卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 219 Sad and Desperate, She No Longer Belongs to Him

Chapter 219 Sad and Desperate, She No Longer Belongs to Him
She said softly, her voice trembling with surprise.

"Of course not."

Mu Yichun continued indifferently: "We have no biological parents; we have no legal birth certificate, no ID card; we are just a group of poor products that will face death anytime, anywhere; the people who create us, as long as one is unhappy , we can destroy us together, and become a smudge of ashes that no one will care about, no one will remember, and no one will sympathize..."

Before she could finish speaking, her lips were gently pressed down by her fingers.

She didn't like to hear it: pessimistic, hopeless, distressing.

"I'm fine!"

Suddenly, he showed a smile, the lines on his face softened, pulled her hand away, stared at her with burning eyes, and said slowly in his mouth:

"It's just that I haven't reminisced about the past for a long time, and I felt a little emotional for a while! No one wants to think about unpleasant things. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen."

"The past is gone, I don't want you to be too immersed in grief..."

"will not!"

His voice softened again.

She smiled for one, and mentioned a woman's name softly:

"Do you recognize Dr. Zhan Yuhu?"

"Zhan Yuhu? Of course I recognize it!"

"What is she like?"

"She was a very gentle woman who was good to us all. At least at that time, I liked her very much. Later, when I knew who I was, I couldn't love her any more. No doubt, she was in medicine. Her achievements in the research are unprecedented, and no one has come since. Her research results should have shocked the world. But this achievement is abused, that is her dereliction of duty. All I can say is that she is ashamed of all children for her the love of..."

When he mentioned this person, his tone became depressed again.

What Shi Tan saw in his repression was a child's accusation of an unfair fate.

"Then how did you escape?"

She asked again, very curious.

Mu Yichun narrowed his eyes and began to recall:
"I remember the weather was nice and nice that day...the staff gathered us into a room.

"The room, the windows and the door, were all barricaded...

"The staff called us and said they wanted us to play a fun game.

"A few haven't arrived yet, and a few staff members have gone to find them.

"I was in a rush to urinate, and when the workers were not paying attention, I ran to the toilet.

"After going to the toilet, I thought that one of my homework questions seemed to be wrong, and I wanted to correct it. I was afraid that if I went crazy later, I would forget about it, so I secretly went to the classroom.

"After I finished changing the question, I was about to go to the meeting place, but I saw the cremation over there in the upstairs corridor..."

When talking about that process, his tone was hoarse and his eyes were painful:
"They're cremating them. You've never seen such a horrific scene: a group of adults watching, a group of children screaming in the fire..."


Shi Tan was also heartbroken when he heard it, and hurriedly stroked the back of his hand.

His body was shaking too.Even if it's just a memory, it's enough to make him terrified. It can be seen how much of a shadow it had on him back then!

"Didn't they find you?"

Imagining the situation at that time, she couldn't help worrying about him.


"A man named Hou Qingshan found me out of nowhere, and I was so frightened that I wanted to run away, he caught up with me, covered my mouth and took me to a place where no one was there, and said to me: If you want to live, I have to listen to him obediently.

"I know this person. It's a cousin of Dr. Zhan Yuhu, who was also a doctor.

"That day, he stuffed me in a big suitcase and took me back to the outside world in a fighter jet.

"Later, I found the opportunity to ask him: Why are you burning us down. I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all.

"Hou Qingshan refused to answer, only said that when I grow up, he will give me an explanation.

"He forced me not to tell anyone about it. He said it would kill him and me.

"I ended up trusting him because he saved my life.

"Hou Qingshan originally wanted to legalize my identity, and was going to send me to a trusted family and let them raise me as an adult. This person is still good.

"Unfortunately, my stable life didn't last long, and my whereabouts were discovered. People at the research base, afraid that my existence would become a disaster sooner or later, finally found me and took me back to the research base.

"I worked as a guinea pig at the research base for a year, and then I finally found the opportunity to escape...and so began my escape life.

"In the past two years, I was almost caught several times, and finally managed to escape. It wasn't until I met you and my eldest brother that my life settled down for a while..."

The eldest brother Mu Yichun mentioned was Qi Ji. At that time, he called Qi Ji as "eldest brother".

"On the day of the accident 18 years ago, one group of people came to look for me. They found me and wanted to take me back. There were two other groups of people. I think one group was looking for you. You are Shi Yuncong's daughter. Such a fact, this conjecture must not be wrong, I am not sure what the origin of the last group of people who wanted to kill my eldest brother..."

Having said that, he slapped his mouth and felt that his words were a bit dry, so he said, "Shi Tan, pour me a glass of water!"

Shi Tan hurried to pick up a glass of water in a glass, he took a sip, moistened his throat, and looked at her with a complex warm look.

