卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 226 Counterattack, About the Biggest Chip

Chapter 226 Counterattack, About the Biggest Chip

When Yichun recalled the couple, his voice was very gentle and his face was full of smiles, but when he smiled, it became complicated again, and his eyes were a little uneasy when he looked at Shi Tan.

"what happened?"

Shi Tan didn't know how this emotional change came about.

His brows furrowed, and after a while he muttered:
"If it wasn't for my adoptive parents who put pressure on the Chao family, the Chao family wouldn't have used their brains to find me out, and what happened eight years ago wouldn't have happened.

"If none of this happened, you and I wouldn't be separated, and I think we could have graduated high school happily and went on to finish our college life with a major that you and I would both love.

"As a result, it was Li Che's physical organs that had deteriorated seriously, which prompted them to do everything they could, and finally put me in prison and forced you to marry another, and their son did not escape the disaster in the end, but it was in vain. I picked up such an identity. You say, are you a disaster or a blessing in disguise..."

This kind of contradictory feeling is really hard to explain clearly. The two sides of life are profoundly reflected in this matter.

Is it the so-called number of days in the dark?
Shi Tan curled his lips, feeling a thousand emotions in his heart, and said softly, "It's the Chao family that is doing the wrong. Without the terrible ambition of the Chao family, so many people would not have died."

"I'm gone too!"

Yichun continued silently: "All my sufferings and all my happiness are because they created me. After all the hardships, because of meeting you, I have added so much happiness, and also because of the indirectness of the Li family. As a pusher, I fell from heaven to hell, and because of the Li family, I returned to heaven from hell again, and I have my current success and fame..."

When he said the last four words, his mouth was full of bitterness.

Being successful and famous, it was hard to stay by her side.

But that's how fate evolved, and it doesn't give anyone a bargain.

Its giving will not give people the opportunity to refuse. Anyone can only bear it silently, and can only force himself to adapt to it.

"Yichun, just live. The past is gone. It is wise to grasp the present."

Shi Tan gave a bright smile to encourage him, and he didn't want him to be troubled by his past:

"No matter what your adoptive mother has done before, at least for the past eight years, she has truly become a mother for you. She has given you warmth to your family. All this is enough to offset their selfishness in wanting to use you to save their son. People need to be grateful. Stop pretending to hate. I believe you love your mother, right?"

She could feel such a strong love for her adoptive father and mother from his words, but this love is now a little dusty because of his memory recovery.

She didn't want him to complicate that affection.

There are not many eight years in life.The feeling of being able to love him wholeheartedly for eight years is enough to dispel all the resentment in his heart.

"Don't you hate it?"

Yi Chun stared at him and asked gently.

"The reason why our lives..."

"Shh, one cause has one effect. Letting go is more fun than holding grudges... I can really feel it now."

She raised a smile.

Yichun looked at her fixedly: "Compared with before, you have changed a lot!"

"Every one of us is changing."

She stroked her short hair and said, "I used to have long hair, but now I only like short hair. Yichun, I am no longer the childish Luo Shitan eight years ago. Although, I sold myself to Qi Ji married him, but it is undeniable that in the past eight years, he has changed me little by little. When I was not paying attention, he infiltrated my life and cultivated me step by step. …”

"You're in love with him, that's what you wanted to say to me!"

Yichun's mouth is full of bitterness, a fact that he has discovered as early as when he was researching the base.

That day, she desperately wanted to save Qi Ji, but she had the idea of ​​living and dying together with her.

And the reason why he wanted to close the valve was because he was afraid that they would not be able to reach the top, and the three of them would be buried in the explosion together.So, with an attitude of fulfillment, he ran to close the valve just to keep them alive.In this way, at least they can live a good life.

And he was not superfluous. He should have died in the fire at the cultivation base when he was five years old. It was a miracle that he could live for so many years.

He once said to himself that day: life is fortune, death is life.

He is not afraid of death.

"I know it's not too difficult to make you fall in love with Qi Ji. As long as you know that he is the eldest brother, your feelings for him will be awakened!"

He sighed softly and stroked the quilt:

"You have always had a special feeling for your eldest brother. This feeling has not disappeared because of his death 18 years ago. It has always been buried in your heart."


She lowered her head, not knowing how to answer.

It should be cruel to admit to loving another man in front of her.

After a long time, she said softly:
"I loved you!"

"It's just that you love him even more now!"

She was silent.

"I'm not surprised at all."

Yichun smiled lightly, helplessly but resigned:

"You don't have to be like this! People will grow up slowly, and people's feelings will gradually change. Even if I can't be your boyfriend or your man, at least I have been your childhood sweetheart! First love is the best Unforgettable, unfortunately most first loves fail. Because it is too fragile. But I will lose to Qi Ji, not because it is fragile, but because when we love each other, you have his presence in your heart. Now, you Just dig him out of your heart and officially become the most important person in your life..."

