卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 225 I Loved You Once, Now I Love Him Even More

Chapter 225 I Loved You Once, Now I Love Him Even More
When he came to the gate, Qi Ji met two business partners, a man and a woman. The man looked like a business tycoon in his 60s and 30s, and the woman was a woman in her [-]s and [-]s. As soon as they met, they met Qi Jilai. gave a big hug.

Qi Ji smiled and introduced her to them. The woman looked at her unfriendly, with a sense of contempt—it seemed that everyone who knew Qi Ji thought she was not good enough for her.

It's such an upsetting, bad feeling—

Before, when she was with Yichun, she never felt this kind of pressure.

Qi Ji had a brief chat with them, and the parking boy had already driven the car over.

Qi Ji helped her get into the car.Folding the wheelchair and putting it in the trunk, when she sat in the driver's cab, she saw that she was looking at a certain place outside the car window, and she was already distracted.

"I'm going back to the company. I have a meeting in the afternoon. Where are you going? Are you going to the hospital or Qiyuan?"

He started the engine.

"I'm going to the hospital, I want to stay by Uncle's side!" Shi Tan turned his head and said.

"Okay, I'll let Mary stay and take care of you! I'll come and take you home after get off work."

"No, if you're busy, don't go around. At that time, I'll just ask Mary to take me back."

He took a fixed look at her, as if he wanted to make sure that she was emotional when she said this, and he nodded after a while and said:

"Alright, I might be busy today. There's still a lot to attend to!"

Shi Tan glanced at him again, faintly aware of the tiredness between his brows and eyes, but he didn't show it, he probably didn't sleep much last night, and he still has a lot of things to do today, but she can't help him with anything busy……

"Qi Ji..."

When he arrived at the hospital, Qi Ji made a call to ask Mary to come down to pick her up. While waiting, he made two calls.After finally waiting for him to finish answering the phone, she finally called him again.

He turned his head to look at her, saw her worried face, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder: "Uncle Luo will wake up. The doctor just called me, and the basic examinations have been done, and he is on an IV drip." , as long as the drugs in his body are diluted and excreted, Uncle Luo will be able to wake up. The consultation for Uncle Luo is the best medical team. They will do everything in their power to treat Uncle Luo..."

"Thank you!"

She said thanks again.Although I kind of hate his authoritarianism, I have to say that he always handles her troubles very well.

"You don't need to thank me. You just need to know that everything I do is for your own good."

He rubbed her hair, his eyes were deep and tender.

"I know you are good to me!"

"Oh, really?"

He suddenly smiled, and the smile deepened a bit:

"Then I want to ask you, who treats you better, Yichun or I..."

This question made Shi Tan's expression extremely unnatural: "That... that's different..."

The tone also stammered.

"is it?"

The next moment, he suddenly stopped laughing:

"If I gave you a chance to choose again, how would you choose?"

The clear and pleasant voice echoed in the car.

She was stunned.

Qi Ji didn't look at her anymore, but quietly stared straight ahead, leaned there, and said slowly:

"Eight years ago, before I married you, I met Yichun once, and confessed that I was that ugly boy in Baihai Bay. I comforted him, used him as bait to catch the murderer, and assured him that in the matter Until the truth comes out, I will not have a real relationship with you. I can give you a second chance to choose.

"It's a pity that a year later, he broke our agreement with his own hands. The attitude between you and him drove me beyond endurance. It made me do things that I regret.

"That year, all three of us did things we shouldn't have done.

"Now, his resurrection from the dead, I think this should be a big shock to you.

"Although you rarely mentioned him during these days, I know he still lives in your heart. Those nine years of companionship are not something I can erase if I want to. It stays alive in your life.

"I know that the first love when I was a teenager is the most profound. You succumbed to the status quo now only because you and I were trapped in marriage. Xiaobai became our bond.

"Shi Tan, if I release you from the shackles of marriage, give you back your freedom, and give you a chance to choose your future again, will you be willing to join hands with me for the rest of your life, or will you continue your relationship with Mu Yichun?"

It's a really annoying choice.

Shi Tan's face suddenly paled.

Hearing no answer, Qi Ji took over and saw the strange look on her face.He couldn't decipher the meaning behind her expression: was he shocked by his letting go, or was he angry at his letting go?
It should be the former, it could be the latter.

If she cares about him enough.

He doesn't guess.

A woman's heart, the needle under the sea, especially her heart, is harder to guess.

Or maybe he didn't dare to guess.

"You don't need to tell me the answer now. Think about it... I said on the honeymoon, I'll give you time, this time, too. You can have enough time to reconsider. For the time being, Xiaobai is this Put the problem aside. Only think about what you want most in your heart. Listen to your feelings and go. That's what your heart desires the most!"

After speaking, he got out of the car, first went to take out the wheelchair, and then opened the door for her.

