卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 230 Chain, Intimate Photos

Chapter 230 Chain, Intimate Photos
Shi Tan swears that she has never said sweet words. This is the first time she has officially confessed to a man and expressed her feelings.

This time, she really figured out what she longed for the most.His face couldn't help heating up because of such a behavior that had never happened before.

She thought she would get a kiss, but after waiting for a long time, there was only a slight snoring.

Snoring, snoring...very rhythmic.

She looked up, a little dumbfounded.

This guy, asleep and fragrant, was completely unaware of what his wife had said to him.

Damn, why is she so weak?

How hard it is to confess once, and the person who was confessed actually slept into a pig, and he was so innocent that he would play with her.

She exhaled in a low voice, angry and helpless, she really wanted to wake him up...

In her memory, this man has always been strong, like an iron man. She has never seen his tired side, and his energy is always so strong. Today, he will sleep on the bed, which can only mean one thing, He is exhausted.

Of course, he is human, and everyone gets tired sometimes.

All the emotions, because of such a cognition, turned into an unspeakable distress.

Then, no more complaining.

Then, she leaned in gently and kissed him on the forehead.

Don't disturb him.

sleep well!
And she can take this opportunity to see him clearly: the eyebrows are so sharp, the nose is so handsome, the lips are so rosy, the line of the face is so beautiful, the skin is so elastic, the short hair is so silky and stylish... the sleeping face is so charming, The more you look at it, the more fascinated you are...

She couldn't help wanting to eat his tofu, and she finally did it: lightly smeared his lips, letting the smile show on her face.

After a few seconds, she closed her eyes and yawned.

She let herself snuggle closer to him, and let herself indulge in his embrace, that breath made her sleep peacefully...

In her dream, she felt herself floating up...

When Shi Tan woke up again, there was no one on the bed. Looking at the clock, it was ten o'clock. On the bedside table, Qi Ji wrote a note with a beautiful line of graffiti on it:

"I'm going to the company, and I won't go anywhere in the morning. Obediently rest at home. In the afternoon, ask Mary to take you to the hospital. I'll go too, I have to explain some situations to you. PS: By the way, bring Xiaobai with you. See you soon baby! Love you!"

At the bottom, I drew a sketch, what she looked like when she was sleeping, with a few simple strokes to outline her beautiful face and elegant curves.He also drew a lip print on her face.

Very very beautiful.

This person's talent for painting is really extraordinary...

She glanced at the eyeliner by the bedside, smiled at his manuscript, and felt extremely light...

Admitting that she fell in love with this man, her heart suddenly became very full, very happy, very unbelievably happy, like getting the whole world.

to be continued!

Shi Tan didn't listen to Qi Ji's words. She went to the hospital in the afternoon. She went to the hospital in the morning and took Xiaobai with her. She wanted to formally introduce Xiaobai to Uncle Luo, and she should also let Xiaobai meet Yichun.These two are the most important family members in her life.

The sky was fine, the wind was warm and cloudless, and the sun was shining. Shi Tan was pushed by Xiao Bai and Mary to the inpatient department of the special hospital.

I went to Uncle Luo's ward first, but there was no one in the room. After asking the nurse, I found out that Uncle Luo, accompanied by Jamie, went for a physical examination and needed hours of real-time data monitoring.No one is allowed except doctors and nurses.Jamie can only care outside.

Shi Tan found Jamie according to the direction instructed by the nurse, and happened to meet the doctor and came out of it.

Seeing the serious expression on the doctor's face, she greeted her and asked nervously:
"what happened?"

The doctor pondered for a while and said, "The medicine we injected into Mr. Luo's body was rejected. This morning, Mr. Luo developed symptoms of vomiting. It is not completely determined what caused it. Will there be other side effects? Further investigation. Now we can only make a temporary situation report after the results of this test come out. In short, Mr. Luo's physical condition is very complicated. "

When Shi Tan listened, he felt up and down for a while.

This Dr. Zhu in front of him is an authority in this hospital, and the authority is a little panicked, which is enough to show that Uncle Luo's situation is not good.

She didn't spend much time outside the medical room, and she couldn't do anything to help, with Jamie watching over her!
When it was almost lunch time, Shi Tan took Xiaobai to Yichun's room. Yichun was not there. The nurse said that Tang Nai, his assistant, went downstairs for a walk.

Yichun's condition is much better than yesterday. Yesterday, he couldn't sit still, but today, he can walk down the ground, and his whole body is refreshed.

The doctor suggested that from now on, the time spent in bed can be reduced and the time to walk around the ground can be increased to stimulate the body's own immune function to operate fully and quickly.

So, Shi Tan took Xiao Bai, escorted by Mary downstairs, and walked to the east side of the garden where the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant.

At that time, in the garden, there were twos and threes of patients walking under the shade of the trees by the artificial lake, or sitting together and talking in a low voice, or doing exercises with their hands and legs stretched out. Quiet, can hear the sweet birdsong...

Shi Tan saw Mu Yichun sitting on the bench with a coat on, leaning there, distracted by the graceful fountain in the artificial lake, and knew where his thoughts were going. now...

