卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 224 She's Not My Woman

Chapter 224 She's Not My Woman

She just used to hide all the problems in her heart.

That's not a good practice.

In his opinion, everything should be resolved as soon as possible, the more it is delayed, the easier it is to make things worse.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

The calmer her reaction was, the more uneasy he felt.

For so many years, he can see most people's thoughts clearly, but he always stumbles in front of this girl.

"It should be said, is there anything you want to explain to me?"

Shi Tan chewed the beef, his eyes rolled quickly.

What is this girl thinking about?
"I don't think I have anything in particular that I need to explain to you."

He has a clear conscience.

The fact is also the same, but she can't see his position.

Shi Tan raised his head, almost wanting to drop his chopsticks and pinch him severely.

She kept silent, she was really angry, but she didn't know what to say - this man was really too self-centered sometimes.He just loves to follow his own ideas, and thinks that his plan must be the most perfect.


he asked.

"Don't speculate!"

She snorted.

Qi Ji smiled wryly, and brought him over again:

"Even if it's not speculative, you have to say it!"

"Qi Ji, can you be more democratic?"

Well, he really likes to be authoritarian.

Of course Qi Ji understood what she meant.

"How can I not be angry?"

he sighed.I don't like talking to her like this.

He resigned to his fate and sincerely asked for reconciliation.

When Chi Tan was close at hand, Shi Tan blinked and asked:
"Do you think I should be angry? Do you think you did the right thing about what happened last night?"


Qi Ji answered very bluntly.

Shi Tan almost slapped him, this guy was not sincere at all.Fortunately, she was very rational and just frowned.

"Why not?"

"You have always been a rational woman. In fact, you should understand in your heart that without your participation, I can handle things more easily. If you are the person in crisis, I may not be able to be so calm. You act Inconvenience, that would cause all your plans to succumb to reality. It would be a complete failure. You are my weakness, and if you weren't hurt, I wouldn't have handled it like this. But you're hurt, and I can't keep you in The enemy camp has affected the smooth development of the entire plan."

"The thing is, I'm just pissed!"

She expresses her emotions very seriously.


"Do you know what I'm mad about?"

"Appreciate further details!"

Qi Ji looked taught.

"You do not respect me!"

She sternly pointed out: "From a rational point of view, I can think that you are doing this for my own good. But you shouldn't just put me down without even discussing with me. This is how you saved Xiaobai last time. This time you saved me. Chun, you are like this again. I know you want to protect me. Even if you want to protect me, at least you have to let me know your plan. I have never been the kind of unreasonable person. Between husband and wife should be It’s a matter of discussion, isn’t it? You made your own decision and excluded me from action. Your protection lacks a kind of due respect!”

Qi Ji listened attentively, and naturally had something to say:

"Time was running out, and I could see that you were determined to go your own way. Because the matter was related to Mu Yichun's life and death. You were caught by the news. At that time, I thought from my point of view that you might not listen. Go in for any persuasion. Instead of wasting time on unnecessary disputes like this, I'd be in charge of the situation. It's easier that way..."

It seems that it is.

Shi Tan thought for a while, and sighed depressingly:

"No matter what, you shouldn't act arbitrarily. You and I are husband and wife, and I'm not your subordinate..."

"But I think my plan can handle things better. There is one thing you have to admit, that is, yesterday, your actions were not very rational, and you didn't plan to study them carefully with me , Of course, there was not much time to study other things at the time, so you wanted to take a risk. But you know? Your behavior is very reckless, and you have not considered my feelings at all. You should have thought, how could I You were allowed to take such a risk. But you didn’t find out, because caring leads to confusion, and you have lost your accurate judgment. In this case, I don’t think it is necessary to discuss with you.”

Qi Ji still acted like I did nothing wrong, which made Shi Tan a little discouraged.Even Dai lost his appetite and slapped the chopsticks to the side.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I can't eat anymore!"

Shi Tan let out a muffled cry, threw down the napkin, and wanted to leave.

"What are you going to do?"

He grabbed the armrest of her wheelchair.

"I'm going to get some air, I don't want to quarrel with you!"

"I'm not arguing with you, I'm just reasoning with you."

"Anyway, in your opinion, you are never wrong!"

"Men are usually more rational, women are more emotional. This is an innate difference formed by the natural body structure."

"Let go!"

"Don't let it go!"

"Qi Ji!"

"Oh, you are really angry."

He fixed a glance at her, a little helpless, and finally softened his tone:

"Don't be angry! Well, well, I promise you that in the future, before I do anything, I will discuss with you, and I promise not to keep you in the dark. I will respect your thoughts and opinions. The situation yesterday Special, I did not handle it properly, please forgive me."

