卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 221 Agreement, they will compete fairly

Chapter 221 Agreement, they will compete fairly
Occasionally, they also have fun.

Yes, they face life with optimism.

They believe that there is still hope for their future.

It is that inextinguishable hope that supports their passion for life.

Later, a handsome man appeared in their lives. He was entrusted by his old friend to come to Shi Tan, and wanted Shi Tan to recognize him as his father and return to normal life and study.

That man's name was Luo Suiyi. He moved Shi Tan with his incomparable sincerity, and her only request was that he must be taken to Luo's house too.

This is where a new chapter in life begins.

Those were two completely different lives. In this quiet and wealthy life, he watched her bloom bit by bit like a flower bud beside him.

When the enthusiasm of youth bursts in the veins, falling in love is almost a matter of course.

In those few years, youth was just right, their love was ardent and unrestrained, the beautiful girl ignored any suitors and only treated him differently.Because they are on the same channel; because they have a common past; because they are an indivisible whole.

What's frustrating is that Uncle Luo doesn't approve of him being with her.

He had heard Uncle Luo say to Shi Tan in private: "Don't judge your life events too early, you are still young, Tan Tan, you can have a better man. It shouldn't be Yichun, Yichun has little patience, He is not very keen on reading, he prefers force. The thinking is a little simpler, he is not enough to support the life you have to face in the future and seek justice for your parents.

He subconsciously knew that Uncle Luo had the best son-in-law candidate, but Shi Tan didn't have that kind of interest.

She loves him.Very very love.

At that time, he thought that they would go to the end of the world, and in the process of life maturing step by step, they would become the closest couple, and would give birth to their next generation.

Unfortunately, fate has tricked them again.

Eight years ago, he was imprisoned and despaired; she remarried and left.

A year later, the passion after the reunion made him desperate to take her to the end of the world, regardless of those grievances.

He misses her madly, doesn't want her to be someone else's wife, just wants to have her, live in the quietest corner, and live the simplest life.

That was a luxury.

Seeing her again in eight years, it's already too late...

Now, she is not as pretty and cute as she was when she was a child, and she is not as charming as when she was young.

Now she is confident, charming, and sparkling, no longer the childish appearance he is familiar with. Another man guards her world, and she has already found her place in the world created by that man.

Now, she no longer belongs to him, this is really a desperate and heart-wrenching situation!

"Yichun, I ask you, what are you thinking?"

Oh, lost my mind!
Mu Yichun didn't hear what she said, so he just smiled and asked:

"What? What did you say? Say it again! I just remembered something from the past..."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly and dreamily:

"Those things in the past, like the things that were engraved in my mind, when I played them back one by one, it seemed that they had just happened. The joys, laughter and curses were all affecting my current emotions... Sometimes, I really can't believe it. , in just a blink of an eye, time has slipped away between us for a full eight years..."

That was the eight years they could never get back... It will be an eternal regret in their lives.

Shi Tan was also stunned.

The past was as beautiful as a dream.

But it has long since passed away and has become part of the memory.

And the gap between reality and memory is too far for people to adapt.

She was silent for a moment and repeated what she had just said:
"I just said, how did you get rescued?"

She didn't dare to follow his train of thought and reminisce together, it was a heartbreaking thing.

"Oh, this is it!"

Mu Yichun adjusted his sitting posture:
"It's like this, there's a woman pretending to be you... It's really very similar, it blinded me, and I don't know how Qi Ji has such a great ability... It's so similar..."

Shi Tan didn't answer, imagining that kind of resemblance, knowing in his heart that Qi Ji had a lot of high technology in his hands.He should have a machine similar to the one in the hands of Ethan, the hero of "Mission: Impossible," that makes artificial skin masks from electronically scanned data.

Yichun continued:

"That woman brought Qi Ji and the others into the underground area of ​​the sanatorium...

"In the process, it seems that many people died, and I heard gunshots and screams of injuries...

"In the end, it was Qi Ji who rescued me personally, and it was he who personally sent me to this hospital...

"By the way, he seems to be injured...

"I saw blood on his shoulder, as if he was stabbed by something... Not sure how the injury is...

"After he handed me over to a doctor here, he left. Then, I fell asleep for a while because I was too weak..."

Mu Yichun recalled the whole process, and before he finished speaking, he saw Shi Tan interrupted with a pale face and stopped:
"Injured? He was injured? Are you sure?"

The voice trembled a little, and the situation became a little excited.

He glanced at it and nodded:

"I'm sure! Shi Tan, you... haven't seen him yet?"

