卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 227 In that year, she swore to be his woman

Chapter 227 That Year, She Swears To Be His Woman
"Angela, I want to advise you: don't ruin the deep friendship you forged in the flame group because of your selfishness.

"I think he prefers to get your blessings and approval, rather than to make trouble secretly.

"Today we have done all we have to say, and I hope we will see you again. Even if we can't achieve perfect harmony, at least it shouldn't be like fire and water... Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, without giving her any chance to speak, she hung up imposingly.

On the other side of the phone, Angela was stunned, her brows furrowed, she suddenly felt that this woman was not as easy to deal with as she thought, and the relationship between them was not as fragile as she thought.

Could it be that she was wrong?
to be continued!

"Angela, it's really not good to answer other people's phone calls casually! Qi doesn't like others touching his personal belongings. Especially private calls, he is very taboo, it's not that you don't know."

At the door of the ward, Jamie squinted, walked up, and retrieved Qi Ji's mobile phone - Qi's mobile phone has a fingerprint lock, but it does not need to be unlocked to answer.

Generally speaking, people around him, except for special authorization, such as Cheng Hang, will not answer his calls at will.But Angela, this person, often doesn't play cards according to common sense.

Angela squinted, raised her eyebrows proudly, and turned to leave.

"Who's calling?"

Jamie raised his phone and asked, blocking his way.

"Luo Shitan!"

Angela didn't intend to cover up, and her expression was magnanimous.She's the kind of person who dares to do things.

This is the cutest part of her character.

Jamie's eyebrows twitched immediately: "What did you say?"

"You sure don't want to know!"

Angela grinned and seemed a little proud, but her tone was very disapproving.


Jamie was very dissatisfied with her attitude and wanted to persuade her - Angela's approach might put the internal unity of the Flame Alliance at risk.This is something he doesn't want to see.


Angela's face sank suddenly:

"I know what you want to say? Don't worry about A-Mian, right? I'm sorry, I can't do it! I treat A-Min as my daughter! No mother will endure the injustice of her child. Treat it. Qi Ji owes Amin justice!"

She was always so righteous.The former boss was very troubled by her stinky temper.Only Sam can cure her, but unfortunately Sam is dead.Over the years, she has been somewhat restrained.It's just that now, her bad temper seems to be intensifying.

Jamie is a little hard to agree:

"So, you selfishly want to destroy everything Qi finally got?"

"If Luo Shitan is really as good as you said, don't worry, neither me nor Amin will become a hidden reef in their marriage! You don't have to worry about them there. A marriage that can stand up to the wind and rain is perfect. Reliable. Like your marriage to Mary. A marriage that breaks with one blow is definitely not worth his maintenance."

Abandoning this sentence, Angela walked out.

Jamie wanted to stop her, but Zhang Zhang, but still didn't call.

He stared at the phone for a while, then turned around and went out, took the elevator to the ground floor, and went straight to a flowerbed full of flowers.

At this moment, Qi Ji was leaning against a tree, staring quietly at the end of Xitian Hongxia, while Han Min, sitting in a wheelchair, covered with a purple blanket, was looking at Qi Ji deeply, his eyes were Touching, affectionate.

Jamie wanted to sigh.

Qi Ji, he has been with him for so many years, he is clear about how to be a person, he is definitely a talent with leadership skills.

As for what kind of woman Han Min is, over the years, he has gotten to know her somewhat.

Just looking at the appearance of the two, they are definitely right.

But what other people think doesn't make any sense.

Qi Ji's heart has always been on others.That is impossible.

Han Min's love is destined to be a tragic unrequited love, which has been shown naked and naked in the past eight years.

But Angela also encouraged her to pursue that almost impossible love.

It's crazy to want.

"You better call home. Angela just answered your call!"

Jamie threw the phone away.

Qi Ji's eyes flickered for a moment, and he grabbed the phone with ease, glanced at Han Min who was beside him with a deep expression, then turned around to unlock it, and sure enough, he saw that there was a call from Shi Tan that he had answered—— He was upstairs answering the phone just now. After finishing the work, Han Min said that he would come down to sit down. When he carried her into the wheelchair, he put the phone aside and forgot to take it.In just 10 minutes, Angela immediately started making small moves.It's hard to guard against a house thief.

He dialed the number, knowing that Han Min was watching from behind.He didn't care, anyway, he had to explain it to her, and he didn't want to have any misunderstandings, and he couldn't have any misunderstandings.

The phone went through quickly, but there was silence.

"Hello? Shi Tan! It's me!"

He stated softly.

There was finally a low voice in response:
"Well! I know. Who else can unlock this fingerprint lock except you."


"Did you just look for me?"


"Is something wrong?"

He read her voice carefully, trying to make sure her emotions were not affected.Angela is now like a dangerous person.

"It's okay, I just wanted to ask where are you now?"