During this process, she kept the same sitting position just now, until he picked her up, she turned to look at him, still didn't speak, and her face was still ugly.

A few seconds later, she was sitting in a wheelchair with the sound of a car door slamming in her ear.

When the wind hit, Shi Tan turned his head to look, he leaned there and quietly looked at her, silent.

At this moment, she felt that although the two were very close and pleasant, they were far apart—a boy named Mu Yichun stood in the middle of them, and there was a past called first love, which was like a moat They are separated from two worlds.

"OK, Qi, leave the person to me!"

Mary came down quickly.

Qi Ji exhorted a few words, glanced at Shi Tan lightly, and drove away.

"You two are a little weird, what's the matter? Quarrel?"

With just a wink, Mary found that the young couple seemed to be having a little trouble:
"Because Amin is still Mu Yichun?"

Shi Tan turned his head and sighed, this guy, is it necessary to be so accurate?It's so insecure.

She looked at her dully.

"I really got it right? Oh, My, god!"

Mary's expression was a little exaggerated.

Turning around, Shi Tan rolled her wheels forward, and Mary chased after her and stood in front of her:
"Annie, listen to me, Amin is not a problem. If she can really be a problem, you can't be his wife for eight years. This long time can prove one thing, Qi doesn't have that kind of heart for Amin. .But it's not illegal to have a crush. You can't stop her..."

"I know!"

Shi Tan nodded.She had thought of this early on.

"That's Mu Yichun's problem! Damn, I knew it would be bad to save that guy back!"

This character is too sensitive.

Mary hissed:

"Annie, listen, there's one thing you really have to figure out: you and Mu Yichun have passed. It's Qi who has been with you for the past eight years. It's also Qi that you care about now.

"Think about every bit of your life with Qi, you are so addicted to it that you can't extricate yourself, right? That's your life.

"Look, this is how your marriage should be.

"Don't interfere with your judgment because of Mu Yichun's death and resurrection.

"You have to consider this matter comprehensively: now, Qi is your husband and the father of your child, you are having a very beautiful family, and Mu Yichun has already become a passer-by... He is now a part of your life. Repeated scenery. You appreciate it, nostalgic, it's normal, but don't confuse the two.

"No matter how hard your first love is, it will disappear in the end. Don't be silly and nostalgic because of the past, and then lose the happiness in your hand..."

These few words, Mary said extremely serious, she asked her to seriously and deliberately consider this matter calmly.

Words and sentences reveal a deep sense of concern.

She wants her to be happy.

Shi Tan listened carefully, his bewildered heart seemed to have found a clear direction.

She seemed to have a feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun.

When the layers of clouds and haze dissipated and appeared in front of her eyes, what she wanted most urgently to grasp was the one she should be with in the future.

At that moment, she closed her eyes and felt the longing in her heart. At the end, a clear outline appeared in her mind: the ugly but sunny smile when she was young, the handsome and charming face when she grew up, and the self-confidence full of confidence. Demeanor... those memories he left to her have already covered her childhood sweet dreams...

Yes, the past is indeed gone, and the present is all she has in life.

"I know what choice I should make!"

Her eyes brightened, and she had a definite answer in her heart.

In fact, she has already made a choice.

It's just that she has been reluctant to face it.


Mary looked suspiciously.

You were still confused a moment ago, but is this moment completely clear?

"Of course!"

Shi Tan hit a smile in his heart, raised his chin, and his hair fluttered in the wind, revealing his own dazzling demeanor:

"Let's go, I want to see Uncle Luo again..."

Mary pushed her to the inpatient department:
"Mu Yichun should just be in the past, right..."

She wanted to be sure.

Shi Tan looked at the clear blue sky, two figures appeared there, Qi Ji and Xiao Bai were subconsciously laughing and playing, and they would be her future attachments.Leaving them, she will feel heartache and be at a loss...

Thinking of the sour taste she had when she saw him being hugged by another woman, now she clearly knows that she is jealous...

Because she has fallen in love with this man.

In the afternoon, Shi Tan sat in Uncle Luo's ward for a while, but Uncle Luo never woke up.

At 02:30, she went to Yichun's bedside to chat for a while, and the two of them talked about everything they had experienced in the eight years since their separation.

He talked about some things he encountered during his studies and work in France, and she talked about the trivial things about her changing departments and stepping on the road of criminal police step by step.

It's been so many years in the blink of an eye.Goodbye, they are no longer what they used to be.

Destiny has changed unknowingly.

"Have you had a good time at Li's house all these years?"

Just like an old friend reminiscing about the old, saying goodbye to the past, with a calm tone and reminiscence.

"Li Che's father, my adoptive father, passed away a year ago. As for the adoptive mother, she has always treated me as her own son and treated me very well! When I was in France, I lived with her. Wen Han, I have never seen a woman with more love than her..."

(End of this chapter)

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