Tears flashed in his eye sockets.

"You are a good match, and your little white is also very good. Tan, you will be very happy to have such a man as your husband..."

He opened his arms:
"Come on, let me give you one last hug!"

Shi Tan glanced blankly, and finally rushed over and gently embraced the boy who grew up with her, but tears flowed inadvertently.

The first love is over, and her love has a new home.

At five o'clock in the evening, Shi Tan went to Qiyuan to pick up Xiaobai and returned to Qingfengyayuan. Along the way, Xiaobai chatted about what happened to him in Qiyuan today, and his face was full of happiness.Since he recognized his father, the child is getting happier every day.The interaction between father and son is very good.

During the time at home, Shi Tan likes to watch their father and son interact the most.

For example, in the early morning, the father and son would brush their teeth together in front of the washbasin. Both of them would brush their mouths full of white foam, then they would smile at each other, and then it would be a contest to see who can rinse their mouths faster and whose teeth were whiter.Although a little silly, but very loving.

For example, in the afternoon, the father and son were in the fencing room and bowed face to face. At this time, the father became his son's teacher, teaching him how to strike the sword and how to defend effectively.

For example, in the evening, the father and son take a bath and laugh at each other. After that, the father will hold his son and sit in the audio-visual room to watch a movie for a while, while she will sit on the side and read a little book. The ordinary life of a family of three , but it is a portrait of love.

For example, in the middle of the night, when the father finishes the work he has to do, he quietly goes to the children's room and tucks the quilt for the little one.

Sometimes the little baby will murmur: "Dad, it's time to sleep, I've already woken up..."

Many such moments constitute their family life, which is simple but full of life.

A home has been formed among them.

"Tanma, what are you laughing at?"

Xiaobai suddenly asked curiously.

Only then did Shi Tan realize that he had just smirked.


Shi Tan hugged his son and suddenly wanted to see that man very strongly.

Back at Qingfeng Yayuan, Shi Tan made a call to Qi Ji.The ringtone on the phone rang for a long time but no one answered.

Half an hour later, Qi Ji called back, and she exclaimed excitedly:

On the other end of the phone, came a cold voice: "I'm Angela!"

Just like when she poured a basin of cold water on her head, Shi Tan's whole body cooled down, she really didn't like Angela very much.

"Why are you? Next!"

"Qitui Amin went downstairs for a walk! I didn't bring my cell phone. If you have anything to say, wait a minute, I can tell them. But I won't bother them now."


Is this woman trying to piss her off on purpose?
She suppressed her emotions and didn't want to show anger, and said:
"No, thank you!"

She wanted to hang up, and Angela immediately added:
"Oh, by the way, let me tell you by the way: Qi doesn't go home for dinner at night. He will eat in the ward!"

Of course it was intentional, this woman was intentionally trying to hurt her.

"Thanks for reminding!"

"You're welcome!"

Angela's voice had a chuckle.There is a provocative taste there.

Shi Tan's mood was extremely corrupt.

At this time, a short message came in on the phone, and she casually took a look at it, and it was a photo: the photo of Qi Ji and Han Min.

In the photo, there are two young faces with bright smiles, the girl is dressed hot and red, and the boy has a cool face, cuddling together in the most intimate, seductive and natural posture, just like couple in love...

Looking at this situation, they should have been in love with each other, saying that they pretended to be boyfriend and girlfriend, that may be what he used to reassure her.

Shi Tan frowned more and more, and felt more uncomfortable the more he looked at it.

The phone rang again, but it was an unfamiliar number.

She took it hesitantly, but it was Angela again, and she said this as soon as she came up:
"Qi is a family-oriented man, Annie, your biggest bargaining chip is that you have Xiaobai..."

This is to tell her: Qi Ji chose her because of Xiaobai?

How funny!

Shi Tan gritted her teeth in anger. She had never met such a woman who loved to make people stumbling.

But, it would be bad if she was really desperate.

No, she won't be knocked down by her few words.

"you are wrong!"

She fought back in the calmest tone:

"My biggest bargaining chip is that I booked him 18 years ago. During the ten years I separated from him, he never gave up looking for me. When I forgot that he fell in love with someone else, he gave me The greatest tolerance, accompany me to grow up. That's enough.

"This photo is just history. And you are not in his history, and you don't know the truth of his history. Just relying on conjectures to provoke the relationship between our husband and wife, Angela, you really don't understand me and don't understand too much. our past...

"I won't tell Qi Ji about this today, because of Qi Ji, he regards you as family. I don't want him to be embarrassed or hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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