卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 223 Controversy Explained

Chapter 223 Controversy Explained

It was Qi Ji who was calling softly.

"We used to live together in the Jacobs area...is that true?"

Han Min's voice lost its clear color.

Shi Tan was there, neither going in nor leaving.

How will Qi Ji respond?
This made her heart hang inexplicably.


A low word made Shi Tan feel a sour taste in his heart.

"Why did you never tell me!"

"you do not need to know!"

"Why don't I need to know. Qi Ji, please feel your conscience and tell me: At that time, was I your girlfriend?"

Han Min asked again.

Qi Ji did not answer.

"Do you still recognize this photo?"

"Where did you get it from?"

"Angela has been to the Jacobs area, and the locals say, you and I used to live together..."

Qi Ji was silent again.

"Qi Ji, please give me back those memories from the past!"

This time, Han Min's voice contained some crying.

At the door, Shi Tan bit her lip fiercely. In her memory, Han Mian was a strong and stubborn woman. If it wasn't for her deep love and hard work, how could she cry so sadly and aggrieved at this moment.

Her heart tangled and ached.

The next moment, Qi Ji's slightly cold voice rose again:
"Amin, in fact, I don't know much about you. At that time, I was on a mission, and I didn't pay much attention to your affairs. You may have misunderstood..."

"Qi Ji, it's a fact that you hid some of my memory..."

"Yes, that's true, but Amin..."

"Then tell me all about it!"

"I'll tell you when you feel better. You just woke up, and now you need to rest!"

"I am healthy!"

Han Min shouted stubbornly, his voice was hoarse and loud, like a male duck.

Qi Ji answered lightly:
"Amin, you're a little emotional. Now, it's not suitable for us to talk. I'll go and call Angela!"

"No, don't go, don't go! Qi Ji, don't go! Please!"

Han Min burst into tears, and at the same time something was thrown to the ground, and a crisp cracking sound rang out.After the silence came a soft sob.

"Don't move, I won't leave, be careful to tear the wound!"

This time, Qi Ji's tone was a little helpless, and it brought a sense of compromise.

Shi Tan rolled the wheel, the door was gently pushed open by her, the wheel slowly rolled into the entrance, and moved forward little by little. The door of the ward was facing a set of sofas, and the walls were snow-white. The beds are also snow white.

Qi Ji was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was wearing a black shirt with his back to the door. Han Min, who was in a hospital suit, hugged him tightly. He was still holding an IV in his hand. In the infusion tube, blood was returning, and there was a bright red streak. , On his back, lined by a black shirt, she was a little startling, and she buried her whole face in Qi Ji's chest.

Qi Ji's hands lightly patted her shoulder, and whispered:
"Lie down, don't be childish!"

"Qi Ji, why don't you recognize me...why...you should know, I love you miserably...but you deliberately pretend you didn't see it..."

Han Min cried out in grief and refused to let go.

This scene is really eye-catching.

Shi Tan took a breath, turned around a little embarrassedly, and wanted to exit, but when he stepped back, the wheel hit the door frame and made an abnormal sound.

She came out in a hurry, and a low cry from Qi Ji sounded behind her:

As if she didn't hear it, she continued to walk out, but within a few seconds, her wheelchair was dragged, and she turned sharply and met his gaze-his gaze was a little worried and a little nervous.

"I...I don't want to disturb you!"

"It's okay, I've said everything I need to say! I was looking for you! Mary said that you haven't had breakfast yet, and it's almost past lunch time. I'll take you to eat. I'll feel bad if you're hungry..."

Nasty words, he said, but a little more serious.It was as if the scene when he was confessed just now had never happened.

She thought, how painful this must be for Han Min.

"Angela, you are guarding Han Min here."

I don't know when, Angela had appeared behind her, Shi Tan turned his head and saw her leaning there, his eyes glowing with a dark color.

"Qi, Amin hasn't eaten yet!"

The tone was provocative, and so was the expression.

"You can take good care of her!"

Qi Ji answered calmly.

"Qi, she was hurt because of you. Do you want to push her to someone else to take care of her when she wakes up?"

Angela asked a question tit for tat.

"I'm not a professional paramedic!"

"Really? After Luo Shitan was injured, you stayed by her side..."

"She's my wife, it's different..."

"You were also Amin's boyfriend..."

She screamed sharply, and emphasized with a heavy face:
"Shouldn't you be a little concerned about her injury?"


Qi Ji called out coldly.

"I just hope you don't favor one over another. You understand what you owe Han Min. She has loved you for so many years, yet you gave all your feelings to such a woman... If A Min is not worthy of you, I think all women in this world will I don't have the qualifications to be your wife..."

These words, like when she slapped her face hard, her face turned pale.