"what happened?"

She touched her chin.

"I've never dared to tell you about this. After so many years, I've shared everything with you. I dare not mention this alone, and I dare not say it..."

He said in a low voice, the dull color made his voice a little dark:
"In my opinion, I am a kind of monster. Although there is no difference between me and you in essence. But I am not a normal person. I have a complicated birth. took my life..."

"Stupid, what are you doing stupid!"

She pushed over and grabbed his hand twisting the quilt again, and shook it:

"In my eyes, you are you, nothing else matters!"

Mu Yichun raised his head, but was not relieved by her relief:

The cry was bitter.


Shi Tan softened his voice.

"I brought those demons here. Uncle Luo..."

He gritted his teeth and looked like he was going out:
"Uncle Luo was also stabbed to death by me! They drugged me, causing visions to appear in front of my eyes. After I woke up, I had a brief amnesia, and I forgot everything I had done... "

Like a spoonful of cold water poured from the head, she suddenly felt cold in her hands and feet, and her smile froze on her face.

Mu Yichun smiled bitterly, retracted his hand, and got into the quilt, his face full of loneliness:
"I know that Uncle Luo loves you, you also love Uncle Luo, and treat Uncle Luo as your own father. I don't have feelings for Uncle Luo like you do, but that doesn't prevent me from loving him. Although he didn't like me very much, especially after he found out that I brought an invisible danger to the Luo family, he didn't like me sticking with you more and more. But no matter how he disapproved of me and you, I still do everything possible to please him.

"In the years of the Luo family, I was always cautious and cautious in front of Uncle Luo, just like walking on a glacier, I was always nervous, afraid that if I made a big move, I would step on the ice and fall into the cold. drowned in the river.

"Before, I never thought that I killed Uncle Luo. Before I went to the research base, I clearly knew the fact that I really killed Uncle Luo.

"Tan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

He apologized in a low voice, his expression was humble, he didn't dare to look at her, he was afraid that if he met her blaming and hateful eyes, it would double his pain.

Shi Tan felt that she should comfort him, but for a while, she searched her stomach, but couldn't find any words that would ease his guilt. After a long time, she spit out a sentence:
"It's not your fault. Don't take any responsibility on yourself..."

"No, that's all my fault! I brought disaster to you. If I hadn't done this unforgivable thing, the Luo family wouldn't have had such a family change, and you wouldn't be able to maintain it because of this. This family, and I, accepted that kind of marriage. At that time, you didn't want to marry Qi Ji at all, I know."

Mu Yichun's eyes were red and bloodshot, and his eager tone revealed a deep pain:
"I am an ominous person. Every time I come to a new place, I barely get familiar with everything there. As long as those people find out my whereabouts, people who are close to me will suffer——18 years ago , if you and Big Brother didn't save me, you wouldn't be affected by bad luck..."

"not like this!"

"That's it! I drew those people here!"

He screamed, the pain on his face getting worse.

That expression made Shi Tan worried, his self-blame was too strong, she quickly turned the heavy topic away:

"Yichun... You should tell me how you escaped that disaster seven years ago, and how you lost your memory!"

Mu Yichun closed his eyes and suppressed all those bad emotions. Until he finally felt calm, he replied sullenly:
"I'm not in the car!"

"Not in the car?"

Shi Tan was surprised.

He nodded:
"Yes, after I escaped from being monitored by someone sent by Qi Ji, I wanted to grab a car to find you, but I was afraid that Qi Ji would get angry and affect you. I have to talk to him again. But I was knocked out before I got in the car. .I don't remember anything after waking up. I became Li Che, recuperating in a French manor!"

"What happened in between? Can't you remember at all now?"

Shi Tan asked again, with a surprised tone: "Why did they make you Li Che..."

"Li Che is my host.

"The Li family is from the country of Zhu and has been rich in business for generations. The ninth-generation eldest grandson of the Li family was born in Chao's Noble Hospital, and the Li family signed a secret contract with the hospital...

"After that, Zhan Yuhu used Li Che's DNA to clone me, my existence is to be responsible for Li Che's health...

"Later, Li Che had a car accident, and the Li family paid a huge sum of money to replace Li Che's organs, but unfortunately we have not been able to find a suitable one...

"With nothing to do, the Li family thought about the contract, and in order to keep Li Che alive, the Li family began to force the Chao family to fulfill the contract, otherwise the Chao family would be exposed.

"As to how they knew the Chao family was engaged in that illegal activity, I don't know.

"I only know that the Chao family began to search for my whereabouts again because of pressure. Finally, I found out that I ended up in the Luo family.

"In order to get me unknowingly, they created the tragedy, completely subverted the Luo family, and sent me to prison.

(End of this chapter)

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