angry, and Mr. Qi would be very unlucky. Although she really wanted to see Mr. Qi's wrath by his wife, as a loyal and loyal subordinate, she felt that it was a bit shameful to fall into trouble.Trying to mediate Mr. Qi's family conflicts is one of her current tasks.

"So, he just plays with me again and again?"

Shi Tan shouted, his face flushed red, that was anger burning in his blood.

She was in heartache, she was afraid, she was afraid that Yichun would encounter misfortune because of her missed appointment.

If Yichun really had an accident because of this incident, how would she face an indirect murderer in the long years to come?
Even if he is for her.

She couldn't bear that she didn't save Yichun because she owed Yichun too much.

"Qi has always been used to letting everyone's actions follow his rhythm, Annie, he has always been such a person."

Mary is used to it, and sometimes, Qi Ji does seem a bit tyrannical.In his plan, he always required everyone to operate in good combat conditions, and he would not allow any flawed operation.He must control the occurrence of accidental mistakes, which is related to the safety of all members of the operation team.

Shi Tan sneered, walked around her, turned her wheels like crazy, and stopped abruptly when she came to the entrance of the stairs: This is the second floor, if she wants to go down, she has to go down the stairs.

She decided to try to go downstairs on her own, and Mary held her down:

"Wait, Wait, I was so mad at you that I forgot to mention the point!"

"What's the point?"

Shi Tan looked up and his face was heavy.

"Mu Yichun has been rescued successfully. Also, your uncle Luo Suiyi is now in the special hospital!"

In the first half of the sentence, Shi Tan's anger was miraculously dissipated, and in the second half of the sentence, she simply shocked her directly.

No no no no, no!
She must be wrong.


She blinked:

"What did you say? The second half!"

"Yes, you heard it right, that's it. Luo Suiyi is not dead!"

I have to say that Mary's native language is a bit poor, but this time, she really expressed the syllable of every word of this sentence clearly.

But she felt as if she was listening to a new type of foreign language that she didn't understand at all.

"Uncle Luo...isn't dead?"

She almost stuttered.


"But he... but he was... already..."


"how come?"

"I think you can go to the hospital and ask the client about this!"

A ray of ecstasy burst forth from those large, beautiful, clouded eyes, so intense that it almost blinded Mary.

"You laughed! So, don't be angry with Qi, right!"

Mary tilted her head and asked with a joking look on her face.

Shi Tan suddenly felt a little embarrassed, her mood swings came too fast - because she cared, she was confused, because she was afraid of losing.

"Where's Qi Ji!"

Her voice softened, but she was actually a little annoyed. Who told him to plot against her again, and she trusted him so much, damn it!
"In the hospital! He told me before, let me watch you, and when you wake up, he will take you to the hospital and tell you these two good news as soon as possible. He thinks this should dispel the anger in your heart. And he was a little reluctant to face your anger, so he sent me here to do this thankless job."

Mary chuckled.

Shi Tan was a little embarrassed. Just now, her temper was indeed a little too big, which is really not good.

No way, who made that guy provoke her so much...

If there is no such good news to dispel her anger, she will certainly not spare him easily.

"Mary, hurry up, take me to the hospital!"

Shi Tan screamed in excitement.

"OK, you can set off immediately. Come, I will help you downstairs, don't use force on the injured foot!"

Mary smiled and led her downstairs. Another servant came up and folded the wheelchair and took it down. She sat down again, and Mary pushed out the door.

Mary is good at driving fast cars and drag racing. She used to love racing with Shaman, Jamie and Qi Ji when she had nothing to do. On the desolate road with no one, she could fully experience the excitement of racing.But in Yao City, Qi Ji forbade them to play high-speed racing.They have to keep a low profile.This is the principle.Occasionally she will go to play underground drag racing fun.

Today, she has driven fast enough, but Shi Tan still feels slow.

Mary looked at: "Otherwise, I will take you back. But when I look back, the anger of Qi will be settled by you."

"Oh, no, thank you, safe travel is the most important thing. Make few mistakes of principle. I can see that this guy Qi Ji doesn't recognize anyone at all when he does things. He only does what he thinks is right. Don't give others a chance to bargain at all!"

Shi Tan gritted his teeth, looking resentful.

Mary laughed and patted the steering wheel: "It seems that you know him more and more! If that guy was placed in ancient times, he must be an autocratic monarch."

Shi Tan Puchi laughed again.

It turned out that the four-five-ten-minute drive took Mary only half an hour to send her to a special hospital.

"Who should I go to first? Well, now I can't find Qi Ji, his mobile phone is not working. I'm sorry, this kind of loss of contact is really rare..."

Before Shi Tan was pushed into the hospital, she saw that Mary made a phone call first, and then she said something like this.


"Probably out of power!"

This excuse is not very good.

Generally speaking, Qi Ji will have a spare battery with him.

"Jamie said that Qi and Angela just left the hospital. Maybe they went to have breakfast. Well, let's go... By the way, who is the first person you want to meet now?"

Mary made another phone call, determined Qi Ji's whereabouts, and asked again who she wanted to see.

"Uncle Luo! I want to see Uncle Luo!"

"Okay! He's on the 22nd floor. We'll be there right away."

After a while, Shi Tan and Mary came to the 22nd floor.

Mary knew the ward number and did not ask any questions. She brought her familiarity to ward 2228, with two people guarding the door.

(End of this chapter)

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