Angela, on the other hand, raised her uncompromising chin, vowing to stand up for Han Min, and stared at them coldly.


Qi Ji stood up straight, staring at each other without flinching.

His scream was colder than ever, and he threw out the following sentence in an accent:

"Amin is not my girlfriend. When I was in Jacob, she was a girl I took in. The origin is a mystery. You don't think that you find a picture and think that's what you think is the truth... Angie La, how can you always be so arbitrary when you do things at such an age!"

After the voice fell, he ignored the color of Angela's face that quickly turned pale, and pushed Shi Tan out.

But when passing by Mary, he whispered again: "Look at them a little bit."

Mary made an OK gesture.

After half an hour.

Qi Ji took Shi Tan into a nearby four-star restaurant, chose a hidden location in a closed room by the window, and ordered three dishes and one soup.

During this process, Shi Tan kept silent.

Qi Ji stared at her, studying her, waiting for her to attack.

But she kept silent, as if nothing had happened.

He couldn't help but sigh lightly, leaned over, turned her face over, and seriously searched for her emotions:


Shi Tan shook his head, seeing worry in Qi Ji's eyes, he was worried that she would be angry with him because of Han Min's matter.

So, will she be angry with him?
She thought about it, and there was indeed a sour feeling churning in her heart.

This feeling has never been experienced before.

In the past, if she saw the scandal about Qi Ji in the newspaper, her emotion reflected only two words: disgust.

She will feel dirty and want to draw a line with this kind of abuse.

Now, that emotion has disappeared, and the taste reflected is even more complicated.

She hates how popular he is.

But the problem is, he has always been admired and likable.

It wasn't the first day she knew him.

She tried her best to ignore that strange emotion, her eyes fell on him, he was wearing a windbreaker, she couldn't know how badly he was injured, but his complexion was a bit unusually white, that was true.

"Are you badly hurt?"

If it wasn't for the inappropriate environment, she really wanted to take off his clothes and check him carefully, which would distract her attention.

"Answer to the question!"

Qi Ji twitched the corners of his lips:
"Jamie is talking too much... a small injury! It's okay!"

It seemed that he didn't take this little matter to heart.

Maybe it's really not serious, maybe he deliberately lied to her - no way, his habit left her with such a habit of thinking that she couldn't believe it all.

Shi Tan curled his lips and furrowed his eyebrows slightly:
"It's not what Jamie said. Qi Ji, do you mean to say: If others don't tell me, you don't plan to be honest with me about this? We are husband and wife, sharing the same bed every day, do you think you can hide it?" How long have I..."

She couldn't help but want to blame: this person, how much he doesn't love himself!

Qi Ji pulled the corners of his lips again, but he didn't smile. When he smiled like this, he was extremely charming. His voice was a bit teasing, and he spoke slowly, as if he was deliberately teasing her:

"I thought after this incident, you might punish me to sleep on the sofa..."

Did he realize how heinous his behavior was, and was he going to accept punishment?

Shi Tan imagined that possibility.

Oh, no, she doesn't like sleeping alone, and now she finds that sleeping with this man every day makes her sleep more comfortable than ever.Punishing him to sleep on the sofa will not do her any good.

"Do you think I'm the kind of unreasonable person?"

She was magnanimous.

"So, when I look back, I can still sleep next to you, and I can still sleep with my arms around you?"

He smiled lowly, his eyes were still bright, and he seemed to be secretly delighted.


Shi Tan felt a sense of embarrassment being seen through, but fortunately this is a private seat, but she still couldn't help her face burning up, and lightly reprimanded:
"President Qi, please be serious!"

The annoying thing is this guy only pushes the envelope.

In the next second, he hooked her into his arms, tightly wrapped her arms around her, and her head rested on his shoulder, hitting his thick flesh.

To be honest, she likes his arms and being held by him, it will make her feel safe, but today is different.

She smelled a mixed smell of disinfectant and a woman's fragrance, and when she thought that he had hugged another woman just now, her heart was filled with shadows, and she gently pushed him away.

"Don't hug me!"

He looked up suspiciously.

"You smell like Han Min!"

she said sullenly.

"is it?"

He took a low sniff of the smell on his body, and kept observing her expression:

"No way!"

"There is!"

"Dog nose!"

Maybe it was a dog's nose: it was faint, but she smelled it.

It annoys her.

Shi Tan didn't want to think about anything else, the food was ready, she smelled the food, her appetite was whetted, she picked up the chopsticks and started to eat, she was really hungry.

Qi Ji didn't move his chopsticks, he just finished eating for a while, and he wasn't hungry.Now he has to calm his wife down, that's the most important thing.Although she didn't look like she was angry, he didn't think she really didn't take what happened just now seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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