卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 218 Revealing the truth, Yichun's past is bleak

Chapter 218 Revealing the truth, Yichun's past is bleak

Shi Tan looked familiar, he should be a special soldier of the Falcon group.

When they saw her, they nodded, and the tall one with a smile on his face called out:
"Mrs. Qi!"

Shi Tan greeted him and asked, "Can I see my father?"

The tone was a little excited.

"Please, the doctor is inside. You can ask the doctor for details!"

The tall man smiled:
"Ms. Qi, it's an incredible miracle that Mr. Luo didn't die! Congratulations!"

"Thank you!"

Shi Tan returned with a kind smile and finally entered the ward.

In the room, there were doctors doing various examinations and nurses assisting them, but they didn't notice them.

Without saying hello to the doctor, her eyes fell on the hospital bed.

After approaching, she saw Luo Suiyi, whom she hadn't seen in eight years, and at that glance, she almost burst into tears—

Uncle Luo is like dead wood, wearing a ventilator, with a bald head, sunken eyes, tightly closed, thin cheeks, hands in his sleeves, like skin and bones, so thin... How can such a talented artist be? Become such a ghost.

Her heart, like being torn apart, ached.

The doctor finally noticed that an outsider had entered, turned to look at her, and looked at Shi Tan and Mary with the nurse beside him.

"Are you two family members?"

"I'm his daughter! Doctor, I...my father...how is he..."

Shi Tan rolled in her wheelchair and took another two steps closer, still a little unable to believe that Uncle Luo was still alive, she reached out and carefully covered the backs of his dry hands, tears rolling down her eyes:

In the past eight years, what kind of life has he lived...

Behind him, the doctor took the words: "The one sent by Lingchen is currently in a coma. It may be caused by the drug. The specific drug needs to be further investigated. The physical condition requires a comprehensive examination."

The nurse was planning to push Luo Suiyi out.

"What are you going to check?"

"All kinds of inspections! A lot. It might take a whole day! You can accompany you, or we can take care of you all the way. That's what the above said! Time is almost up...you can go..."

The doctor looked at his watch and motioned for the nurse to push the man out.

Mary came over and brought Shi Tan to the side, patted her on the shoulder: "Let the nurses take care of it! Don't you want to see Mu Yichun?"

After those days in the hospital, Shi Tan knew very well how disturbing the various examinations were, and she knew that even if she followed, she wouldn't be able to help.

Instead of spending time waiting for a long time, it is better to use it to do more meaningful things.On Uncle Luo's side, she can come to see him later.

"Well, I'll go see Yichun first!"

But within 5 minutes, Shi Tan came to room 26 on the 2621th floor, just like room 2228, there were also two special forces soldiers guarding the door.

She went up to greet them, pushed the door and walked in.

This time Mary didn't come in.

The wheels lightly pressed against the floor tiles and made a strange sound, possibly crushing something, which alerted the person who was sleeping lightly on the bed.

A fluffy head poked out of the snow-white quilt, and soon, a familiar face came into view, but it was covered with too many wounds, one after another seemed to be injured by something. The scars were already formed, and the thick scars made his face look a bit terrifying.But those eyes were still as bright as eight years ago, and there was light gathered in them and burst out...


He screamed in a low voice, trying to hold himself up, his voice hoarse.

Shi Tan's nose was inexplicably sore and painful, tears came out of her eye sockets again, and stopped there, rolling down, she wanted to laugh, but the laughter she pulled out was uglier than crying.


She accelerated, approached, and hugged the man in front of her tightly without thinking.His hand also clasped her body.

The warm body, with a smell of disinfectant, rushed into her olfactory system.The place where the nose was touching was a bony chest, unlike that time, in Qiyuan, when she misidentified him and hugged him.

Her heart was aching dully, what kind of torture did he endure these days?
The two embraced each other. At this moment, they couldn't say anything, and they were all immersed in the joy of reunion——

They didn't see the door, Qi Ji walked in quietly, but after seeing this scene, he quietly backed out.

He thoughtfully knew that they needed alone time, not his presence.

It belongs to their past, he can't get in.

After eight years, everything changes.

A hug is full of emotion, and I have a thousand words in my heart, but I don't know where to sue.Tears will flow unstoppably because of such a physical closeness, and the throat is blocked. They have too many reasons to reminisce about the past, and to feel the emotions of these eight years without knowing anything about it.

"You owe me an explanation!"

Wiping away her tears, Shi Tan said softly, the water light made her eyes sparkle even more.

"No, I owe you a lot of explanation!"

He sat down, and Shi Tan found him two cushions behind his back to make him sit more comfortable.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, she felt it, and following her gaze, his eyes fell on her finger, and the plain ring was shining brightly by the reflected sunlight.