"Well, no, his phone is off, I can't find him for now... Yichun, I'll talk to you later, I think, I should go to him..."

Shi Tan screamed anxiously, and suddenly wanted to see him right away, wondering how badly he was hurt.Before, she was still blaming him.

That guy loves to hide everything from her, this habit is damn annoying.

"Shitan, you're in love with him!"

Mu Yichun watched, with a hint of sadness in her eyes, and the affirmation in her tone made her heart twitch.

She was speechless for a while, her lips were shaking constantly, she didn't dare to look at him, and there was an indescribable sense of guilt in her heart.

"I know, it's very easy to make you fall in love with him. If you know who he is. You can easily be attracted to him. I remember clearly, 18 years ago, you were so dependent Him. He follows his lead in everything... always trying to make him smile... At that time, you will just make me jealous. "

Mu Yichun sighed quietly.There was a sense of fate in that sigh that had to admit defeat, but Shi Tan's eyes widened:

"You...you...know who he is?"

"Yes, I know!"

He said softly, but deeply shocked her.

"When did you know?"

She was astonished.

"Eight years ago!"

She widened her eyes even further.

"How do you know? This guy's mouth is like a clam shell under attack. If he doesn't say it, there is no way for others to pry his mouth open and catch his words."

"He said it to me himself!"

She lingered again unconsciously.

"is it?"


Oh, damn, Qi Ji actually confessed to Mu Yichun eight years ago, but he has been hiding it from her until now, why is this?

Her brain suddenly became cluttered.

"You, why didn't you tell me?"

This sentence has a vague sense of blame.

Mu Yichun was silent again:
"Because my selfishness is too heavy!"

Shi Tan was startled and saw that he was gently rubbing his palms.

"It was said while awaiting trial."

He talked about a certain point in time, looking down at the small scars on his hands caused by the impact of the explosion, he seemed to be guilty, he didn't look up, and he seemed to be immersed in a certain past picture, once again After being silent for a full minute, I remembered to continue:

"The time is about No. 30 days when I went in. During that time, I have been counting my fingers to live."

He laughed to himself:
"That day, I was brought up. I have met Qi Ji many times before.

"At first I didn't know a man with a background like him, why would he be involved in helping me? To him, I am grateful.

"Later, when Luo Ying came to see me, I inadvertently missed the point. I was very angry at the time. Very, very angry.

"But I'm locked inside and can't do anything. Even if I can escape, it's impossible to escape with you.

"One, it's impossible for you to let go of the Luo family's burden and follow me, your gratitude is too heavy.

"Two, even if I take you away, we are unlikely to escape too far, because I believe that the people who hunted me in the early years are embarrassing me. I have no ability to protect you.

"It's really a desperate and pessimistic thing."

He smiled bitterly again, his eyes full of pain:
"That day, I didn't want to see Qi Ji - I hated him for being loved by others, but still pretending to be a saint to care about me, what a hypocrite.

"But he just had the ability to force me to meet him.

"He had someone show me a photo with a bead on it, and on the bead was the word: Forbearance.

"There are thousands of Buddhist beads in the world, and there are many similarities, which is not surprising, but I recognized that one at a glance.

"It's the brother's one.

"Because there was a cross on the top that I accidentally got on it. So, I met him.

"The meeting place is a separate small reception room, separated by soundproof glass, with no surveillance and no one to watch. I mean inside the reception room, with guns guarding outside the glass wall. But they can't listen. to speak to us.

"In just 15 minutes, Qi Ji sat there idly and calmly confessed his identity to me.

"He asked me to cooperate with him and wanted to find out the real murderer who framed me.

"He said he would send escorts to protect me.

"At the same time, he made me promise not to tell you his identity.

"He said, he married you to protect you, but also because he had to get the highest authority of the Qi family through this matter. He must do this. Marriage, he must end it.

"He and I agreed that as long as Luo Suiyi is investigated, he will confess his identity to you, and then he will allow you to make another choice.

"He promised, me and him, that there would be a fair play.

"At that time, the choice will fall to you.

"If you choose me, he will divorce, give you back your freedom, and let us get back together. If you choose him, then ask me to bless you.

"I really don't know what kind of selfishness he is hiding in doing this, but I agree.

"Working with him was my only option.

"In prison that year, his people have indeed been protecting me.

"Originally, I should have cooperated with him. After being released from prison, it should be easier to find a breakthrough in the case.

"But I'm seeing you again, and after confirming that he really hasn't revealed his identity to you, I regret my agreement with him.

"Because of fear!"

(End of this chapter)

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