Chapter 220
"They planned to take advantage of some loopholes in the government department and wanted me to 'die' naturally, just to send me to France to become Li Che's organ warehouse.

"Fortunately, that year, Qi Ji sent people to stare at me in prison, allowing me to escape their conspiracy several times!"

This paragraph fits with something Cheng Hang said, and it also connects with some background of Li Che: Li Che had a car accident when he was 16 years old.

"But you're not dead!"

so, what happened?
"Because Li Che died.

"He didn't have time to live until I was sent to France.

"Li Che's parents couldn't accept Li Che's death, they missed Li Che, and I looked exactly like Li Che, which eased their pain of losing their son.

"They thought and thought and thought that although I wasn't their own, I was a copy of their son, and in DNA, I completely inherited their genes for life.

"Because of their love for Wu and Wu, they did not allow me to be destroyed, but they asked people to find a way to erase all my memories, so they let me live in the Li family instead of Li Che, and inherited everything from the Li family. …”

Mu Yichun laughed lowly to himself:
"This time, I finally live under the sun with a brand new identity...

"The god of destiny, in such a way, made a big joke with me: gave me a rich life, but made me lose you..."

Really dramatic.

Shi Tan froze for a moment.

"But how could you and Qi Ying... become lovers..."

When she said the last few words, her tone was a little unnatural.

"Losing 18 years of memory is not a pleasant thing..."

Mu Yichun continued to recall:
"My heart is always empty. I can't sleep at night and have nightmares. I told my parents about this situation. They took me to see a doctor, and the result of the examination was that everything was normal.

"Of course, this result is mostly because the couple bought the doctor's products privately - since they left me, they naturally don't want me to remember everything in the past.

"Father said: If you can't remember it, you can't remember it! It doesn't matter, the memory of the past does not have to be retrieved, and the most important thing is to live the current life well.

"But I still saw several doctors and it didn't get any better.

"Under this circumstance, on the surface, I gradually gave up the search for my past memories, but deep down, I still tried my best to find those past memories.

"Because I feel like I've left a very important person behind.

"I lived peacefully in the Li family for a long time. Years later, a phone call from a stranger broke my peace.

"The man asked me: Do you want to get your memory back.

"I say yes.

"So he showed a way: as long as you approach that woman named Qi Ying, your memory will come back little by little... So, I began to approach Qi Ying.

"The first time I saw Qi Ying, she ran up to me and hugged me, calling me: A Chun.

"I was surprised and told her that my name is Li Che.

"She quickly believed that I was not A Chun, but a completely unfamiliar existence.

"After this, I spent a long time getting to know Qi Ying, but she never mentioned Mu Yichun, and I couldn't find too many useful clues... Until later, she finally agreed to take me home and let me I met you.

"After meeting you, I started to investigate Mu Yichun in an all-round way, and only then did I understand the complicated stories bit by bit..."

Mu Yichun spoke quietly.

Shi Tan listened quietly, without interrupting, until later he couldn't help but ask softly:
"Yichun, have you ever loved Qi Ying?"

"Love. She's actually a lovely girl. Good to me!"

He smiled slightly and deliberately lied.

Shi Tan was stunned for a while, a little disbelieving: "But you haven't contacted her for so long!"

"Because I was too busy looking for my past. In those days, my life was messy and I needed to calm down, so I didn't look for her..."

He continued to lie.

Shi Tan believed that after being separated for so long, it was normal for him to fall in love with someone else.She's a little sentimental, but not hard to accept.

She didn't dwell on this question too much, but continued to ask:

"Then how did you get your memory back?"

Mu Yichun took another sip of water: "I mentioned a person's name to you before, do you remember?"


"Hou Qingshan!"


Shi Tan nodded and searched the memory of that person in his mind: "I remember that this person used to be the imperial physician of the Chao family. Now he seems to be a politician who is keen to support the Chao family!"

"Yes, he is a doctor. In his early years, he married a daughter of the Chao family. Now he has abandoned the doctor to pursue politics for many years. He found me and gave me all his memories."

"How can you return this memory?"

Shi Tan felt astonished.

"Yes, he gave me an injection, so I remembered everything in the past. It was him that I knew that you were trapped in the research base. It was he who provided a correct orientation, Only then did I have a chance to find you there... The security guard who was shot for Qi Ji was his man..."

It turned out to be the case, but Shi Tan still didn't understand:
"Then why did Hou Qingshan do this?"

It was an instinctive suspicion.

"Because of Zhanyuhu. Hou Qingshan loves his cousin Zhanyuhu very much. He can't understand what the Chao family is doing, but he is powerless to resist them. The only thing he can do is to cover us as much as possible in the dark Discovery. This is the main reason why we were able to spend such a peaceful life in Baihai Bay 18 years ago..."