Her voice was quieter.

"I'm in the hospital, Angela should have told you!"

"Yes! She told me that you and Han Min were walking!"

This is so profound.

"So to speak!" He didn't deny it.

"Oh! When will you go home then? I just got home, and Aunt Wen asked me what dishes I wanted the kitchen to prepare tonight. I just wanted to ask you if there is anything you want to eat? I'll get someone to prepare it for you!"

The topic changed a bit quickly, she seemed to want to ignore that fact, and finally added a sentence:
"Go home early, I have something to tell you!"

Qi Ji thought about it and looked at the sky: "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back to have dinner with you."

"Planning to eat at the hospital?"


He slowly walked over to the edge of the small bridge in the distance, increasing the distance between him and Han Min:

"I want to talk to Han Min. I have other things to do. I don't think I will be back before ten o'clock. You and Xiaobai go to bed early after eating. Don't wait for me! I will definitely be home late. Don't wait for me!"

Qingfeng Yayuan, Shi Tan thought for a while, although her mood became very bad because of Angela's phone and text messages, but now, because of his call, she has gradually calmed down.She understood what Qi Ji meant by making this call: to explain his whereabouts, to show that he had no selfish intentions.

If he hadn't cared, he wouldn't have made the call.

Mood, inexplicably improved a lot.

Men and women who are in love are so easily affected by their loved ones.

"Oh...Amin's current situation...is that right?"

At noon, he said that he would make it clear with Han Min, and it should be what he meant when he came to the evening.

"Well, long pain is worse than short pain. I don't want her to misunderstand any more!"

"Speak softly!"

she exhorted.Nothing else to say.

"I will!"

His voice was warm, completely different from the tone he had spoken to Angela at noon.

Mary said: Qi Ji treats all members of the flame group like his own family.Han Min had a life-saving grace with him, so he was kind to her.Now that Han Min has confessed his love for Qi Ji, his rejection of Han Min under such circumstances will undoubtedly be a serious grief for Han Min.

She was originally a proud woman, but she suddenly felt that after Han Min went through this incident, it was impossible for him to stay in the Flame Alliance, and it was estimated that Qi Ji would not keep her.They may part ways over this.

There is no such thing as a banquet in the world.

Qi Ji hung up the call button, glanced at the blue-gray sky, turned around, and returned to Han Min step by step.

A few steps apart, he stood still and watched.

Han Min's complexion is not very good. In the end, it was because of the operation that caused so much blood, and the two rosy lumps on her cheeks were missing, which made her look a little pitiful, not as hot and strong as before, but a little more. A woman's weakness.But he couldn't take pity on Xiangxiyu, whether it was before or now.His heart has never put her down.

"Are you in a hurry to go back?"

she asked softly.

"Not urgent."

"Are you going to continue the noon topic with me?"

Han Min had a bad omen, and his mood suddenly became very bad. He always felt that he would try his best to clear the relationship.

"Well, I can tell you everything you want to know about the past!"

She wanted to say: can I not listen?

Because she was a little afraid of the truth.

But she didn't flinch, she nodded.

Qi Ji dialed the phone and went out: "Hey, Zabuno, are you there... I'm here in the garden... Well, I see you... I'm here..."

He turned in one direction, facing south.

"Hi, Lao Qi!"

Thirty yards away from them, a tall man was rushing towards them, holding a bag in one hand and a bag in the other. After a few vertical steps, he came to them at a very sensitive and fast speed.

This is a very burly man, wearing a camouflage uniform, with a big smile, he came up and gave Qi Ji a big hug.It can be seen that they are very close and have a good relationship.

"This is Han Min."

After the greeting, Qi Ji introduced her to the man.

The man's eyes lit up inexplicably, with a shocked look on his face, he circled around her, exclaiming:

"God, you're still not dead! It's incredible... I always thought you were dead! This is so surprising! Quick, quick, tell me, how did you get away with it? ?"

While talking, he went up and hugged her in awe, looking very excited.

"Zabno, Han Min is injured!"

Seeing Han Min frown, Qi Ji couldn't help but remind him.

"Oh, sorry sorry!"

Zabuno let go: "I forgot for a while!"

Qi Ji quickly introduced the officer who was a little too enthusiastic:
"Han Min, this is Zabuno. He's ethnic. My comrade in military service."

"Hello there!"

Han Min reached out and shook hands with him, looked suspiciously, and asked:
"We, recognize?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you lost your memory."

"Yes! I lost my memory! Now I don't recognize you, and I have no impression at all!"

Han Min thought hard, but he couldn't find his face in his memory.

"When and where did we meet?" she asked.

"I was in Jacob more than ten years ago! It's really strange. Where did Lao Qi dig you out from?"

Zabuno asked again curiously, before waiting for an answer, he continued with emotion:
(End of this chapter)

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