Behind him, stood a man in a suit and leather shoes. Yesterday, Shi Tan saw him once, and it was Yichun's assistant: Tang Nai.

"Mr. Li, Qi is too much!"

Tang Nai saw her, and spoke to the boss in front of her gently.

Mu Yichun turned his head to look, his cold and lonely eyes became soft and warm after meeting her. Then, his eyes wandered and slowly fell on Xiaobai, his expression changed little by little. It gets complicated little by little.


Shi Tan called out softly, and smiled and led Xiao Bai to the front:
"This is my son, Xiaobai. I think I should introduce you formally."

Mu Yichun stood up and smiled. They had met each other. On the Mingshan Mountain Road, before Qi Ji released a press conference, they came down from the mountain road. The child was held in the hands of his parents and happy. overflowing on his face.

"I know you, you are Aunt Qi Ying's fiancé!"

Xiaobai suddenly called out.

Mu Yichun's originally smiling face changed a few times, and he didn't know how to answer.Regarding Qi Ying, it is something that he has not yet dealt with.Sooner or later, she will come over.Sooner or later, he will have to face her.

Shi Tan felt his strangeness. Although he said he loved Qi Ying, she thought it was a lie he told deliberately to reassure her.

"Xiao Bai, his name is Mu Yichun, and he is my mother's... brother. In the future, you can call him uncle."

She corrected. After the word "brother" came out, whether it was Mu Yichun or Shi Tan, their bodies were shaken, their eyes met, and then they avoided each other.

What Mu Yichun had in his heart was bitterness, while Shi Tan felt a strange unfamiliarity—the person who had been attached to since childhood finally had a new positioning term, but his heart gradually calmed down.Such a title allows her to have both of them - one is her husband and the other is her brother.

Mary also heard it, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and it seemed that the situation became clear.

"But that's what my father introduced to me before!"

Xiaobai was very puzzled: "And at that time, you didn't correct Tan Ma?"

How should this be answered?
Shi Tan blinked a few times and pondered for a while:

"Well, it's like this. At that time, we didn't know each other. My uncle and I failed for many years, and my uncle lost his memory again, so we didn't recognize it right away. But now, my uncle remembers everything."

"Oh, like that! It's really a happy thing!"

Xiaobai rolled his big, flexible eyes.It doesn't matter if it's my uncle or uncle, what matters is that my mother is happy.
"Hello, uncle!"

Mu Yichun stared at him for a long time, unspeakably bitter:

"Well, Xiaobai is good, Xiaobai is really good."

He quickly regained his composure, and rubbed the child's short, shiny black hair:

"Xiao Bai, you must take good care of your mother in the future! Your mother, it's not easy!"

Regarding Xiaobai, they also mentioned something yesterday.Shi Tan didn't talk about it in detail, but he could hear that the child was not welcome at first.But in the end, she couldn't let go of her kind nature, or she gave birth to it, and because of this, she completely connected her life with another man's life.Xiaobai and Qi Ji are a trump card.

He felt that sometimes God can really take care of Qi Ji.

Without this child, maybe he still has hope.

"Of course I will take care of my mother, and so will my father. Dad said that we will still have a sister."

Xiaobai said slyly.

Without him, because he sensitively found that the relationship between this uncle and his mother seemed to be a bit unusual, so he deliberately kept the secrets of his parents very close.

In fact, it is indeed close. He believes that in the near future, he will be able to become a brother.It is said that the child's belt is the father and mother's button, and he hopes that another button will appear to make their home indestructible.

Xiaobai turned around in his mind several times, and then, Xiaobai burst into this sentence without being surprised:
"Uncle, do you like my mother? I look at you and look at my mother in the same way as my father looked at my mother. Uncle, since you are an uncle, please be my uncle for the rest of your life, but Don't think about robbing my father's wife. Although this can prove that my family's sandalwood is charming, it will cause hidden troubles in the family...I don't want my house to be smoked all over..."

Such sharp eyes and such an adult tone made Mu Yichun stunned.

Mary laughed in surprise.


Shi Tan was also dumbfounded.

Xiaobai stuck out his tongue: "Tanma, for the sake of family harmony, I think we have to position our roles well, so as to make our relationship more harmonious! Okay, talk to your uncle, I'll go over there to see, over there. It looks like there are fish..."

Run away in a flash.

Shi Tan hurriedly asked Mary to follow, and the two figures quickly left.

"Xiao Bai is precocious!"

Mu Yichun immediately came to a conclusion, this child is not like other children who only care about eating, drinking, and playing.He is concerned about family relations, and he is trying to make his home warm and happy.


Shi Tan nodded: "His IQ is higher than that of ordinary children, his thinking is more complicated, and he knew how to take care of me before. You can't imagine what it feels like to be taken care of by a child. He is enjoying the current family life. But I didn't expect that He would say something like this..."

"It's okay. It just shows that he is sensitive by nature, and his feelings are more delicate than any of us."

(End of this chapter)

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