This ring means that she is someone else's wife.

But at this moment, what she thought of was not that she was already a wife, and the memories of her youth came like flowing water:
In the green years, they kissed me and I went to school after class; riding a bicycle, he took him, shuttled through the streets; Gesturing fists and kicks, playing unpretentious fighting techniques; or kissing passionately, exploring different mysterious areas of the opposite sex in curiosity; or hugging each other, getting up in the morning light, and having to prevent Discovered by family...

They loved it!

Really really loved it!

In those years without Qi Ji, they belonged to each other.Just later ...

Mu Yichun took a deep breath and dared not recall what happened that year.

The sudden nightmare completely destroyed their bright world, leaving him with despair and her hesitation.

"He... how is he treating you?"

He asked in a low voice, pain flashed in his eyes, although he tried his best to hide it, the pain of being taken away from the depths of his soul is something you can't hide if you want to hide it.

Shi Tan nodded: "Yeah!"

She rubbed her palms, as if she wanted to rub the awkwardness off her body:
"Let's not talk about him, okay? Let's talk about you first. I have a lot of questions. For example, seven years ago, how did you escape from death and how did you lose your memory; for example, seven years later, how did you remember All of these; for example, how did you go to the research base that day, and why are you so familiar with that place; for example, how did you get caught by Chan Feng..."

A lot of questions lingered in her heart, making her unable to think through, let alone understand...

Mu Yichun leaned there, looking at the ceiling, as if he suddenly fell into the lingering past, he was stunned, and there was no sound.

Shi Tan didn't urge, just waited quietly.

He has always been a child with a story, but he never told her what kind of life he had before meeting her.

"Things are complicated!"

After a long time, he finally found his voice and answered slowly.

"You can talk slowly. I have time now. If you are tired, you can talk to me. Then, you can rest for a while, and then continue talking when you have enough rest! By the way, do you need to check your body?"

"I checked out everything that should be checked last night. In addition, I drew a few tubes of blood in the morning. I don't need to do other tests for the time being. I don't think this will prevent us from talking..."

Mu Yichun smiled, and that gaze seemed to have regained the true color of the sunny boy back then.

In fact, he is not a very sunny young man, his expression is often indifferent, when he smiles in the face of outsiders, he will carry a little evil spirit, and he is soft as water and full of affection for her alone.He is her sunshine boy alone.

"Okay, then you say!"

Shi Tan took his hand and encouraged him.

"I don't know where to start!"

Licking his lips, he looked at the pure white hand in the palm of his hand, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Do you know what the place you were trapped in was used for?"

Listening to this tone, he should be clear.

"It is said that there is a research base. There are many innocent children bred in that place - cloned in a way that violates the laws of nature, and they are called products. These products are used for various diseases after the host is sick. Replacement of body parts..."

Shi Tan spit out such a sentence softly, with a heavy tone.

"Unexpectedly, you know so clearly!"

Mu Yichun sighed.

"The Mo family has been investigating this, and my father and mother were also killed because of this!"

When she mentioned this, she felt a pain of gnashing her teeth circulating in her limbs, which could not be excreted, and the pain was extremely intense.

"Your parents?"

Mu Yichun was startled, a little puzzled.

"My father's name is Shi Yuncong."

She explained softly.

"The former foreign minister who was shot dead!"

Mu Yichun called out with a slightly surprised tone: "So you are the queen of the famous family!"

"The Shi family was originally a famous family, but since what happened 22 years ago, the Shi family has long been removed from the famous family."

She looked sad, not particularly concerned about the absence of the Shi family's beauty, but the insult that the Shi family suffered.

"Tan, you can revive the Shi family!"

Mu Yichun encouraged, her face was affirmative.

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about you!" Shi Tan didn't think those future matters were suitable for discussion now.

A strange embarrassment, which is extremely rare, appeared between his eyes.

He looked at the door of the room, and after a while, he met her eyes, and hesitantly spit out a sentence:

"There's one thing I think I should be honest with you."

"what's up?"

"I, I am a clone!"

A few weeks ago, Qi Ji had said such a statement, and Shi Tan was shocked at the time. He didn't expect that a few weeks later, he would hear such an unacceptable fact from the person's mouth.

She held his hand tightly, not wanting him to have other strange negative emotions because of this incident.

She believes that it must be a very painful thing for him to admit that he is the product of artificial unnatural laws.

If it weren't for the fact that he still loved her as passionately as he was eight years ago, such a shocking secret, I'm afraid he wouldn't have revealed it anyway.

"It makes no difference! I don't see any difference between you and us."

(End of this chapter)

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