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly had some good feelings for that annoying politician:
"Then how did you survive the explosion..."

"Almost died!"

Mu Yichun fell into memory again:

"After I separated from you, I found the mechanical valve and only closed half of it. When I wanted to close the other valve, the underground had already started to explode. I saw that there was nowhere to hide, and I was forced into a place. Hidden secret passage.

"Then, I ran along the secret passage, and there was hot air chasing me from behind...

"I thought that this time, I would definitely die... It's just that I didn't want to stop and just admit defeat, so I had to grit my teeth and run in that deep tunnel.

"I don't know where that place leads. In my memory, there should be no such passage in the entire underground bunker.

"That day, I didn't know how long I ran, and then I finally saw the light. When I climbed out, I realized that I had escaped from below.

"I was going to find you guys when Chan Feng appeared and gave me a bullet, and after that, I was taken away from that ghost place by them...

"In between, I was in a coma for a while. After I woke up, I became the subject of Chan Feng's research again..."

One by one, the mystery was revealed in Mu Yichun's unhurried narration, and the doubts in Shi Tan's heart also dissipated little by little: things are very bizarre.

"How did they rescue you last night?"

Shi Tan asked again, and at the same time touched his unsatisfactory leg, his tone was very helpless:

"I was knocked down by Qi Jiyao. I don't know what the whole operation was like. As soon as I woke up, I was told that you were rescued. By the way, Uncle Luo was also rescued at the same time... Yichun, Uncle Luo is not dead yet, he has been controlled by the Chao family in the secret sanatorium where you are imprisoned all these years."

"Uncle Luo? Not dead?"

Mu Yichun also stayed for a while, a little unbelievable, yes, who could believe that such a thing could happen in the world.


"How come he didn't die? Have you seen Uncle Luo?"

"I saw it, but Uncle Luo is still in a coma!"

"It's a great event!"

Shi Tan saw that the guilt in Mu Yichun's eyes seemed to lighten a bit, and a few traces of joy shot out from inside.


Shi Tan admitted that the fact that Yichun and Uncle Luo were still alive was the happiest news she had heard in these days, so much so that her eyes shone with incomparable brilliance.

"Now, I just hope he can wake up soon... By the way, you know? Uncle Luo's biological daughter, we have found..."

"Well, I know... I saw the news before..."

"Now as long as Uncle Luo wakes up, their family can be reunited... This is what I have always hoped for. Eight years ago, I was always looking forward to Uncle Luo to fulfill his wish..."

Her eyes flashed with joy, and he deeply felt that kind of beauty.

Mu Yichun was a little amazed at this kind of her, but she just stared blankly, and for some reason in her mind came to mind her pretty little appearance when she was a child, with short hair, a small face with melon seeds, her big eyes were extremely beautiful, and she looked at that face with a smile on her face. The scarred teenager will smile especially sweetly, and he will also show concern when facing him.

When we met for the first time, someone masked him to save him, and took off the piece of black cloth. It was this scarred boy, and there was a lovely her beside him.

After that, it was the scarred boy who used his live horse as a dead knife doctor and saved him.

Then he became one of them.

Teenagers with scars don't like to talk to people, but they are very nice.

The little girl is very enthusiastic, and when she laughs, she can take away all the bad emotions of people.

At that time, he liked being with them, even though the boy with scars loved to control them, even though everything had to be done in accordance with the rules of the boy with scars to be allowed to stay, he was still willing to endure.Because he felt a kind of warmth in this small family with a poor income.

At that time, he was able to learn a lot of things from the scarred boy that he couldn't learn before - he was a genius boy, he knew a little bit about everything, and he was like a miracle.

It's a pity that this small family was finally broken. He and Shi Tan became homeless children again. They had to struggle to survive in the city by begging.

Those days were really miserable.

He remembered that once, she was sick and had a high fever, but they had no money to buy medicine, so he had to steal it.

He stole it, and while escaping, he broke his foot.

But he doesn't care about that.He just hoped that she could take medicine and get better.

Waiting for the fever to subside is such a torment.

He waited for a full twelve hours before her body cooled down.


In those years, they had no good clothes to wear, nothing to eat, no bed to sleep in: a pile of dry rice stalks was their mattress, and a tattered quilt was their only property to keep them warm in winter.All the clothes were picked up from the trash.If you want to feed your stomach, you have to beg along the street...

Suffering is not frustrated by them, and on the bumpy road of life without anyone to protect them, they compose a poignant chapter that belongs only to them.

(End of this chapter)

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