He leaned forward and lightly pecked her lips.

The look of begging for mercy on his face finally made Shi Tan calm down.

She didn't want to get really emotional with him, so she went down the steps:
"It's not an example!"

"Well, let's not take this as an example!"

He blew on the heater in her ear as a promise.

"Now you should tell me what happened between you and Han Min..."

Finally, she put this matter on the table——

After all, I still care!
She didn't want to have a lump in her heart.So, I decided to ask.

At this moment, she saw the man smiled lowly, helped her to sit up, and brought her some food before saying:

"I have nothing to do with her."

Qi Ji first made a simple statement with one sentence, and after he finished speaking, he felt that this was not enough, and he emphasized another sentence: "It's really nothing..."

"Then how does she think you and her were boyfriend and girlfriend!"

It may not be without cause.

This is Shi Tan's opinion.

Qi Ji picked up his chopsticks to eat:

"Before, didn't I tell you that when I was on a mission, I met a girl who was very obsessive because I helped her, and then I was going to die and follow her to be my girlfriend... Ah Min is that girl..."

Shi Tan was stunned.

Ah, is this what he called "first love"?

The taste in her mouth became more and more strange.

"Han Min is good at fighting and shooting. Of course, this is common in the Jacob area. The place is very chaotic, and the poor can buy guns. Children will practice various self-defense shooting skills since childhood.

"That year, when I was on a mission there, I met her being robbed by two local snakes and asked her to be their woman. I got to know the leaders of these two local snakes quite well, so I helped her out. As a result, she was entangled. Then I refused to leave. My teammates and I were afraid that something would happen to her in that area, so we had to take her in.

"At that time, I really needed a girl to help me cover up, so as to confuse the other party's sight, so after weighing the interests, I pretended to be a boyfriend and girlfriend with her for several months, living together, going out and sleeping together In one room, some intimate photos were taken...

"Later, her identity was exposed. During the retreat, she left to cover me and was blown away...

"I thought she was dead, but who knew she was still alive...

"Two years later, when I sent someone out on a mission, I went with the team and found her with amnesia. Since I couldn't find out her background and identity, I was afraid that if I left her outside, I would learn bad things, so I brought back the flame The group, led by Angela on the right path...

"That's how it works.

"Understood? I have nothing to do with her, she is not my woman... We don't have that kind of relationship... But in Jacob's area, many people who know us, think she is mine. In fact: no ..."

He made things very clear.

"But she likes you!"

Shi Tan pointed out lightly.

Qi Ji's eyes flashed:
"I've always kept my distance from her."

Sure enough, he knew it, put down his chopsticks and made a promise:

"It's Angela who is busy, so I went to look over the old things... Don't worry, I will make it clear to her... It won't be a problem for us... I have always liked you, a worry-free girl... "

A wolf's paw stretched out and pinched her nose lightly. She hurriedly dodged and stared: "You have hugged other women with your hands, don't touch me!"

Qi Ji raised his eyebrows, with a smile that was not a smile: "Stinky girl, you seem to smell like someone else! Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps."

He picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat.

Shi Tan froze for a moment, thinking that not a while ago, she was indeed in another ward, crying, laughing and hugging her old lover, it seems that he saw it.

Oh, I don't know what he was thinking...

"Qi Ji!"

She whispered with extremely complicated eyes.


He wiped his mouth, looked up at her, saw her uneasy look, and asked with a smile: "What's wrong?"


She also started to eat, eating quickly, and finished the food in front of her in a short while, and he thoughtfully served her soup.She thanked her and whispered while drinking:
"Thank you!"


He raised his eyebrows.

She cleared her throat: "I mean, saving Yichun. I want to thank you anyway!"

Qi Ji's gaze faded, and his smile suddenly became a little strange, without the enthusiasm just now, and I don't know what factors are changing his mood:

"Are you trying to have sex with me?"

She suddenly felt that he seemed a little unhappy, because she said the wrong thing?Thank you wrong?

He didn't speak any more.

Her heart was a little up and down.

The air pressure seems to drop a bit.

Lunch was eaten in a hurry, and Qi Ji's cell phone kept calling during those later hours, and it should be Cheng Hang.Tan didn't see Cheng Hang today, and wanted to maintain a normal work flow in the company.Once he was busy, the two of them didn't talk any more. This person always had so many business affairs to deal with.

After the meal, he called the waiter to pay the bill, swiped his card, and after paying, he pushed her out.

Along the way, she saw a lot of people looking sideways at them: no matter where Qi Ji was, he was a figure who stood out from the crowd.He will always attract the attention of men and women.And when she was by his side, she would only be a foil.

(End of this chapter)

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